대한민국 국무위원은 검찰내부의 적을 위해 존재하는가? > 네티즌칼럼게시판

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대한민국 국무위원은 검찰내부의 적을 위해 존재하는가?

페이지 정보

작성자 김정도 작성일12-03-21 16:54 조회2,733회 댓글0건



대한민국 국무위원은 검찰내부의 적을 위해 존재하는가?


국무총리, 국무위원들도 민초들의 법과 원칙준수가 불가항력임은 물론 통일대비노력 등 방해(아래영문도 참조)사건에 속수무책이라면 대통령과 국무회의에 정식보고라도 하라!


내용증명(16) 등 (생략)

 ============ 아래 ==================


=== 이명박대통령님을 초대합니다! ===


금년 4월20일이 저희 안산성포주공10단지 아파트 입주민 약150여세대의 동의로

‘正立통일대비모범마을’<별첨 통일문건참조>을 결성한지 13년이 되는 날입니다.

이대통령님을 저희아파트단지 ‘남북통일대비모범마을’재개를 기리는 현판식에 꼭 초대하고 싶습니다.

그간 지역난방 사건(2012형6644호등)으로 온갖 고통을 말없이 겪었을 저희 아파트 입주민들과 국민들에게 작은 희망과 용기주리라 생각합니다. 특히 새로 선출된 19대여야 국회의원들은 물론 차기대선주자들에게도 민초들이 무엇을 원하는지 등과 사필귀정이란 교훈적 감동도 줄 수 있는 지혜라고 생각합니다.


더하여 이대통령님께서는 재임 중 남북통일기반을 조성하시겠다고 공약하셨기에, 남다른 의미의 자리가 되리라 생각됩니다. 부디 김윤옥여사님 그리고 남북통일에 관심 있는 내외귀빈(UN, 북측인사, 독일, 검경등)과 함께 오셔서 자리를 빛내주시길 바라겠습니다. 단, 현판식날짜는 위 사건의 실체적진상규명이 되는 즉시다시 알려드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.


2012년 3월 16일 / 안산 김정도 올림.


=========== 아래는 통일문건 ============


삶의 질 향상을 위한

正立통일대비모범마을 추진위


결 성 : 1999년 4월 20일

설립목적 : “주민들의 삶의 질 향상을 위하여”



1. 원칙을 바로 세우는 일

의로운 일에 솔선하거나 타에 모범이 되는 일에는 응분의 격려나 보상이, 그러나 부끄러운 짓을 하면 부끄러워 할줄 알고 반드시 사과와 책임을 져야 되는 사회적 풍토조성.

2. 마을공동소득사업, 장학금조성, 장기적인 안목에서 10단지 종합 개발 및 자립마을 시도.

3. 통일 후 동질성 회복 및 안정된 사회 질서유지를 위한 연구


* 연구 분야 : 건강, 도덕, 예의, 교육, 정치, 사회, 문화등 관련하여 주민들의 경륜, 잠재력 또는 창의력 활용방법.

* 구 성 원 : 성포 10단지 주민 또는 원칙을 바로세우는 일에 동참희망자(국적불문)

* 방 법 : 주민들의 협동과 지혜로 원칙 바로 세우기



正立통일대비모범마을 추진위 위원장 김정도




대한민국 국무위원은 검찰내부의 적을 위해 존재하는가?


국무총리, 국무위원들도 민초들의 법과 원칙준수가 불가항력임은 물론 통일대비노력 등 방해(아래영문도 참조)사건에 속수무책이라면 대통령과 국무회의에 정식보고라도 하라!


(아래는 국방부, 통일부등에 보내졌던 별첨자료임)


김정도 관련 영문 글


To Whom It May Concern (아래)


(김정도는 누구인가, 새마을운동, 나홀로검찰개혁, 죽마지우미국인John과 통일대비모범마을 및 안산시노적봉을 국제하프마라톤대회구상, 요료법(UT)등을 국내외에 알리기 위한 영문자료-


특히 검찰내부의적에 대하여 주한미군사령관, G20, IAP(세계검찰총장총회), 외신, 백악관등에 전달되었다<고소장별첨자료 p51, 52, 56~61참조>. 비리검찰은 국가나 대통령위신은 아랑곳없이 자정노력도 부끄러움도 모름- 단, 한상대검찰총장이 “검찰내부의적과 전쟁선포”는 하였지만 용두사미?-따라서 MB친인척, 돈 봉투사건 등을 엄벌해도 검찰내부의적 있는 한 정치,사회의 불신지속, 적에겐 호재-그래서 근래 종북세력들의 적극적인 정치참여등은 다시 잃어버린10년을 우려 하지 않을 수 없는데도 정부나 정치인은 물론 검찰은 속수무책 인 듯-

