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광주시민 85명 쏴죽인 자들이 5.18유공자

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-07 19:50 조회5,106회 댓글0건
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        광주시민 85명 쏴죽인 자들이 5.18유공자



        5.18, 카빈소총 사망자에 대한 오월 것들의 통계 조작 

오월 것들은 카빈총 사망자가 총기사망자 116명의 75%85명이라는 1980년의 통계만 나오면 입이 얼어붙는다. 그래서 기록을 조작한다. 지금도 조작하고 있다. 엄연히 카빈총으로 사망한 조사천의 사망원인을 M16으로 바꿔치기 하는 등 끝없이 조작하고 있는 것이다. 75%라는 통계수치는 당시 육군본부(계엄사령부)가 발표한 계엄사의 통계이고, 1985. 5. 국가안전기획부가 작성한 광주사태 상황일지 및 피해자 현황이라는 보고서의 통계다.


     1980년의 총상 사망자 통계: 광주시민군이 광주시민 80% 죽였다.


5.18당시 광주에서 사망한 총 민간인 수자는 166, 그 중 12명은 북한군으로 추정되는 신원불상자다. 순전한 광주인 사망자 수는 154, 154명중 116명이 총상사망자다. 이 116명 중 85(75%)이 카빈총 등 무기고에서 탈취한 총상이었다. 광주시민군이 광주시민을 쏘아 죽인 것이다. 이뿐이 아니다. 154명의 80%가 계엄군이 없는 곳들에서 사망했다. 광주시민군이 광주시민을 계엄군이 없는 것에서 쏴죽이고, 때려죽이고 찔러죽이고 갈아죽인 것이다. 이런 통계 수치를 보면 광주시민군은 용서할 수 없는 패륜아들이 아닐 수 없다. 계엄군이 없는 곳들에서 광주시민을 마구 학살한 시민군출신들이 최고 반열의 5.18유공자가 돼 있는 셈이다.  


이 통계는 어떤 절차를 거쳐 확정되었는가? 1982년 육군본부가 발행한 계엄사에는 이런 글이 있다.


계엄군 당국에서는 이러한 사인을 의사 변호사 군수기관 시민대표들로 구성된 합동조사반에 의거 소상히 규명하여 유족들로 하여금 확인토록 공시함으로써 136명의 유족들은...사실을 인정하고 인수해갔으나 26명의 사망자에 대해서는 유족이 나타나지 않아 공원묘지에 안장하였다


     1995년 총상사망자 통계는 이렇게 조작됐다


김영삼이 주도한 이른바 역사바로세우기 재판에서 검찰은 위 통계를 아무런 근거 없이 다음과 같이 조작했다. 그 근거는 유족들의 진술이라 한다. 한마디로 과학이 없는 통계조작을 획책한 것이다. 1995년 검찰이 발표한 통계는 카빈총상 26, M16총상 96, 132명이 총상사망자라는 것이다. 이 자료는 월간조선 20051월호 별책무록에 실려 있다. 총상사망자가 16명이나 늘어났고, 카빈총상 사망자가 85명에서 26명으로 줄어든 반면, M16 총상 사망자가 31명에서 96명으로 늘어난 것이다.


1995년 당시 사망자들의 뼈는 15년 동안이나 땅속에 묻혀있었다. 설사 땅을 파서 뼈를 꺼낸다고 해도 뼈를 가지고는 사망원인을 밝힐 수 없다. 1995. 검찰이 통계를 광주에 유리하도록 함부로 조작한 것이다. 이에 더해 최근에는 5.18기념재단 홈페이지의 기록들이 몰래 조작되고 있는 사례가 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. ‘카빈총상을 그냥 총상또는 M16총상 등으로 바꾸고 있는 것이다.


