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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-26 17:39 조회3,366회 댓글0건
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           박지원 고소 기자회견


일시:2019.3.27. 14:00 장소:서울지검과 서울지법 사이


1,역적세력이 궁지에 몰리자 그 대장인 박지원이 최후발악을 했다. 지만원이 내놓은 망언집은 창작품이 아니라, 이명박 정부로부터 청부받아 조립한 불온문서라 했다. 전 국정원 간부들의 공작지원을 받고 34천만 원의 거금도 받았다고 했다. 임천용씨도 공작의 도구로 사용했다고 했다. 박지원은 이런 요지의 모략적 내용을 5회에 걸쳐 공표했다. 2019.3.20.에는 국회 대정부질문을 통해 했고, 그 다음 날인 3.21.에는 3회에 걸쳐 자신의 페이스북에 올렸다. 같은 날 오전 1112분에는 tbs 라디오 김어준의 뉴스공장에 출연해 더욱 악랄하게 모략했다. 고소인에 대한 명예를 심각하게 훼손했고, 19년에 걸친 연구내용을 창작이 아닌 권력으로부터 전달받은 공작물이라고 모략하였으며, 대한민국을 소생시킬 수 있는 유일한 국민무기를 매립시키려 하였다. 모략내용은 아래와 같다.

1) 지만원은 MB정부와 결탁했다.

2) 지만원은 북한자료, 통일부, 보안사자료, 국정원 기밀자료, 수사기록 모두를 MB정부로부터 제공받았다.

3) 지만원은 MB 정부가 조사한 결과를 받아 거기에 공작성 가필을 하였기 때문에 지만원의 망언집은 창작물이 아니라 MB정부의 작품이다.

4) 지만원은 전직 국정원 간부 송영인 및 또 다른 전직 직원들과 함께 34천만원을 가지고 5.18왜곡을 위한 공작활동을 공동하였다.

5) 지만원은 연구를 한 것이 아니라 이명박 정부가 작성해준 자료를 받아 전 국정원 직원들과 함께 불온문서들을 제작했다.

6) 지만원은 이명박 정부의 하수인이었다.

7) 탈북군인 임천용도 고소인의 공작 도구 중 한 사람이다.


       허위에 대한 반론


1) 지만원이MB정부로부터 받은 자료는 단 1점도 없다.

2)지만원은 전 정권들로부터 34천만 원을 받은 바 없다.

3)지만원이 저술한 9권의 5.18역사책을 포함한 수많은 팸플릿과 전단지들은 19년 동안 창작한 저작물들이다.

4)지만원이 연구에 필요했던 것은 사무실과 노력뿐이다. 목돈이 필요하지 않았다.

5) 송영인은 MB정부와 연결된 사람이 아니다. 5.18을 연구한 바도 없고, MB정부로부터 가지고 온 것이 아무 것도 없다. 송영인이 500만야전군에 합류한 2011.6.이라는 시점은 지만원이 발행한 총 9권의 역사책 중 7권을 이미 발행한 시점이었고, 그가 단체에 머문 시간은 불과 7개월이었다.

6) 지만원과 이명박 사이, 지만원과 박근혜 사이는 객관적인 적대관계였다. 이 모든 것이 뉴스와 기록들로 증거 돼있다. 박지원의 발언은 이 모든 팩트들과 배치된다.

7) 지만원의 연구는 창작이지 이명박 정부의 청부를 받아 수행한 공작물이 아니다.

8)임천용은 지만원의 공작도구가 아니다.


박지원에 대해서는 형사 고소와 아울러 5,000만원 상당의 민사소송도 제기한다.


500만야전군 의장 지만원


<번역: 이윤수>


Press Conference on the Accusation Against Park Ji-Won


Date: March 27, 2019

Place: The Place Between Seoul District Court and Seoul Prosecution Office


1. As the traitors power are driven into a corner, their commander Park Ji-Won made a last desperate struggle. He indicated that the absurd books which Jee Man-Won issued were not Jee’s creation but subversive document which Jee put together by contract with Lee Myong-Bak Administration. He said Jee received supports for maneuvering from National Intelligence Service, and also received huge money of 340 million won. He also said that Jee used a defector Im Chon-Yong as a maneuvering tool. Part Ji-Won made public this gist of plotted contents for over five separate times. On March 20, 2019, he made it through an interpellation in the National Assembly, and the next day on March 21, he put it on his Facebook three times. At 11:12 Hours the same day, he came out to “Kim Oh-Joon’s News Factory” of tbs radio, and plotted against me viciously. He defamed plaintiff’s honor severely, and plotted against me by saying that the contents of my 19 years research were not my creation but were outcomes of maneuvering which I received from the power, and he tried to bury the unique national weapon that can bring South Korea back to life. The contents of his plotting are as below.


1) Jee Man-Won conspired with MB (Lee Myong-Bak) Administration.


2) Jee Man-Won was given all the materials such as North Korea materials, materials of Ministry of Unification and Army Security Command, secret materials of National Intelligence Service and governmental records from MB Administration.


3) Because Jee Man-Won received the results of investigation made by MB Administration, and touched them up for maneuvering purpose, Jee Man-Won’s absurd books are not his creation but works of art by MB Administration.


4) Jee Man-Won had engaged in maneuvering activities to distort the May 18th jointly with former National Intelligence Service(NIS) executive Song Yong-In and other retired officials using the 340 million won.


5) What Jee Man-Won had done was not a research, but he received the materials which MB Administration made out, and produced subversive documents together with former NIS officials.


6) Jee Man-Won was a puppet of Lee Myong-Bak Administration


7) Defector soldier Im Chon-Yong is also a tool of the plaintiff


Answer to False Contention


1) Jee Man-Won received not a single material from MB Administration


2) Jee Man-Won has never received 340 million won from any of former regimes


3) Many pamphlets and leaflets including 9 books on the May 18th issued by Jee Man-Won are literary works that I created over 19 years.


4) What Jee Man-Won needed for his research was only an office and his own efforts. He didn’t need a sizable sum of money.


5) Song Byong-In was not a man who is closely connected with MB Administration. He had never made any research on the May 18th, nor did he brought anything from MB Administration. The moment of June 2011 when Song Yong-In joined Five Million Field Army was when Jee Man-Won had already issued seven books of the total nine history books, and the days Song stayed in the organization were only 7 months.


6) Relationships between Jee Man-Won and Lee Myong-Bak and Jee Man-Won and Park Keun-Hye were objective and hostile ones. Everything about it is remained as evidences in news reports and records.


7) Jee Man-Won’s researches resulted in creation, but not an outcome of maneuvering which he carried out under a contract with MB Administration.


8) Im Chon-Yong is not a tool of Jee Man-Won’s maneuvering


Against Park Ji-Won, the plaintiff is also going to file a civil action claiming a compensation equivalent to 50 million won in addition to this criminal action.


Written by;

Jee Man-Won

Commander of Five Million Field Army



2019.3.26. 지만원




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