그래서 본인이 지난13년간 기소독점병폐에 기인한 현실의 불신사회와 남북통일 후 동질성회복 등을 위하여과 목숨을 걸다시피 나홀로 검찰개혁을 하고 있는 것임, 그런데도 국방부, 통일부등이 본 사건을 무사안일하게 검찰로이관은 직무유기가 아닌지? 아니라면 국민의 자발적 남북통일노력을 방해하는 부당한 검찰행사는 국방부나 통일부등이 직접조사 및 적법한 대처가 어렵다면 당연히 대통령이나 국무회의에 보고할 사안은 아닌지요?


과연 국무회의목적이 무엇이며, 국무회의 역시 비리검찰에 관한한 안보저해요인도 속수무책인가요? 그렇다면, 전작권연기와 한미장병들이 철통같이 DMZ나 영공을 지킨다고 북한이 천안함피폭, 연평도 포격등 도발을 안 하던가요? 과연 근래 종북세력의 정치참여 등이 국민들을 불안케 하는 요인을 모르는 국무위원들도 있는가요?


물론 경찰의 보신등 부당한 검찰권행사에 제대로 대처하지 못한 책임도 크다 할 것입니다.


따라서 지금대한민국은 놀라운 경제성장에도 불구하고, 북한의 노림수일 검찰내부의적에 기인한 정부불신, 안보, 경찰력약화 등을 위하여 혈세를 내고 있다고 해도 과언이 아닐 것입니다. -


과연 국무위원들은 기소독점병폐에 기인한 정부, 불신정치사회의 요인등을 모를까요? 여야가 반세기 이상 당리당략과 검찰눈치 보기로 변죽만 울리는 검찰개혁이기 때문입니다(기소독점병폐 근절로 인한 경제, 경찰력, 형식적이던 국민신문고, 부당한사건 등에 미치는 긍정적 효과는 과히 천문학적으로 국민들의 상상을 초래할 것입니다. 그 결과 역시 국력 배양으로 북한의 노림수를 능가하는 지혜로운 국민 단합이 될 것임).


특히 안풍에 혼비백산이 되어 “오직 국민위한 정치를 하겠다”거나 원칙을 중요시하는 박근혜대표도 법이라는 이름으로 고통 받고 있는 약자들에 대하여 함구하고 있는 입장인데, 과연 안풍, 종북 세력 등이 감히 검찰개혁공약 등 의지를 검증받고도 정치를 하겠다거나 대통령이 되겠다고 할까요... 그런 정치인이 있다면 안풍 등에 혼비백산이 되지 않는 진정 국민이 신뢰받는 지도자가 될 것입니다.


그간 MB는 감사원, 국방부, 경찰 등의 개혁은 단호히 말합니다. 그러나 법과원칙 그리고 범죄를 다뤄야할 검찰의 법과 원칙은 물론 비리검사의 범죄는 단 한마디도 못하는 이상한 대통령이 된 것입니다.


그 결과도 북한의 노림수대로 전쟁도 할 필요 없이 국지도발이나 전쟁협박만으로도 남한내부의 종북세력만 건재하다면 피땀흘려 이룩한 대한민국이 또다시 잃어버린 10년에 처하고 있다는 징조일 것입니다. 그래서 국민들이 한상대검찰총장의 “좌파, 종북, 검찰내부의적과 정쟁선포”를 믿지 못하는 것입니다. 과연 한상대검찰총장이 진정검찰총장이 맞는지도 말입니다. 더 이상 국무위원들과 검경 국정원이 설마해서는 안될 국가적 중대 사안이라고 생각합니다)



The following information is provided to re-introduce my effort at reforming our Korean Prosecutorial System: This story will tell you why my life's decree is: "Self-reformation of the 1, 700 Korean prosecutors."


I thought if I die, people will not know, what I was suffering for...then John A. Nowell, who knows my life so well, returned from America in 2009, as a private citizen with his wife. I was so glad to see him again.


