광주판사김성흠: “청주유골430구는 공동묘지들에서 모은 것” > 최근글

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광주판사김성흠: “청주유골430구는 공동묘지들에서 모은 것”

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작성자 지만원 작성일18-12-13 21:48 조회3,411회 댓글0건
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   광주판사김성흠: “청주유골430구는 공동묘지들에서 모은 것


                    김성흠 판사의 판결


흥덕경찰서가 광주유골이 아니라 했고, “전남대 법의학 교실소속 박종대”(교수라는 표현 없음)도 광주 유골이 아니라 했다따라서청주유골이 북한군 유골이라는 지만원의 주장은 허위다. 허위사실을 근거로 한 북한군 개입설은 당연히 허위다.”


           지만원의 방어


 2015.9.9.‘Dailymedi’ 기사입니다.



청주시 체육과와 흥덕경찰은 무연고 유골 모두가 화장됐다고 밝혔다. 위 신문자료를 보면 2014. 청주를 포함한 충청북도 전체의 화장터에서 무연고 유골을 처리한 건수는 불과 18건이다. 이에 더해 조달청은 2014 2015.에 청주유골 430구를 화장하기 위한 입찰공고를 낸 바 없다. 이 엄연한 사실을 흥덕경찰의 말과 전남대 법의학 교실에 근무한다는 신원 미상의 박종대의 말 한마디로 묻을 수는 없다.


청주유골 사건은 내가 연구과정에서 청주유골의 여러 가지 특징 점들을 연구하여 합리적 의혹을 제기한 것이지 청주유골이 북한유골이라고 단정한 적이 없다. 나는 청주유골에 터를 잡아 북한군이 개입했다는 결론을 내린 바 없다. 2014.10.에 내놓은 연구서 “5.18분석최종보고서는 북한군 600명 개입을 단정하였다. 이 책의 그 어디에 청주유골이 기재돼 있는가? 청주유골은 북한군 600명 개입에 대한 신뢰를 더해주는 방증자료는 될 수 있어도 600명 개입을 증명하는 증거로는 채택된 것이 아니다.


Gwangju Judge Kim Sung-Hum: “430 Remains of Chongju Were Collected from Common Burial Grounds


Judge Kim Sung-Hum‘s Decision


HeongDok Police Station said that those are not the remains from Gwangju, and Park Jong-Dea (no description of the title of professor) in forensic laboratory of JunNam University also said that those are not the remains from Gwangju. Accordingly, Jee Man-Won‘s contention that the Chongju remains are North Korean troops’ remains is a fake. His theory of “North Korean troop’ intervention” based on this fake is a fake as a matter of course.


Jee Man-Won‘s Defense


Please refer to the news report of ‘Daily Medi’ on September 9, 2015.


Department of Athletics of Chongju city and HeongDok police station said that all the remains of no relatives had been cremated. According to the data shown on the newspaper, the number of cremation treatment of remains of no relatives in every crematoria in ChoongBuk province including Chongju city reached only 18. In addition to it, the Public Procurement Service had never made any notice of tender for cremation of the 430 remains in the year 2014 and 2015. This grave fact can not be buried by one word spoken by HeongDok police station and unidentified man of Park Jong-Dae who are said to be working in forensic laboratory of JonNam University.


Chongju remains incident is a matter on which I raised reasonable question after I made research on various distinctive peculiarities of the remains in the course of my research, but I have never decided that the remains of Chongju are North Korean troops‘ remains. I have never made a conclusion on the ground of the 430 Chongju remains that North Korean troops intervened in the May 18th. But in the book of “Final Analysis Report on the May 18th” which I issued in October, 2014, I made a definite conclusion that 600 North Korean troops had intervened. Where on any page does this book has a record of Chongju remains? The Chongju remains can be a circumstantial evidence which can add credibility to the fact of 600 North Korean troops‘ intervention, but I had not adopted it as an evidence to prove the 600 troops’ intervention.

2018.12.13. 지만원



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