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영문판 뚝섬무지개 발행 완료

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-01-06 14:09 조회2,819회 댓글0건
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            영문판 뚝섬무지개 발행 완료


이 책은 문학책에 가깝습니다. 영화의 대본처럼 짧은 문장으로 쓰였고, 셰익스피어의 고장 영국의 향이 묻어나는 표현으로 쓰였습니다. 내용이 재미 있어서 영어를 공부하는 아이들이 공부하는 수단으로 사용하기에 적합할 것입니다. 해외에 계시는 동포들은 이 책을 영향력 있는 인사들에 전달되게 해주시고, 괜찮은 출판사들에 그 출판사 버전으로 출판할 수 있게 도와주시면, 참으로 감사하겠습니다. 이 책을 미국의 조야에 읽히게 하는 것이 애국의 중요한 한 방법이 될 것입니다. 책 뒷 부분에 5.18진실이 잘 요약돼 있습니다.   

교보문고, 알라딘에서는 1월 8일부터, 02-595-2563에서는 1월 7일부터 주문가능합니다 


English Version of ‘The Rainbow on Dike Island’. Now in Publication


This book is rather close to literary book. It is written in short sentences like film scripts, and is written with the expression that has the literary flavor of England, home of William Shakespeare. As it has interesting stories in it, so it will be a good material for student, who study English, to use as useful means for their study. I would appreciate it very much if overseas residents of our fellow countrymen take measures so that this book can be delivered to influential figures there, and also help some proper publishers to publish it in the publisher’s version. Introducing this book to important figures both in and out of the American Government and make them read it will be one of the important deed of practicing patriotism. In the rear part of the book is well summarized the truth of the May 18th incident.


Ordering available from Kyobo bookstore or Aladin from January 8th, and also available through phone 02-595-2563 from January 7th. Thank you.



                         To the Readers 


Life isn’t fair as we know. Some people are lucky to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. In contrast, unfortunately, many are destined to have a hard life from the start. In either group, the common goal of most people is chasing, hard-heartedly, after the worldly desires for being big, powerful and rich throughout their life span. However, in the latter group, when their young life is hard, many people easily give up, and don’t know how to overcome their adversity, whether their dream was quashed in an early stage or never assembled from the beginning. But one can lead a full and fruitful life by yielding good practices despite the difficult circumstances that will engrave many others hearts beautifully. 


However well one has done, in the end it isn’t enough and one simply withers away lonely, as no-one, even so called loyal, close friends or allies cares. One wanted to be someone with their wealth and fame, but people see the person as a simple past. I’d definitely quote the Bible for this, ‘Enter by the narrow gate. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it’. We mortals, whichever gate, one has to choose either the wide one or the narrow to enter. It is also, the essence of existential philosophy that each of us makes our own bed, then lies in it, and no-one can be replaced with, in that bed. Again, most people look for an easy option, the wide gate which is tempting and looks sweet, grandeur and promising in façade. This usually requires ones’ own way to gain at others expense, as there is nothing such as free which is stained with the rest of one’s life. Then, one has to pay the heavy price for the consequences when you lie in the bed you made. 


I firmly believe that I chose the narrow gate throughout my life as an independent man. It was such a hard path in poverty, constant struggle and pain and loneliness, but, looking back it was a beautiful and glorious one with the prize of freedom. Life should be built solidly but gradually which I again, believe I have done. Sadly, because of my choice of living, I have been brought to hundreds of court cases which have come and gone. This might be the world record, I reckon. But I am not ashamed of myself because I have lived full of dignity. Above all of these, I am profoundly happy and ready to balance my life with the Almighty when the final curtain is drawn. 


In my mid-seventies, I still commute on the subway. It is very interesting to see all types of fellow commuters, especially the old folks. Some look rough and that puts people off, or some look graceful and approachable. I do not wish to age uglily but gracefully which should exude pride and respect in aging. I heard that many young men in their thirties expressed that their life would’ve been quite different in a positive way if they had come across my stories earlier. Whatever, however, my life is portrayed, I will be honoured if this book can be an aid in guiding anyone who feels a lack of hope and doesn’t know how to lead their own life, or someone who finds it interesting and shares comfort and nostalgia reflecting on their own life experiences. ‘MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT!’



2019.1.6. 지만 



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지만원의 시스템클럽 | 대표자 : 지만원 | Tel : 02-595-2563 | Fax : 02-595-2594
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