광주사망자, 북한군475명+광주인154명 > 최근글

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광주사망자, 북한군475명+광주인154명

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-04-01 15:52 조회4,503회 댓글0건
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광주사망자, 북한군475+광주인154


북한과 광주가 합창하고 있는 사망자는 2,000


이 제목은 1인시위용 메시지 등을 통해 널리 전파돼야 할 중요한 숫자다. 모든 세대들에 5.18 광주사망자가 얼마냐고 물었더니 하나 같이 다 수천 명이라고 했다. 광주인들이 늘 입에 달고 다니는 숫자가 2,000명이다. 2,000명은 북한이 5.18 직후에 퍼트린 숫자다. 전라남북도 사람들이 다 봤다는 조선영화사가 제작한 광주비디오에도 2,000, 1982년 남한에 뿌린 북한 삐라에도 2,000명이다.


세월호 사망자 304, 5.18 광주인사망자 154


그런데 정확한 광주인 사망자는 154명이다. 세월호 사망자는 모두 304. 세월호라는 배에서 사고사 당한 사람이 304명인데 비해 5.18에서 죽은 광주사람이 겨우 154명이라는 것은 광주인들에 쪽팔리는 숫자다. 내가 154명이라고 말해주자, 대부분의 국민들은 깜짝 놀란다. “겨우 그거야?” 이 반응 속에는 광주 놈들 사기쳤네이런 뜻이 들어 있었다. 5.18기념재단 홈페이지 추모의 공간에는 이 154명에 대한 영정사진과 기록들이 있다.


광주교도소 공격하다 살상당한 북한군 475


반면 광주에서 죽은 북한군은 475명이다. 군상황일지, 검찰보고서, 안기부보고고서 ,북한의 대남공작 역사책 2권 등 모든 정부기록물들에 또렷이 기록돼 있는 600명에 대해서도 무조건 아니라고 하는 마당에 지만원이 또 광주에서 사살당한 북한군 사망자가 475명이라 하면? 얼마나 또 물고 늘어질 것인가? 그러나 이 숫자는 여러 곳에 있고, 북한이 스스로 밝힌 숫자다.


1.1980.6.5. 일본에서 천주교정의평화협의회찢어진 깃폭- 어느 목격자의 증언이라는 팸플릿을 기자회견을 열어 발표했다. 거기에는 475명이 도청 안에서 살해되었다는 문장이 있다. 간첩 전문가 이명영 교수는 통일의 조건”(1989)에서 이를 거짓말이라고 판단했다. 물론 나도 거짓말이라는 정도로만 이해했다.


2. 5.18 종결 직후, 북한 조선영화사가 제작한 광주비디오에도 475명이 하룻밤에 몰살당했다며 핏대를 올리고 있다.


3.북한에서 매일 등교시 확성기를 통해 불러주는 무등산의 진달래에는 동강난 조국을 하나로 잇기 위해 무리죽음 당한 그들을 슬퍼하는 가사가 주제를 구성하고 있다.


4. 군번처럼 일련번호를 달고 같은 규격, 같은 방법으로 특이하게 포장된 청주유골 430구는 광주에서만 나올 수 있는 여러 가지 징후들을 내포하고 있다. 475명 중 430구를 빼면 미 설명된 숫자가 45명이다. 이 중 12명은 신원미상으로 판명됐고, 2구는 광주교도소 부근 창평에서 523일 국제신문기자가 보았다는 하얀 찔레꽃에 덮인 북한군 시체다. 나머지 31명은 광주를 떠난 수송선 속에서 죽었거나 북한에 가자마자 죽었을 것이다.


광주의 모든 시체는 모두 도청으로 집결됐고, 도청을 배타적으로 장악한 북한군이 시체 분리작업을 했다. 그리고 22일 새벽 이전에, 북한시체 430구를 청주로 빼돌렸을 것이다. 바로 이것을 2014.10.4. 김정은 전용기가 인천에 내려와 실어갔을 것이다. 430구는 화장도 안 했고, 화장업체를 상대로 하는 입찰도 하지 않았다. 2014년 충북에서 화장한 무연고 유골은 겨우 18구였다. 김정은 전용기가 하늘로 가져간 것이다.


