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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-16 09:24 조회5,768회 댓글0건
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      내가 풀지 못한 5.18문제 하나


5.18이 민주화운동으로 정의되면 광주는 ''이 되고 계엄군은 ''이 됩니다. 하지만 계엄군도 국민의 아들입니다. 애국가를 부르며 국가를 지키는 귀한 전사들인 것입니다. 광주의 자식은 천사가 낳은 자식이고, 계엄군은 악귀가 낳은 자식이라는 말입니까? 광주 폭동의 내용을 보면 오히려 폭도가 ''이고 계엄군이 ''입니다. 광주는 북한군을 거론했다는 이유로 방송국들을 공격했고, 법정 복도 등에서 지만원을 집단폭행했습니다. 이 사실만 보아도 광주는 악입니다.


광주 사망자 154명 중 80% 이상이 계엄군 없는 데서 사망했고, 총상 사망자의 75% 이상이 폭도의 총에 사망했습니다. 행군중인 정규사단을 습격한 행위, 교도소를 공격한 행위, 불과 4시간 만에 44개 무기고를 털어 계엄군에 총질한 행위, TNT2,100발의 폭탄을 조립해놓고 광주시를 제2의 히로시마로 날리려 했던 행위 등 폭도가 저지른 행위들은 광주의 영원한 불명예입니다. 지만원은 이런 행위를 북한이 저질렀다고 했습니다. 그러면 지만원은 광주의 불명예를 씻어준 사람이 아닙니까? 광주도 계엄군도 다 같이 북한군의 피해자가 되는 것이 아닙니까? 지만원은 광주와 계엄군 모두의 명예를 회복시켜준 사람입니다.


제게는 18년 동안 5.18을 연구하면서 풀지 못하는 문제가 오로지 하나 있습니다. 광주는 어째서 광주의 피해가 반드시 계엄군에 의해 발생했다고 해야 좋아하고, 북한에 의해 발생했다고 하면 사납게 공격하는 것인가를 알지 못합니다. 이 세상 논리로는 해석이 안됩니다. 광주가 북한과 한편이 아니고서는 도저히 이해할 수 없는 불가사의가 아닐 수 없는 것입니다. 결론적으로 북한과 한 편이 된 광주는 우리의 적입니다. 5.18은 좌익과 우익의 총력전입니다. 여기에서 패하면 적화됩니다. 좌익의 성지가 광주인 것을 모르는 사람은 없겠지요?


우리 육사 동기생들도 전라도 출신들은 스스로 고립을 자초합니다. 목사님들 모임, 장로님들 모임에서도 5.18 말만 나오면 자기들끼리 눈빛 주고 받으며 썰물처럼 자리를 뜬다 합니다. 전라도 사람들이 5.18에 대해 이런 식의 집단행동을 보이기 때문에 전라도 전체가 타 지역 국민들로부터 멸시받는 것입니다.


One Problem of the May 18th That I Was Not Able to Solve


If the May 18th is defined as pro-democracy movement, Gwangju will become ‘the good’ and the martial law troops will become ‘the evil’. The martial law troops, however, were also sons of the nation. They were precious warriors who were defending the country singing national anthem. Are you saying that sons of Gwangju were born from angels and martial law troops were the sons born from devils? When you look into the contents of Gwangju riot, you will find the opposite that the rioters were ‘the devils’ and the martial law troops were ‘the good’. Gwangju people attacked TV broadcasts on the reason that they mentioned North Korean troops, and also used mob violence to Jee Man-Won in the corridor of the court, etc. If you see only this fact, you can easily understand that Gwangju is the evil.


Among the 154 individuals killed in Gwangju, more than 80 percent were killed in the places where martial law troops were not there, and more than 75 percent of those killed from bullet wound were shot dead by rioters‘ guns. All the acts perpetrated by rioters such as the act of having raided regular Division in maneuvering, the act of having attacked Gwangju prison, the act of having raided 44 ordnance stores in just four hours and opened fire to martial law troops, the act of having assembled 2,100 rounds of TNT explosives to blow off Gwangju city like 2nd Hiroshima, -- all these acts are eternal disgraces of Gwangju. Jee Man-Won contended that all these acts were perpetrated by North Korean troops. Then, isn’t Jee Man-Won a man who blotted out all the disgraces of Gwangju? Haven‘t Gwangju and martial law troops altogether turned to victims of North Korean troops, have they? Jee Man-Won is a man who retrieved honors of both Gwangju and martial law troops.


There still remains one problem which I was unable to solve during the 18 years of my research on the May 18th. I still don‘t understand why Gwangju people like others to say that the damages of Gwangju were incurred by martial law troops, and why Gwangju people brutally attack others when they say the damages were incurred by North Korean troops. It is imposible to interprete it with the logic of this world. It can not be anything but a mystery which we are absolutely unable to understand if Gwangju and North KOrea are not one of the same party. In conclusion, as Gwangju has become one of North Korea, it is now our enemy. This battle on the May 18th is an all-out war between leftists and rightists. If we lose it, our country will be communized. There would be no one who doesn’t know that the sanctuary of leftists is Gwangju, wouldn’t there?


Among my classmate graduates from Military Academy, those from Jeolla province brings isolation on themselves. It is said that even in the gathering of ministers of church elders, they used to leave their seats like an ebbing tide exchanging their own eyelooks between themselves whenever the May 18th became the subject of conversation. It is because Jeolla province people shows this kind of group acts about the May 18th that the whole Jeolla province people are held in contempt by other province people.


2019.2.16. 지만원




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