Over the years, I have explained to John, why I aggressively sought to up-grade the apartment complex where I live in Ansan. Consequently, it would be like a low cost but higher effort and a ripple effect of reunification similar to the new community movement (Saemaul Undong) in the late 60s and early 70s. It would be similar to the effort required for the reunification of our peninsula, especially reuniting with our North Korean people. I have also explained numerous times to John that we need to let the world know of such an effort. Therefore, I really needed someone who could transcribe my poor English letters who was fully aware of our Korean culture like John’s experience has shown. Because Korea is John’s second mother country, we have maintained and enhanced our Korean-American friendship for over 40 years.


Who am I

I grew up during the Korean War and suffered the devastation of the Korean War and reconstruction effort following the War like so many of my fellow citizens.

I was fortunate to learn a bit of English and landed a job with the Library at Camp Casey working for the US military in the late 60s and early 70s.

I lived in Junggang-dong in Seoul and spearheaded a reconstruction project in our village under the New Community Movement (Saemaul Undong) created by President Park Chung Hee in 1970. I was awarded a medal and 1 million won for my efforts. It was during this time that I first met John.


Later, I worked as an innovative sales representative for the KORUS news magazine published for United States Forces Korea and 8th US Army. I reconnected with John as my work was under contract with the office where he worked in Public Affairs.

During my time with the KORUS news magazine, I promoted articles about sightseeing and touring our peninsula. My prodding resulted in numerous articles written by US Army reporters as well as encouraging the Armed Forces Korea Network (AFKN) Television to broadcast travel excursions all over South Korea including Jeju Island for the US military personnel stationed at US military installations throughout Korea in the mid-70s.

My experience with KORUS prompted me to open my own PR consultant firm JDPR, for establishing foreign banks in Korea with my office located in the Chosen Hotel.

Sometime later, I moved from Seoul to Ansan where I began teaching English. But, while I was living in Ansan, I began to notice that the utility fees being charged to our residents were unjust and illegal. I began a campaign against the management authorities and instead of being supported by our government prosecutors, I became the victim. And, they charged me with ‘wrong doing’ and jailed me.


No one should have to live under a Dark Cloud

Thus began my 12 year-long battle with ‘corrupt prosecutors.’

Although I was the prime subject of the ‘corrupt’ prosecutors, I was exonerated. But, my case was not closed and I was continually hounded and persecuted by these ‘corrupt’ prosecutors no matter what I was trying to do.

I addressed my mental and physical status with the prosecutors and even pleaded with them to "Stop the mental torture on this human body!” By Law, how could they deprive the right of a person to pursue one's happiness? That's the reason why I said that the disablement and monopolization by the prosecution is like "conducting a medical experiment on a human body!"

Consequently, I've been suffering more than 10 years due to unjust actions by ‘corrupt’ prosecutors. It has cost me the right to pursue my happiness, business, and enormous stress that has caused my immune system to falter and allowed disease and minor pains to manifest in horrible agony. But, the greatest remorse I have suffered is the loss of my wife and family. Because of the mental anguish I suffered at the hands of the ‘corrupt’ prosecutors, my wife could no longer stay with me. My reputation was blackened by not getting a fair hearing by our court system. My efforts were thwarted by the ‘corrupt’ prosecutors every time. The truth is, they were bought off by the management authorities of our apartment complex and could not clear my case without implicating their duplicity in the cover-up and theft by the apartment complex management authorities (30 million won).

Please see the attached copy of the nationwide inspection for the apartment complexes by the Board of Audit and inspection (See attached.........). That document will prove why the present prosecution system in South Korea is and will be very bad for our Korean economy as well as national security. First, they are focused on political issues, but they neglect ordinary citizen's problems. In other words, for every notorious big shot they prosecute more than ten ordinary citizens are erroneously prosecuted. As you can see from the Board of Audit and Inspection Report (attached), numerous crimes of apartment mismanagement of expenses foisted on unwitting apartment occupants/victims are increasing. Consequently, those legitimate grievances are directly creating distrust of the government, thus our national security. But, that distrust can manifest into forming “enemies within” which indirectly helps North Korea.


The Hill of Justice

And, while other people cried out that my actions were "negative" or "psycho,” John maintained faith in my judgment. For example: I had been jogging on Nojeak hill (2.5 Km) in Ansan for 7 years. That exercise was the only way to forget about my loved ones, my loneliness or gloomy prospect at the time. But one day, when I was breathless from running and toiling up that steep hill, I had an “Aha” moment. An idea zoomed into my head. Why not name this place “The Hill of Justice!"

So, I christened it, "The Hill Of Justice!" And then I talked to Mr. Song Jin-Sup, the Mayor of Ansan City at that time to promote the hill as an Ansan attraction for tourists. He agreed and decided to host a half-marathon course as an International Event to promote this jogging cours. He responded to me by letter, saying he would consider a budget for it too (see attached)! The hill has a beautiful and natural environment.

