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월급쟁이 대통령 될 것인가? 국민적 지도자인가?

페이지 정보

작성자 솔향기 작성일17-03-24 03:39 조회1,563회 댓글0건


선진국에서는 어떤 지도자상을 바라는가?

선진국 국민이 바라는 지도자상을 뽑아 봤습니다.

1. 국민에 대한 충성심과 청렴결백한 사람이어야
2. 당과 대중, 국민을 위한 소통력과 대인관계가 능숙해야
3. 정치판에서의 악마적 유혹과 미혹을 이겨낼 수 있는 분
4. 카리스마가 있고, 양심, 선악을 분별하는 판단력이 있는
    강한 개성의 소유자

5. 국민의 마음을 정확히 꿰뚫고 듣고 대변할 수 있는 자.
6. 국민을 용기있게 설득할 수 있는 자
7. 인기없는 정책이라도 국익을 위해 힘든 결정을 내릴 수
    있는 자
8. 지도자로서 책임을 질 수 있는 사람. 자신의 실수와 
   정치적 실패를 스스로 자인하고 받아 들일 수 있는 자.

What Makes A Good Political Leader?

Ironically, those who make good political leaders are often those who least want the position in the first place! These are individuals who do not seek power but who have authority conferred upon them by others who value their judgement.

So what makes a good political leader? A good political leader is:

  • someone who serves as an example of integrity and loyalty to the people they represent, both to the public and to other political leaders .
  • someone with good communication and inter-personal skills, who can work with a range of other people, regardless of political party or opinion, to achieve the greatest good for the general population.
  • someone who can resist the various temptations and lures of the political arena
  • someone of strong character, with both conscience and charisma
  • someone willing to listen to the needs of the common people and to represent them faithfully
  • someone with the courage to stand up and say what needs to be said – rather than just tell the general public what it wants to hear
  • someone who is willing to make difficult (and possibly unpopular) decisions for the greater good.
An effective political leader will have a leadership style that focuses on coalition and building, while an ineffective leadership situation results from a leader who is a “hustler” – i.e.. who uses manipulation to get what they want, instead of inspiration and motivation. While negotiation and even coercion are sometimes necessary, a good political leader will always try to use persuasion first.

Taking Responsibility…

One of the key leadership qualities many political leaders lack is ability to take responsibility. A lot of political leaders are very adept at pointing the finger at everyone else and few seem able to accept responsibility for their mistakes, admit their political failures and acknowledge their own contribution to a problem.

Accountability is crucial to effective political leadership, as without this, there will be no respect from the followers. A good political leader is someone who will be honest and responsible for their own actions and decisions and who is willing to admit when they have made a mistake. They will focus their energies and time on representing the people rather than spending all the time “covering their backs” and criticising others.


대통령 후보가 알아야 할 국가 예산
2017년 예산.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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