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트럼프의 입, 리시 상원의원의 무서운 대북 경고

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작성자 진실한사람 작성일18-02-28 10:00 조회4,873회 댓글0건
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트럼프의 입, 리시 상원의원의 무서운 대북 경고




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turning to the north korea, the answer that I'm going to give is really quite easy to give altough the massage is pertty dire and that is that this is a really dangerous situation that we're facing right now on he korean peninsula.

I would argue that there is no former mass casualty standpoint, there is no more dangerous place on the planet than the korean peninsula right now.

this is all in the hands of and the mind of a single person and that of course is Kim jong un.

What he does what he decides to do is going to be decisive of how this matter resolves and it is not going to resolve well if he continues on the course that he is continuing on. The president of the US has said and he has committed to seen that Kim jong un is not able to marry together a delivery system with a nuclear weapon that can be delivered to the US.

he has said that very clearly, that is our president has said that very clearly and anyone who doubts the president's commitment to see that that doesn't happen does so really at their own peril.

the consequences of that are breathtaking when you think about this could happen there is no bloody nose policy senator shaheen and I drilled down with the administration on that and nobody knows where that came from it appeared no the national media, the administration says that they've never used the term, they've never considered that strategy there is no such thing and if you think about it, it absolutely makes sense if this thing starts, it's going to be probably one of the worst catastrophic events in the history of our civilizations, but it is going to be very very brief the end of it is going to see mass mass casualties the likes of which the planet has never seen, it will be a biblical proportions anyone who doubts that this president isn't committed to that I would suggest that they step back take a breath

listen to what he has said review the facts on the ground this president has at his fingertips, the ability to dispense what he has said he's going to dispense if the north korean regime Kim jong un continues down the path that he is going to he can, the president can do this quickly and as I said it it at his fingertips, I respect any opinion that any of you may have regarding what's happen, what should happen, where it's gong to go but please, please don't ignore the facts that are there.

I wouldn't, I'd be remiss if didn't china's role in this china has an absulutely critical role in this the north korean regime is not gonna listen to the US, probably not gonna listen to many, anyone else but except for the chinese. the chinese of course had a very good relationship with Kim jong un's father and grandfather, we all know that's not the situation today, but nonetheless because of the transfer of goods china has real control of this and could take control of this and they don't want this any more than we want this, they don't like this any more than we do but they have the ability to do something and much more I think than we do. let me say that in closing that we have other intelligence informations that we can't discuss here, but I can also tell you that there is nothing that is in that intelligence informations that in any way takes away from what I've just described for you.

so as dire as the message is I apologize for that, but those are the facts as we see them today and I'm gonna excuse myself very sorry thank you.


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