            결 론


이 세계, 이 지구촌에서 가장 신뢰할 수 없는 종족이 바로 광주족이요 전라도족일 것이다. 지만원의 망언은 더 계속될 것이다  


(Recent Writing No. 11391)


Those Who Shot to Kill 85 Gwangju Citizen, Have Become the May 18th Men of Merit and Honor


Concerning the May 18th, the May Things Are Doing Statistics Fabrication on Those Who Were Shot Dead by Carbine Rifle


The May things(wretches) get their lips frozen whenever they encounter the statistics of the year 1980 which shows those who were shot dead by carbine rifle is 85 individuals, -- 75 % of the 116 deaths who were shot dead by fire arms. That’s why they fabricate the records. Even now they are doing the fabrication. They are doing endless fabrication, like changing the cause of death of Cho Sah-Chon who died definitely by Carbine rifle for by M16 rifle. This statistical number of 75 % is the statistics of the Martial Law Command which was made public by Army Headquarters (Martial Law Command) and also the statistics in a report called “Daily Report on Circumstances and Present State of Victims of Gwangju Incident”, prepared by the Agency for National Security Planning.


The Statistics on Those Died from Bullet Injury in 1980, Reveals Gwangju Civilian Troops Killed 80 Percent of Gwangju Citizen Deaths


The number of all civilians who were killed in Gwangju at the time of the May 18th was 166, and twelve among them were unidentified individuals who are presumed to be North Korean troopers. Pure Gwangju citizen deaths were 154, and 116 among this 154 died from bullet injury. Among this 116, 85 people (75%) were killed from bullet injury by Carbine rifle which were taken from ordnance stores. This means that Gwangju civilian troops had shot to kill Gwangju citizen. There is more to this. 80% of the 154 deaths were killed in the places where martial law troops were not there. This means that Gwangju civilian troops had shot to kill, beaten to kill, stabbed to kill and crushed to kill Gwangju citizen in the place where martial law troops were not there. Judging from this statistical numbers, Gwangju civilian troops can not be anything but unforgivable immoral persons. It is almost same to the case that veterans of Gwangju civilian troops who massacred Gwangju citizen recklessly in the places where martial law troops were not there, have become top-ranking men of merit of the May 18th.


What procedure had this statistics underwent before it was decided? In a publication from ‘Martial Law Command’ issued by Army Headquarters in 1982 is this writing.


“Martial Law Army authority had the joint investigation team, composed of doctors, lawyers, military suppliers and civilian representatives, investigate in detail the cause of death, and made official notice so that bereaved families can do confirmation on it, and 136 families... took over the corpses recognizing the fact, but as for the 26 deaths, no family had ever appeared to claim for, and they were laid to rest in the Park Cemetery.


The Statistics of 1995 on Those Killed by Bullet Injury Was Fabricated This Way


In the so-called ‘Trial to Set the History Upright’ led by Kim Young-Sam, the Prosecution fabricated above statistics like below without any authentic grounds. They said that their grounds were the statements made by the bereaved families. In a word, they schemed to do statistics fabrication with no scientific grounds. The statistics made public by the Prosecution in 1995 shows that 26 had died from Carbine bullet injury, 96 had died from M16 bullet injury, totaling 132 were killed from bullet injury. This data is recorded in the separate-volume supplement of Monthly Chosun of January issuance, 2005. Those who died from bullet injury have increased by as much as 16. While those who died from Carbine bullet injury has decreased from 85 into 26, those who were killed by M16 bullet injury have increased from 31 to 96.


At the time of the year 1995, the deceased’s bones had been buried in the ground for 15 years. Even if they could dig out the bones, there could be no way to clarify cause of their death. It was evident that the Prosecution unduly fabricated the statistics only favorable to Gwangju. In addition, some instances are occurring very often recently that the records in homepage of the May 18th Memorial Foundation are fabricated in secret. They have changed ‘Carbine bullet injury’ into mere ‘bullet injury’ or ‘M16 bullet injury’, etc..




On this globe, in the whole world, the most untrustworthy tribe will be Gwangju tribe and Jeolla province tribe. Jee Man-Won’s absurd remark will continue for longer



2019.3.7. 지만원




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