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“망언”이 “망언”

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-04 22:47 조회3,744회 댓글0건
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2019.2.12. 국방부가 발표했다. 북한군개입에 대해서는 ’든’든 확인된 것이 없다. 이에 대한 가부는 진상규명 위원회가 앞으로 밝혀야 할 사안이다.



그렇다면 지만원을 망언자라 한 자들이 모두 다 망언자들인 것이다.


문재인도 망언자, 언론도 망언자, 국회의원도 망언자, 김병준도 망언자, 황교안도 망언자, 나경원도 망언자, 김성태도 망언자, 한국당 윤리위위원들도 망언자. . . 이를 믿은 개돼지들도 망언자, 조갑제도 망언자, 서정갑도 망언자, 정규재도 망언자, 김진도 망언자, 이희범도 망언자 . . 모두가 다 망언자들이다.


오로지 지만원만 비망언자인 것이다.


“Criticizing as Absurd Remark” is “Absurd Remark”


Defense Ministry made an announcement on February 12, 2019. “About the matter of ‘North Korean troops’ intervention’, there is noting confirmed as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Defining yes or no on it is a matter that needs to be clarified by truth-finding committee.


(Quited from Chosun.com dated on February 12)


--Defense Ministry said, “Theory of North Korean Troops’ Intervention in the May 18th Is an Unconfirmed Matter --,


--The Theory Will Be Clarified by Truth-Finding Special Committee


In relation to the controversial ‘theory of North Korean troops’ intervention in the May 18th pro-democracy movement’ explicated in the public hearing which some Assembly Members of Liberty Korea Party supported to hold lately, Defense Ministry announced that it is “an unconfirmed matter”.


In the regular press briefing on the 12th day, Defense Ministry spokeswoman Choi Hyon-Soo said that, “The May 18th special investigation committee will begin to investigate on it, and it will be clearly found out then”.


When asked about the official position which the Ministry had previously announced, spokeswoman Choi replied that, “Nothing has changed from the previous position. It is my understanding that nothing has been confirmed on the part that North Korean troops had intervened.


In May 2013, Defense Ministry once submitted a written answer to Baik Gun-Ki’s and Jin Sung-Joon’s offices in connection with North Korean troops intervention in the May 18th, both Democrates in then Defense Committee. In this answer, the Ministry replied that, ”Though we thoroughly looked into the investigation result report (dated on July 24, 2007) made by Past Affairs Truth-Finding Committee in Defense Ministry, we were not able to confirm any content that North Korean troops had intervened at the time of the May 18th pro-democracy movement“. Defense Ministry also revealed the same position through official document at the time when Gwangju City requested the Ministry to make confirmation on whether the theory of North Korean troops’ intervention in the May 18th is a fact or not.


Meantime, the government is planning to set up a truth-finding committee based on ‘the May 18th pro-Democracy Movement Truth-Finding Special Law’, and is going to make investigation into violation on human rights committed by State power at that time around Gwangju area. In the investigation category are included massacre of civilians by armed forces and subsequent death casualties, missing and secret burial, the particulars of first firing by armed forces and responsibility of mass firing, suspicion on armed forces shooting by mobilizing helicopters as well as the theory of North Korean troops’ intervention.




In This regard, all those who criticized Jee Man-Won as an absurd remarker are real ‘absurd remarkers’.


Moon Jae-In is also an absurd remarker, journalism and news organizations are also absurd remarkers, so are National Assembly members, so is Kim Byong-Joon, so is Hwang Kyo-Ahn, so is Nah Kyong-Won, so is Kim Sung-Tae, so are disciplinary committee members of Liberty Korea Party... so are the pigs and dogs who believe them, so is Cho Gab-Je, so is Jong Kyu-Jae, so is Kim Jin, so is Lee Hee-Bum... all are exactly ‘absurd remarkers’.


Only Jee Man-Won is ‘not an absurd remarker’.


2019.3.4. 지만원




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