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영문판 뚝섬무지개 표지

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작성자 지만원 작성일18-11-30 17:14 조회2,926회 댓글0건
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               영문판 뚝섬무지개 표지(2중 택일)  


사본 -표지1.jpg



사본 -표지2.jpg


 앞 표지 글                                                                            

An epic tale of life that is more fascinating than a movie

Life exists to draw a beautiful picture

So felt lonely and challenged solitarily

Life is not an inertial-being but a creature of self-denial

영화보다 더 영화 같은 인생 서사시

인생은 아름다운 그림을 그리기 위해 존재하는 것

그래서 외롭게 생각하고 외롭게 도전했다

인생은 구르는 존재가 아니라 극기로 조형되는 창조물이다


 뒤 표지 글 

Beautiful books, films and even blowing leaves

encountered at an impressionable age were 

great teachers of wisdom 

The world top-notch teachers are in the books

감수성이 예민했던 나이에 접했던 아름다운 책, 영화,

흔들리는 풀잎 모두가 나의 교사였다

이 세상에서 가장 훌륭한 교사는 책 속에 있었다



A few years ago I first encountered the name Dr Jee

Man Won in a book list catalogue, sent by one of the

publishers in South Korea. It was a part of my job to select

the books for the Korean collections in a UK institute

where I used to work. I have lived abroad for several

decades, so was not familiar with the recent situation in

South Korea and the events which have taken place since

I left the country. Neither had I heard of Dr Jee Man Won.

Then, I learned that he had been the leading figure in

the mainstream conservatism in that country for the last

twenty-five years or so.


Some of his works caught my eyes and I decided to find

out more about him as a person and visited 'Systemclub'

which was run by his thinktank body. Whilst reading his

life story, in the profile section I was totally fascinated,

and I thought that it merited translation. It is one of the

most compelling and intriguing personal stories I’ve

come across. I’ve read many biographies of people

from all round but Dr Jee’s phenomenal and essentially

educational in vast subjects that cover not only military,

but science, economy, mathematics, literature, English,

history, politics, law etc. It is very rare that an individual

like Dr Jee has such a profound comprehension of every

facet of mankind. This is evident from his empathy with his

fellow man and an innate understanding of human nature.

Regretfully, like Dr Jee our old generation were

unfortunate, to have experienced life during the Korean

war years. The life we went through was hard and

miserable, economically, socially and politically but

many people achieved something in their lives despite

the difficult circumstances. Nevertheless, Dr Jee is

exceptional as he impacted on humanity in such a selfless

way. I truly found that he was a very credible man who

was so consistent in every aspect of his work. Whilst he

maintained a sense of humour throughout, has focussed

on what he truly believed to be the right path an absolute

man of integrity.


Therefore, I personally conclude that Dr Jee deserves

more recognition for his work than the Korean society

acknowledges portraying him simply as ‘just an ultra farrightist’.

In fact, the whole nation is indebted to him for his

sacrifices especially for his patriotic stance. He particularly

merits recognition for uncovering the truth about 5.18

that it was not a result of a civil democratic movement but

sabotage by North Korea. What more evidence is needed?

The crucial point is that it has been proven by Dr Jee’s 16

year long research. His methods are scientifically driven,

and a wealth of factual data has been amassed. He also

has vast academic knowledge, experience and practises

gleaned from the time he was working for the Korean CIA.

Despite Koreans being generally accepted as having the

highest IQs in the world table, ironically, the truth of 5.18

is not fully comprehended in the complexities as there

are many anomalies and unanswered questions to it is

regarded as ‘a democratic civil movement’.


However, whatever views one has being Uppal (right

wing), Chwappal (left wing) or centre ground, Koreans

acknowledge Dr Jee’s utmost dedication to the task, with

the national interest uppermost in his mind at all times.

I close ‘Opening’ herewith a humble poem of mine.


JEE Man Won


Jeez, the dude who never ceases to amaze anyone in a

variety of dimensions


Elite, exuberant individual, at times, richly sentimental

Eagle eye that focusses, aims in an untiring pursuit of



Masterpiece, the rare breed that steers the world gravity

A man of intuition and integrity with charisma that shouldn’t



No subjects are beyond his ken but the universe is too



Winner of all, the time will tell timelessly

On guard in a lonely fort with watchful eyes unflinching

Napoleon, the Korean so formidable as the will and moral

courage of mankind


YC Kang, Translator




Author's Message

1. Poverty and romance 19

2. The Korea Military Academy 51

3. Fledgling 93

4. Vietnam war 1st call 113

5. Chōng, In-suk and my wedding 167

6. Vietnam war 2nd call 179

7. Post-Vietnam, back in Korea 233

8. The Naval Postgraduate School, USA 239

9. National Defence Research Centre 279

10. Post Army years 307

11. Epilogue 318


12. Uncovering the Dark Veil of

 the May 18th Gwangju Riot 322


2018.11.30. 지만원



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