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작성자 지만원 작성일18-11-02 21:12 조회3,407회 댓글0건
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                                   김성태에 경고한다   

5.18진상조사위 한국당 지분 3명을 추천하기 위해 형성된 ‘한국당추천위’는 7명으로 구성돼 있다. 이 7명은 지만원 등 3명에 대한 추천 방침을 일치된 견해로 유지해왔다. 그런데 김성태가 2018.10.31. 갑자기 원내대표의 권한을 마음대로 남용하여 이들과는 아무런 상의 없이 독단으로 “지만원 절대 불가”를 외쳤다. 이 문제는 다른 여타 문제와 다르다. 5.18실체규명을 방해하는 행위와 5.18을 옹호, 비호, 찬양, 고무, 은닉, 은폐 하는 행위등은 북한정권의 5.18 불법군사침공과 양민학살 전쟁범죄를 감추어주는 여적의 공범행위에 해당이 되어 중대한 국가반역범죄를 저지른 것이 된다. 
  특히 국회의원, 장관, 고위공직자, 판사, 검사, 경찰, 언론방송인 등이 위와 같이 5.18의 실체규명을 방해하거나 5.18을 옹호, 비호 하는 행위등은 형법 제93조 여적의 범죄에 해당이 되는 매우 중대한 국가반역죄를 저지른 법리가 성립이 된다. 따라서 이후 머지않아 주사파 반역정권이 파멸되고 강력한 애국정권이 들어서고나서 대여적재판이 열리면 그동안 위 해당자들의 모든 공적행위들이 채증되어 여적의 증거로서 입증이 되면 재판결과 선고후 즉각 사형에 처해지게 되는 것이다. 

그러므로 모든 공직자들, 특히 국회의원, 고위공직자, 판사, 검사들과 언론방송인들은 5.18에 관한한 멀리 거리를 유지하는 것이 이후 사형장에서 형장의 이슬로 사라지게되는 비참한 최후를 맞게되는 일을 막고 생명을 온전히 보존하여 자식들을 매국노 역적의 자식들이 되지 않게하는 현명한 처세가 될 것이다. 

국회의원으로서 5.18을 옹호, 비호하는 법안을 발의하거나, 5.18의 실체규명을 방해하는 등의 행위를 하면 즉각 그 행위들과 모든 공적결정과 언어들이 채증이 되어 이후 여적재판에 회부될 것이다. 5.18을 옹호, 비호하는 판,검사들의 결정문과, 언론방송인들의 기사들 역시 모두 여적의 증거로 채증이 된다. 일단 대여적재판이 개시되면 이들의 국가반역 여적죄가 그 채증된 증거로서 입증이 되어 사형을 면치못하게 되는 것이 5.18여적에, 결정과 행위, 언어로서 가담한 모든 공직자들의 피할수 없는 운명이 된다. 이것은 대한민국에 머지않아 앞으로 일어날 종북반역세력 대척결의 피바람의 서곡이 될 것이다.

 A Warning to Kim Sung-Tae


The Liberty Korea Party recommendation committee, which were formed to recommend three persons for the May 18th Fact-Finding Committee member of the Party's share, is composed of seven of the Party members. Up to now, the seven members have been maintaining their unanimous decision to recommend all the three persons including Jee Man-Won. On October 31, 2018, however Kim Sung-Tae made a sudden arbitrary decision, by abusing his official authority of the Party's Representative Director, to exclude Jee Man-Won without any consultation with the seven members, and shouted, "Jee Man-Won is never acceptable". The importance of this matter is much greater than the others. Any action obstructing the May 18th fact-finding investigation or any activity vindicating, protecting, praising, encouraging, concealing or covering up the May 18th constitutes the crime of complicity in a collaboration with the enemy, which is to aim at covering up North Korean regime's illegal military invasion into the May 18th and their slaughtering of innocent people. Thereby it constitutes the grave crime of high treason.


Especially when any National Assembly Member, high-rank official, judge, prosecutor, police officer, journalist of broadcaster takes an action to obstruct fact-finding investigation of the May 18th or to vindicate, to protect the May 18th, then it will effectuate the judiciary theory that regards it as having committed a grave high treason of collaboration with the enemy that comes under the Criminal Law Article 93. In this regards, when the treasonous Jusapa (a pro-North political faction who are loyal to the communist Kim Il-Sung and believe in his ideology of self-reliance) regime collapse before long, and patriotic strong government return to power and the trial on the crime of collaboration is held, then all the actions and activities of the criminals responsible to above are collected as evidences and submitted to the court, and once proven as legal proof, then they all will be sentenced to death, and will be executed at once.


Therefore, for all the officials, especially for National Assembly Members, high-rank officials, judges, prosecutors, journalists and broadcasters, it will be an wise way to get on the world to stay away from the May 18th as far as possible. By doing so, they will be able to avoid facing a tragic end of being executed on a scaffold on death ground, can preserve their lives intact, and can prevent their sons and daughters from being called offspring of betrayers or traitors.


If any National Assembly Member initiate a bill aiming at vindicating or protecting the May 18th, or do any action to obstruct the May 18th fact-finding investigation, etc., then all the relevant actions, official decisions, words or writings are to be collected as evidences, and will be submitted to crime of collaboration trial in the court. Judges' decisions and prosecutors' address which are vindicating or protecting the May 18th, journalists' articles and broadcasters' announcements, all are to be collected as evidences of crime of collaboration. Once the trial on the crime of collaboration begin, their high treason of collaboration with the enemy will be proved by all the evidences collected during the time, and they will not be able to escape from being punished by execution. This is an unavoidable fate of all the officials who took part in the May 18th crime of collaboration with their actions, decisions, words and writings. This will be the prelude of bloodshedding liquidation of pro-North treasonous groups, which will be occurring in South Korea before long.


2018.11.2. 지만원  


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