국방부 "5·18 북한군 개입설 확인되지 않은 사안“ > 최근글

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국방부 "5·18 북한군 개입설 확인되지 않은 사안“

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-27 07:27 조회3,549회 댓글0건
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     국방부 "5·18 북한군 개입설 확인되지 않은 사안


위는 지난 212일 조선일보가 보도한 기사 제목이다. “북한군 개입사안에 대해 국방부의 공식입장은 확인되지 않은 사안이라는 것이다. 이를 놓고 정홍원과 황교안은 2013.6. 북한군 개입 주장은 정부의 공식 판단과 어긋난다며 강력히 처벌할 것이라 협박을 했다. 모든 언론들은 북한군개입 사실은 전혀 없었다는 것이 국방부의 공식입장이라고 몰아갔다. 언론들이 허위사실들을 가지고 지만원을 모략한 것이다. “확인되지 않았다는 말과 확인한 결과 북한군 개입은 없었다는 말과의 차이는 하늘과 땅 차이다. “북한군 개입이라는 이슈를 탄생시킨 사람은 오로지 지만원 한 사람 뿐이었고, 600명 주도 사실에는 2014.10.에 지만원이 발간한 “5.18분석 최종보고서에 의해 비로소 종지부가 찍혔다.


좌익들은 이제까지 8회에 걸쳐 5.18에 대한 진상규명작업이 있었지만 북한군 개입은 부정돼 왔다고 공갈을 치지만 8회를 했든 800회를 했든 그 모두의 규명범위에는 북한군이라는 세 글자가 있어 본 적이 없다. 역사상 북한군규명범위에 들어간 것은 이번이 처음이다. 2018.2.28.에 통과된 “5.18진상규명법”,  이 법의 제3조 규명범위6항에 북한군이라는 세 글자가 역사상 처음으로 들어 간 것이다. 처음 들어가게 된 데에는 여야 국방분과 의원들 그리고 공청회에서 주도적인 역할을 한 5월단체 간부들에 의한 그야말로 만장일치의 합의가 있었다. “이후의 분열을 잠재우고 국군의 명예를 살려주고 국민 모두에 승복력 있는 조사를 하기 위해서는 북한군문제를 확실하게 짚고 넘어가자"며 호기까지 부렸다

그런데 막상 지만원이 규명위원으로 들어가려 하자 북한군 개입은 신성한 5.18정신을 훼손하고 헌법을 유린하는 행위라며 문재인까지 들고 일어나 반란을 하는 것이다. 한국당은 제36항에 북한군 개입여부라는 7글자를 집어넣은 이종명의원을 제명했고, ”36항에 북한군 개입여부를 밝히라는 조항이 있으니 그걸 주장하는 사람의 연구결과를 한번 들어보자며 국회공청회를 지원한 김진태와 동조발언을 한 김순례를 윤리위원회에 회부하였다. 이는 탈 논리적 만행에 속한다. 한국당 의원들이 그야말로 개차반들이다. 


                결 론


북한군개입이라는 사안은 확인되지 않은 사안" 이라는 것이 국방부의 최종 입장이다. 다른 말로 표현하면 이제까지 규명한 바가 없고 이번 진상규명과정에서 밝혀져야 할 숙제라는 말이다. 북한군 문제는 "이미 역사적인 평가가 종결된 사안"이 절대 아닌 것이다. 


       <이하 조선일보 기사>


국방부는 최근 자유한국당 일부 의원들이 주최한 공청회에서 '5·18 민주화운동 북한군 개입설'이 거론된 것과 관련해 "확인되지 않은 사안"이라고 밝혔다. 최현수 국방부 대변인은 12일 정례브리핑에서 "5·18 특별조사위원회에서 조사가 들어갈 예정"이라며 "그 때 분명히 밝혀질 것으로 보인다"고 말했다. 최 대변인은 과거 국방부에서 밝혔던 공식 입장과 관련해 "그때의 입장과 달라진 것은 없다. 북한군이 개입했다는 부분에 대해서는 확인되지 않았다는 것으로 알고 있다"고 답했다. 국방부는 20135월 당시 국회 국방위원회 소속 민주당 백군기·진성준 의원실에 5·18 북한군 개입설과 관련해 답변서를 제출한 적이 있다. 국방부는 이 답변서에서 "국방부 과거사진상규명위원회의 조사결과보고서(2007724) 등을 면밀히 검토했으나, 5·18민주화운동 당시 북한군 특수부대가 개입했다는 내용은 확인할 수 없었다"고 밝혔다. 국방부는 당시 광주광역시가 5·18 북한군 개입설에 대한 사실 확인을 요청했을 때도 공문을 통해 같은 입장을 표명했다. 한편 정부는 '5·18 민주화운동 진상 규명을 위한 특별법'에 의거해 진상규명조사위원회를 설치하고 당시 광주 일대에서 국가 권력에 의해 벌어진 인권 유린 행위를 조사할 방침이다. 조사 범위에는 군에 의한 민간인 학살과 이로 인한 사망·실종·암매장, 군의 최초 발포 경위와 집단 발포 책임 소재, 군이 헬기를 동원해 사격했다는 의혹뿐 아니라 북한군 개입설도 포함돼 있다.


