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작성자 지만원 작성일18-10-31 20:56 조회3,479회 댓글0건
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   문재인은 지금 적화통일 과업 수행 중   

         (10.27. ‘고든 창강의)


1. 문재인은 김정은이 고용한 북한 프락치

2. 한국을 적화통일로 끌고 가는 위험하기 그지없는 인물


3. 평양에 가서 대한민국 및태극기 부정(오로지 이재용만 태극기 부착)

 김정은은 우리인민문재인은 남측국민한국을 남쪽으로 호칭


4. 적화통일 돕기 위해 방어체계 일방 철거(탱크장벽, 관측소, 철조망. .)


5. 남한을 북한 김정은 체제로 개조 중


6. 한국만 파괴하는 것이 아니라 자유민주주의 전체를 파괴 하는 중 


7. 교과서를 통해 '지유민주주의'에서 자유삭제


8. 한반도에서 대한민국이 한반도 유일한 국가표현 삭제


9. 언론을 장악하여 반대파 숙청 중


10. 반대파들의 유일한 언로인 유튜브까지 제거하려 해


11. 비판자들에 대해 명예훼손 소송으로 재갈 물려


12. 친북 좌파들 동원 공포정치


13. 문재인의 공포정치 한국은 공포의 도가니


14. 과격한 군대 축소로 방어능력 상실


15. 문재인은 김정은에 나라 넘겨주기 위해 대통령 직 수행 중


16. 9.19남북군사합의문, 미국과 의논 없이 일 저질러


17. 폼페이오 강경화에 이를 지적하다가 분노가 폭발해 전화 끊고 화를 식힌 후 다시 전화


18. 문재인 참모들 대부분 주사파, 주사파 임종석은 모든 주요직책 주사파로 채워


19. 201710월 문재인의 3불정책, 미국 분노케 해.

 3불정책: 사드반대, 한미미사일체제 반대, 한미일 동맹체제 반대

 동맹국 배신행위:중국이 미국보다 중요하다, 중국이 싫어하는 한국방어용 무기는 배치 안 한다.


20. 문재인의 이런 반미행위는 미국더러 손을 떼고 나가라는 뜻, 하지만 미국은 미국의 이익 위한 절대로 한국 포기하면 안 돼



게시일: 2018. 10. 27.





Moon Jae-In Is Now Carrying out Mission to Make Communized Unification (A Speech by Gordon Chang, American Lawyer)


1. Moon Jae-In is a North Korean agent controlled by Kim Jong-Un. (Kim Jong-Un has included in his regime his sympathizer in the form of South Korean President).


2. Moon is very dangerous man who is driving South Korea to communized unification.


3. When Moon was in Pyong-yang, he downplayed South Korea and its flag (Only Lee Jae-Yong had flag-badge on the lapel).

Kim Jong-Un used the word 'our people or my people', but Moon Jae-In used 'South(side)' to mean South Korea and 'Southern side Citizen' to mean the people of South Korea.


4. Moon is taking down defensive system one-sidedly to help communized unification (tank traps/barriers, observation post and barbed wire fence).


5. Moon is making South Korea more compatible with Kim Jong-Un of North Korea.


6. Moon is now subverting his own country. He is also undermining the whole notion of liberal democracy.


7. Moon is trying to eliminate the concept of 'liberal' from the concept of liberal democracy from the textbook.


8. Moon excluded the phrase 'Republic of Korea is the only legitimate government on the Korean peninsula' from the textbook.


9. Moon is purging his opponents out of society by using the control of big broadcasts.


10. Moon is trying to take down YouTube video which is the only common venue of his opponents.


11. Moon is using a strategy of attack to opponents using criminal defamation charge against criticism to muzzle them.


12. Moon and pro-North Korean elements in South Korea are starting a reign of terror.


13. Because of Moon's reign of terror, South Koreas who does not share views with Moon are living in a melting pot of terror.


14. South Korea is becoming defenseless under attack of militant regime of North Korea. It's because Moon is doing substantial reduction in the size of South Korean Military.


15. Moon is utilizing his Presidency only to help Kim Jong-Un to take over South Korea.


16. The inter-Korean military pact last September was negotiated on site without consultation with US.


17. When Pompeio was talking with Kang Kyong-Wha about the military pact over phone, Pompeio was so upset that during the phone call he actually hung up, he cooled down, and then called her back again.


18. Most of Moon's assistants and staff are Jusapa (a pro-North communists' faction who are loyal to the communist Kim Il-Sung and believe in his ideology of self-reliance). Im Jong-Sok has filled all important positions with Jusapa leftists.


19. End of October last year, South Korean Foreign Minister issued a statement in conjunction with Chinese Foreign Minister to implement Three-NOs. Those Three-NOs were;

1) South Korea will not allow any more in-placement of American THAAD Missile defense system.

2) South Korea would not participate in any form of US missile defense system

3) South Korea would not join the tri-part alliance of Japan and US.


Moon is betraying the other part of the alliance, by which he is saying 1) China is more important to South Korea than the US

2) South Korea can not use a certain weapons because China gets angry


20. Maybe the purpose of this deliberate strategy on the part of South Korea is to make the US so upset that we (the US) walk away, to get America off the Korean peninsula. But America should not give up South Korea for the defense of not only South Korea but also the US, and for the benefit of the US.



2018.10.31. 지만원



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