Would it be our turn next? (stallon) > 최근글

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Would it be our turn next? (stallon)

페이지 정보

작성자 stallon 작성일19-10-13 21:04 조회3,238회 댓글2건
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Would it be our turn next?

Republic of Korea was founded as a sovereign nation on August 15, 1948 after the sudden liberation from the Japanese 36-year-long colonial rule owing to the America’s A-bomb dropping on the two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945.

Nevertheless, right after the liberation, Korean people failed to form a united nation mainly due to the ideology differences that was heavily influenced by then the two super powers, the United States and the U.S.S.R.

Besides, South Korea had to overcome the 3- year-long fratricidal conflict caused by North Korea’s surprising attack launched at dawn of June 25, 1950, that resulted in an immeasurable loss of casualties from ROK troops and the US men and women in uniform and including other 15 UN member countries’ soldiers.

Therefore, we South Koreans have never forgotten such a supreme sacrifice made especially by our strong ally, the United States of America. Needless to mention, had it not been for the military and economic assistance provided by the United States during our difficult times, we would have not been possible to achieve the prosperity that we are enjoying today.

In the meantime, very recently, a lot of world people are shocked by US President Donald Trump’s precipitous decision to withdraw US troops from northern Syria where Kurdish fighters have fought alongside the US forces against the Islamic State. President Trump’s sudden decision to pull out US troops not only drew sharp criticism from the America’s longtime allies in the Middle East and Europe but also the Kurds even accused the United States of turning its back on them.

Furthermore, news media report that Turkish President Recept Tayyip Erdogan has threatened for months to launch a military operation across the Syrian border as he has viewed the Kurdish forces as a threat to his country, which could lead to a massacre of the Kurds in absence of US troops in the region.

President Trump was quoted to have said in his tweets” It is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars”. He added “ We will fight where it is to our benefit, and only fight to win.”

President Trump’s inflexible determination mentioned as above has caused grave concern to the majority of citizens living in South Korea where the United States has maintained sizable troops for more than seventy years.

The reason why we South Koreans are paying much attention to the chaotic situation developing in northern Syria is because we guess that  President Donald Trump must have been sick and tired of the inconclusive denuclearization talks with North Korea, and what is more, because it is palpable that the traditionally strong alliance between Seoul and Washington has become somewhat estranged in various aspects in these days.

It is our firm understanding that the US troop’s presence in South Korea has played key role, as a linchpin, in deterring North Korea’s miscalculated provocations and containing the two communist giants, Russia and China in the Far East since the Armistice Agreement was signed in 1953.

This being so, we South Koreans would like to believe that America’s situational awareness especially on Korean peninsula is in different criteria comparing to that of northern Syria.

For this reason, in any event, the freedom loving citizens of Republic of Korea hope that our apprehension for our country’s security will prove unnecessary sooner or later.


대한민국은미합중국이 1945일본히로시마와나가사끼에원자폭탄을투하함으로서 36년간의식민통치에서해방되어 1948 815합법적주권국가로탄생하였습니다.


밖에도대한민국은 1950 625새벽에시작된북한의기습남침으로인한 3년간의동족상잔을감내해야했습니다. 전쟁으로말미암아한국은물론미국유엔참전국들로부터엄청난인명피해를당하게했습니다.

그렇기때문에우리한국국민들은그들의고귀한희생특히우리의맹방미국의숭고한희생을오래도록잊지않고있는것입니다. 재론의여지없이어려웠던시절에맹방미국으로부터의군사적경제적지원이없었던들오늘날우리가누리는부를이루기란도저히불가했을것입니다.


한발나아가에르도안터키대통령은수개월전부터쿠르드반군들이터키에위협이라고생각하고시리아국경지역에대한대대적인공격을감행할것이라고말해오고있습니다. 터키의공격은미군철수후에쿠루드족의대량학살로이어질가는성이것입니다.

트럼프대통령은그의트위트를통하여다음과같이말한것으로보도되었습니다. “ 이제미국은빠진같은지루한전쟁으로부터벗어날때가되었습니다.” 우리는미국의이익을위해서참전것이고승리를확신하는전쟁만것입니다.”



한국국민들은대한민국에서의미군의주둔은동안 1953정전협정조인이래대한민국안보의핵심으로서한반도에서의북한의오판으로인한도발을저지하고극동지역에서의공산집단인러시아와중국을견제하는데절대적인역할을해왔다고믿고있습니다.







Kurdish people being ecacuated.(소개되고있는 쿠루드족)


US troops leaving northern Syria(북 시리아지역에서 철 수하는 미군병력)



이름없는애국님의 댓글

이름없는애국 작성일

(1)쿠르드는 서양세력들로 부터 여러 차례  버려졌는데(--일부  사람들은 배신으로 표현함) 이번에는 미국이 ISIS퇴치에  쿠르드를 동원하고서도
    이제 쿠르드를 떠납니다.아마,터키와 미국-러시아 관계를 고려하지 않았나???생각합니다
    터키는 지정학적으로 쿠르드 보다 훨씬 중요한 나라인데 에르도안이 요즘 미-러시아 사이에서 애를 먹이니...터키는 쿠르드를 아주 싫어하고..
      미국은 울며 이를 악물 고 떠나는지도 ....
    터키와 이스라엘의 관계는 상호우호적이랍니다.

(2)트럼프는 크리스쳔이고,대한민국은 개신교의 기초위에서 세워진 나라인데 반하여,
    쿠르드는 나라 없는 큰 민족,불쌍한 민족이지만....그들은 야지디교인가 뭔가,악을 숭배하는 종교를 많이 믿고 있다합니다.
      이 영향도 좀 있지않을까????상상합니다.과거 영불 등이 쿠르드를 끝내 지키지 않은 이유에도...

(3)감히,트럼프가 얼마나 간이 큰지 모르지만,감히 대한민국을 버린다든지,북한에게 팔아넘긴다든지....할 용기가 있을까?싶습니다.
      매우 두려운 결심으로서  엄청난 매를 맞아야 하고,트럼프 자신이 미쳐버리는 결심일 것 같은데....할 수 있겠습니까?

(4)Lord  protect  the US and her people,and president Trump,US army's soldiers in Korea,
    and  also  Korea,her patriotic  people,and the writer Stallon
      and bless them.

한국롬멜님의 댓글

한국롬멜 댓글의 댓글 작성일

제가 단적으로 이야기 하기는 조금은 무리기 있겠지만............
그들은 이승만 같은 친미하는 대통령이 없기 때문이 아닌가 합니다.
친미하는 대통령이 진작에 나왔더라면.....
저렇게 나라없는 비참한 서러움은 없엤겠죠????
그 서러움은 앞으로도 계속될 겝니다.
아직도 그 사실을 깨닫지 못하는 사람들은
아마도 앞으로도 지옥맛을 톡톡히 보게 될 겝니다.
저야 항상 제생각만을 적어보기 때문에 또 다른 이유도 많겠지만.....말이죠

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