<번역: 이윤수>  


Death Toll in Gwangju, 475 North Korean Troops + 154 Gwangju Citizen


The Death Toll Which North Korea and Gwangju Have Been Singing Together to Claim is 2,000


This title contains a very important number which has to be propagated widely, even through single man’s demonstration message. When every generation was asked to guess how many the Gwangju May 18th death toll would be, they all answered that it would reach some thousands. Gwangju citizen are always chanting in unison the number 2,000. This number is what North Korea had spread right after the May 18th. ‘The Gwangju Vide’, which was produced by Chosun Film Co. (North Korean firm) and which all the people of south and north Jeolla province are said to have watched, also claims this number 2,000, and the leaflets which the North sprayed in the South in 1982 also claim this number 2,000.


Death Toll of The Sewol Ferry Is 304, Death Toll of Gwangju Citizen Is 154


Exact death toll of Gwangju citizen is 154. Total death toll of The Sewol ferry accident is 304, -- when compared with this 304 persons who died of The Sewol Ferry accident, the fact that merely 154 Gwangju people were killed in the May 18th is too shameful and shabby number to Gwangju people. When I told them the number 154, most of the people are surprised to hear it. “Was that all?” In this reply is this implication, “Gwangju wretches have been cheating”. In the ‘Space for Cherishing the Memory of the Deceased’, of the homepage of The May 18th Memorial Foundation are portraits and records of this 154 deceased.


475 North Korean Troops Were Killed During Their Attack on Gwangju Prison


On the other hand, the number of North Korean troops who were killed in Gwangju is 475. In this time when they unconditionally deny the 600 persons despite that it is clearly recorded in all kinds of governmental documents such as military daily report on circumstances, the prosecution report, report of National Security Planning Agency and North Korea’s two history books for anti-South maneuvering, -- if Jee Man-Won contend that the death toll of North Korean troops who were killed in Gwangju reaches 475 --?, how tenaciously would they harass me with repeated denial? But this number is shown in various records, and is also what North Korea had revealed themselves.


1. On June 5, 1980, ‘Catholic Association for Justice and Peace’ held a press conference in Japan to make public a pamphlet known as “Torn Apart Banner - A Testimony of A Witness”. This pamphlet had a sentence that 475 persons were killed in the provincial building. Professor Lee Myong-Jong, an expert on North agents, judged in his book ‘Conditions for Unification’ that it was a lie. I also appreciated it as something of a lie.


2. ‘The Gwangju Video’ which Chosun Film Co. (North Korea) produced right after the end of the May 18th, is also getting angry that 475 persons were all killed overnight.


3. In the lyric of a song ‘Azalea of MooDeung Mountain’ which North Korea let the students hear through loud speaker every morning on their way to school, the lines that grieve over the death of those who were killed in group struggling to connect the split fatherland into one are composing the theme.


The 430 human remains of Chongju, which were all wrapped in a peculiar manner of same size and same method with a serial number being written on it just like military service number, contain various indications that could come out only from the situation of Gwangju. When we subtract 430 remains from the 475 dead, there remain 45 dead still not explained. Among this, 12 were already proved as unidentified, and another two were the corpses of North Korean troopers which a reporter from International Newspaper was said to have witnessed their coffins covered with white wild roses in ChangPyong nearby Gwangju Prison on May 23. The other 31 troopers might have died in the transportation ship after they left Gwangju or died soon after they arrived at North Korean territory.


All the corpses in Gwangju were concentrated at provincial building in Gwangju, and North Korean troops who were exclusively occupying the building performed the classification of the corpses. And they might have moved the 430 corpses of North Korean troopers in secret to Chongju before the dawn of May 22. Kim Jong-Un’s personal airplane, which came down to Inchon on October 4, 2014, seemed to have carried away exactly this very remains to the North. This 430 remains had not been cremated, nor the concerned authority had made any notice of tender to cremation enterprises. The number of total remains of no relatives which were cremated in ChoongBook province in 2014 was only 18. Kim Jong-Un’s personal airplane had surely carried away all of them through the sky.


2019.4.1. 지만원



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