국방부 "5·18 북한군 개입설 확인되지 않은 사안"



Defense Ministry; “Theory of North Korean Troops‘ Intervention in the May 18th Is An Unconfirmed Matter”


Above is a title of an article reported by Chosun Ilbo on last February 12. It reported that Defense Ministry’s official position on the matter of “North Korean troops intervention” is that they see it as “an unconfirmed matter”. About this, Jong Hong-Won and Hwang Kyo-Ahn said in June 2013 that “the contention of North Korean troops‘ intervention conflicts with governmental official judgement”, threatening to put severe punishment on opposers. All news organizations drove the news to a distortion that it was Defense Ministry’s official position that “there had never been the fact that North Korean troops had ever intervened”. It was evident that news organizations had worked out a plot against Jee Man-Won with false fact. There is a great difference between the word “unconfirmed” and the word “North Korean troops had never intervened”. The man who gave birth to the issue of “North Korean troops intervention” was the only man Jee Man-Won, and about the fact that 600 men led the riot, terminal period mark was put on it by the book “Final Analysis Report on the May 18th” which was issued by Jee Man-Won in October, 2014.


Leftists are browbeating that though there have been eight times of the May 18th truth-finding operations up to now, North Korean troops’ intervention has been denied. But regardless of the numbers of 8 times or 800 times, the three key words of “North Korea troops” have never been in the “inquiry and investigation category” in all the previous operations. This is the first time in history that this word of “North Korean troops” was put in the “inquiry and investigation category”. “The May 18th truth-finding Law” which was legislated in February 28, 2018, -- in Clause 6 of Article 3 of this Law which specifies “category of inquiry and investigation”, this three letter of “North Korean troops” came to be put in there for the first time in history. What made in possible for the three words to be put in there was the very unanimous consent by the leaders of the May 18th organizations who played key role in the public hearing, and defense subcommittee members of ruling and opposition party. They even played bravery to agree that they should make this matter of ‘North Korean troops’ clear before moving forward in order to let the conflicts possible in the future go to sleep, to help retrieve our Korean Army’s honor, and to do the investigation whose result can be acceptable to all the nation.


But when the time came for Jee Man-Won to enter the truth-finding committee as its member, they rose in revolt insisting that contending “North Korean troops had intervened” is an act defaming the May 18th spirit and violating constitutional spirit, even Moon Jae-In taking side with them. Liberty Korea Party expelled the Assembly Member Lee Jong-Myong who put the seven letters of “whether North Korean troops intervened or not” in clause 6 article 3, and sent Kim Jin-Tae, who supported to hold the National Assembly hearing saying, “As there is an item in clause 6 article 3 which requests it to be clarified whether North Korean troops intervened or not, how about listening to the research result of the man who are contending it”, and Kim Soon-Rye who gave sympathizing speech there, to disciplinary committee. This is not logical but brutal barbarism. Liberty Korea Party’s Assembly Members are really trash.




It is Defense Ministry’s final position that the matter of “North Korean troops’ intervention” is “unconfirmed matter”. In other words, this means no inquiry and investigation has ever been made so far, and it is a pending question which needs to be clarified in the truth-finding procedure this time. This matter of North Korean troops is never ‘the matter whose historical evaluation has already been terminated“.


<Below is the article from Chosun Ilbo>


“In relation to the controversial ‘theory of North Korean troops’ intervention in the May 18th pro-democracy movement’ explicated in the public hearing which some Assembly Members of Liberty Korea Party supported to hold lately, Defense Ministry announced that it is “an unconfirmed matter”. In the regular press briefing on the 12th day, Defense Ministry spokeswoman Choi Hyon-Soo said that, “The May 18th special investigation committee will begin to investigate on it, and it will be clearly found out then”. When asked about the official position which the Ministry had previously announced, spokeswoman Choi replied that, “Nothing has changed from the previous position. It is my understanding that nothing has been confirmed on the part that North Korean troops had intervened. In May 2013, Defense Ministry once submitted a written answer in connection with North Korean troops intervention in the May 18th to Baek Gun-Ki’s and Jin Sung-Joon’s offices, both Democrats in then Defense Committee. In this answer, the Ministry replied that, ”Though we thoroughly looked into the investigation result report (dated on July 24, 2007) made by Past Affairs Truth-Finding Committee of Defense Ministry, we were not able to confirm any content that North Korean troops had intervened at the time of the May 18th pro-democracy movement“. Defense Ministry also revealed the same position through official document at the time when Gwangju City requested the Ministry to make confirmation on whether the theory of North Korean troops’ intervention in the May 18th is a fact or not. Meantime, the government is planning to set up a truth-finding committee based on ‘the May 18th pro-Democracy Movement Truth-Finding Special Law’, and is going to make investigation into violation on human rights committed by State power at that time around Gwangju area. In the investigation category are included massacre of civilians by armed forces and subsequent death casualties, missing and secret burial, the particulars of first firing by armed forces and responsibility of mass firing, suspicion on armed forces reinforcing its shooting by mobilizing helicopters as well as the theory of North Korean troops’ intervention”.


2019.2.27. 지만원



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