So, I went to Yongsan Garrison to speak with John and briefed him about the project. I asked him if any US military personnel would be interested in participating in a Half-Marathon in Ansan and he said he would make an announcement to the US Military personnel at Yongsan Garrison.

When John made a field trip to Ansan to see the hill he said, "JD, I understand why you named this, “The Hill Of Justice!" Later on, the commander of Yongsan Garrison told me he would join the Half Marathon too! He even joke to me, "JD, I already have good running shoes to run “The Hill of Justice." John said there are about 10 more personnel from other units who will also join the run.

A few Korean reporters became interested when it was mentioned that a U.S. military officer was interested in running "The Hill of Justice." Of course, AFKN, CNN, and the Korean media would cover this event as well.

Shortly after I made these arrangements, a staff member of Ansan City Hall told me, “It's not a good idea to invite US soldiers to participate and they turned down my suggestion unreasonably. Why? I believe they were nervous that when the media covered the scheduled event with the U.S. Soldiers running "The Hill of Justice," the media may also discover and report on the hidden "Heating scandal of Ansan city's corruption (more than 30 billion won)." At the time, Mayor Song had nothing to do with this scandal, and as Mayor was looking at positive projects to promote Ansan City. It was a positive project to enhance Ansan as a progressive city. This project had nothing to do with my “Self-reformation of the 1, 700 Korean prosecutors!"

This is the reason I began making a principle of management expense at my apartment complex as well as the reunification village project. But the corrupt Korean prosecutors didn't like my effort to prevent a crime. That's why I've suffered for last 12 years.


John’s background in Korea

John first came to Korea in 1965 as a US Army Soldier and soon thereafter became a US Government employee in 1966. He has lived in Korea over 40 years. He knows Korean culture very well, and moreover he has a great sense of justice. We became faithful and good friends based on a shared interest in justice and philosophy. As a matter of a fact he has been a person of merit of my success in the Saemaul Undong (New Community Movement) in 1970.

He had worked at the US Army Garrison in Yongsan as a civilian Community Relations Specialist and later as a Public Affairs Officer (공보관) for a few decades with 8th U.S. Army in Korea. He concluded his 41 year career in the US with his assignment as a PAO in Sacramento, California. He has met and knows many famous people in Korea.

John was one of the original Board of Directors who established the PTPI (People-to-People) organization in Korea in 1972, as well as a key leader in many other Korean-International organizations during the last 45 years. He understands the reality of Korea.

According to him, I'm one of five favorite persons he knows in Korea, the first is pastor An, Yo-han.


John’s continued understanding and support

Since I first met John, I was able to converse with him and maintained a cordial relationship. In all of these endeavors, John has witnessed my great success in these other ventures as well as my distress caused by the wrongful prosecution by the ‘corrupt’ prosecutors.

He also knows about my reunification movement and my 12 year struggle to reform the prosecution effort. He was very distressed that his previous status as a US Government official with the US Forces in Korea prevented him from helping me directly. Although we shared our mutual concerns, I was unable to neither pursue my goal of reforming the Prosecutors nor proceed with my reunification village project. Then John returned to Korea as a private citizen after retiring from the US Civil Service.

He said, even in America we have some corrupt people. But, it usually doesn’t result in a written arraignment. The citizens or the press won't let that happen. And, he has the same opinion as mine that corrupt prosecutors in Korea or elsewhere should be reformed. John knows Korea well and that’s why I would like to work with him about the reunification project. I can speak and write some practical English, but it may not be understood well by the English speaking public. So, I need someone like John to transcribe my scribble into proper English to explain my thinking and future projects. I am happy that he is now able to assist me in that endeavor.

  ================== end ==============




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열람중 대한민국 국무위원은 검찰내부의 적을 위해 존재하는가? 김정도 2012-03-21 2734 6
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5702 지금의 북한 정권은 미리 보는 적그리스도의 정권과 닮았… 바울 2012-05-09 3025 6
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5700 石弓 事件 發勃 前! 1995년도 성균관 빨갱이 大學總… inf247661 2012-05-20 5651 6
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5695 ssm기업은 지방자치단체에 손해배상소송 해야한다. 푸른산 2012-07-05 3787 6
5694 학교...교우와 교사간의 아름다운 모습을 바라며 댓글(1) 야매인생 2012-08-04 3603 6
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