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5.18진실이 중요한 이유

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-01-27 22:27 조회2,821회 댓글0건
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    5.18진실이 중요한 이유


1) 주사파정부의 전략: ‘이승만-박정희-전두환은 반민족 범죄자이고 이 땅의 정의는 오로지 5.18민주화운동이다. 따라서 5.18 세력만이 자랑스런 민족의 정통성을 지니고 있기 때문에 이 나라는 5.18정신과 5.18세력이 통치해야 한다는 것입니다.


2) 5.18 마패가 헌법과 대통령 위에 군림: 이미 한국사회는 5.18이 지배계급으로 등극해 있고, 기타국민은 피지배 계급으로 전락해 있습니다. 5.18세력이 권력을 장악했고, 공포정치를 하며, 5.18에 대해서는 이견의 표현할 수 없도록 물리적-법적 폭력을 행사합니다. 이 나라는 사실상 ‘5.18공화국이 돼 있습니다.


3) 5.18세력이 남-북 모두에서 동시에 정권 장악: 문재인은 취임하자마자 5.18정신을 헌법전문에 넣겠다고 선포함과 동시에 국방부에 5.18특별조사위원회를 설치하여 전두환에 뒤집어씌울 근거를 마련하라고 지시했습니다. 그것이 실패되자 다시 ‘5.18진상규명법을 제정했습니다. 5.18정신이 헌법전문을 차지하는 그 순간 이 나라는 정식으로 '5.18공화국'으로 탈바꿈하게 됩니다. 북한에서 권력을 잡은 세력도 5.18광수 세력, 남한에서 정권을 잡은 세력도 5.18수호세력, 5.18이 남북을 잇는 가교인 것입니다. 곧 적화통일인 것입니다



The Reason Why May 18th Truth Is Important


1) Joosapa Regime’s Strategy : Former Presidents of Lee Seong-Man, Park Jong-Hee and Jon Doo-Hwan should be defined as anti-national traitors, and the rightfulness and justice of this country can only be found in the May 18th pro-democracy movement. Therefore, because only the May 18th power maintains proud legitimacy of Korean people, so this country should be ruled by the May 18th spirit and its power.


2) The Old High Prestige Horse Medal of the May 18th Reigns Over the Constitution and President : In Korean society, the May 18th power has already ascended to the ruling class, and the other people are degraded into the ruled class. The May 18th power has seized political power, and is wielding physical and legal violence to prevent anyone from expressing different view about the May 18th. This country has already become ‘Republic of the May 18th’ in effect.



3) The May 18th Power Has Come to Political Power Both South and North Simultaneously : Soon after his inauguration, Moon Jae-In declared that he would put the May 18th spirit in the preamble of the Constitution. At the same time, he set up the May 18th special investigation committee in the Ministry of Defense and instructed it to collect/prepare some grounds with which they can charge Jon Doo-Hwan. When it ended in failure, he helped to legislate ‘the May 18th truth-finding law’. The moment when the May 18th spirit occupy preamble of the Constitution, this country will be officially transformed into ‘Republic of the May 18th’. The group who holds political power in North Korea is also the May 18th Gwangsoo power, and the group who took to political power in South Korea is also the May 18th protecting power, -- the May 18th is a bridge that links the South and the North together. That is, all this means communized unification.



2019.1.27. 지만원   




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