5.18광주 행방불명자, 어디로 사라졌을까? > 최근글

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5.18광주 행방불명자, 어디로 사라졌을까?

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-24 18:32 조회4,471회 댓글0건
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    5.18광주 행방불명자, 어디로 사라졌을까?


2019.3.16. 인사이드 뉴스에 의하면 광주광역시가 인정한 5·18 민주화운동 행방불명자는 83명이다.” https://www.insight.co.kr/news/216735


  광주에서 죽은 사람, 남북 다 합쳐봐야 712(237, 475)


광주는 매우 좁은 바닥이다. 광주사태에서 죽은 광주시민은 모두 털어봐야 154명뿐, 그런데 그 154명의 54%에 해당하는 또 다른 83명이 어디로 갔는지 흔적조차 없이 사라졌다는 것이다. 이른바 행방불명자. 하지만 북한은 알 것이다. 이들은 바로 그들이 살해했다는 것을. 


광주인들은 죽어서 생매장 당한 광주시민이 2,000명이라고 주장한다. 이는 북한이 늘 주장하는 모략 수자 그대로다. 북한이 주장하는 2,000명에는 광주에서 무리죽음당한 475명이 포함돼 있을 것이다. 광주사태에서 죽은 광주사람은 사망자 154명과 행불자 83명을 포함해 237명이다. 여기에 북한괴뢰군 사망자 475명을 합쳐봐야 겨우 712명이다. 그런데도 광주사람들은 전두환이 무장헬기에 발포명령을 내려 2,000명을 살해해 놓고 이들을 어딘가에 암매장 했다고 주장하며 국가예산으로 땅을 파면서 생쇼를 하는 것이다. 북한이 부풀리는 것은 원래 그들의 DNA가 그러하기 때문이라 하겠지만 광주인들이 북한과 같은 소리를 내는 건 참으로 기분 나쁜 현상이다.


 행방불명자 83명은 북괴가 살해한 사람들일 것


북괴는 광주에서 자기들의 신분을 조금이라도 눈치 채는 기색이 있는 광주사람들을 보는 족족 다 죽였다. 단도직입적으로 말해 광주의 행불자는 북괴군에 노역을 강요받고 노역을 수행한 후 용도가 폐기되는 순간 살해돼 흔적도 없이 매장됐을 것이다. 노역을 제공한 용처는 크게 3가지로 생각된다.


1) 520일 밤, 아시아자동차공장에 이르는 4개 도로 중 3개 도로를 상당한 규모로 절단시키는데 수십 명의 노무자가 동원됐을 것이다. 용도가 폐기된 바로 그 순간 흔적도 없이 살해됐을 것이다.


2) 521~22 어간의 밤에 교도소를 집중 공격하다가 발생한 북괴군 시신 430구를 청주 흥덕지구로 옮겨 1m 깊이로 운동장 크기의 땅을 파고 시신을 포장하여 매장하고 감쪽같이 덮은 후 위장을 하는데 또 다른 수십 명의 인부가 동원됐을 것이다. 용도가 폐기되는 순간 그들 역시 먼 곳으로 끌려가 살해됐을 것이다.


3) 524, 북괴의 주력 1,000여명이 전남도청을 버리고 도망을 했다. 이 때 북에 가면 살릴 수 있겠다고 판단된 부상자들을 수송선박에까지 운반하려면 또 다른 수십 명의 인부가 필요했을 것이다. 당시 합참은 목포지역 해군과 육군 해안경비부대를 변산반도 이북으로 옮겨 목포지역에 북한배가 자유롭게 다닐 수 있도록 조치해 놓았다. 이들 인부 역시 용도가 폐기되는 순간 살해돼 매립됐을 것이다.   


The Missing Persons in Gwangju May 18th, Where Have They All Gone?


According to Insight news of March 16, 2019, the number of persons missing in the May 18th pro-democracy movement recognized by Gwangju city is 83.


Those Who Were Killed in Gwangju, South and North Altogether Reach 712 Persons in all (South 237, North 475)


Gwangju is a very narrow area. The number of Gwangju citizen who were killed in the May 18th Gwangju incident were only 154 to add all that can count. By the way, it is evidently said that another 83 persons, equivalent to 54% of the 154, had completely disappeared without a trace. They are the so-called missing persons. But I think North Korea is sure to know it, that it is the very themselves who had murdered the missing persons.


Gwangju people are claiming that the number of Gwangju citizen who were killed and buried underground reach 2,000. This is the same to the plotted number which North Korea has always been insisting. In this number 2,000 which North Korea is insisting, the number of 475 who were ‘killed in group’ in Gwangju might be contained. Gwangju people who were killed in the May 18th Gwangju incident are 237 persons adding the 154 killed and the 83 missing together. When adding the 475 North Korean troopers killed there to it, it all reaches only 712 in all. Things being like it, but Gwangju people have been insisting that Jon Doo-Hwan ordered an armed helicopter to open fire to have killed 2,000 people, buried them secretly somewhere unknown, and they are playing an utter comedy digging ground all over spending national budget. Let’s suppose North Korea might well inflate the number because they have such DNA by nature, but it is a sickening sight to see that Gwangju people are uttering the same voice with North Korea.


The 83 Missings Might Have Been Killed by North Korea


North Korean puppet regime killed every Gwangju people whenever they see those who scent the least bit of their identity. Speaking in a downright way, the missing persons in Gwangju might have been driven to forced labor, and the moment they had to be done away with after they completed their labor, they might have been killed and buried secretly without any trace. The situations that they supplied their labor are estimated to have been for the three big scenes.


1) At night on May 20, tens of laborers might have been mobilized in cutting the three lanes out, among the four lanes, to a considerable magnitude which were leading to Asia Motor Co. They might have been killed without a trace the moment they had to be done away with.


2) Another tens of laborers might have been mobilized for moving the 430 bodies of North Korean troopers, who were killed during their concentrated attack on Gwangju Prison in the night of May 21st~22nd, to Heungdok district, digging the ground one meter deep, wrapping the bodies, burying them and camouflaging it all after perfectly covering it up. The moment they had to be done away with, they might have been taken to somewhere far and been killed.


3) On May 24, 1,000 troopers of main strength of North Korean troops ran away giving up Junnam provincial building. At this moment, they might have needed another tens of laborers for transporting wounded troopers, who are judged to be saved once they reach the North territory alive, far down to the transport ship. At that time, the Command of Joint Chief of Staff had taken a measure for North Korea ships to move around freely in Mokpo area by moving the naval forces and army coastal guards in charge of Mokpo area to the northern area of Byonsan peninsula. These laborers might also have been killed and buried the moment they had to be done away with.

2019.3.24. 지만원




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