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북한군 600명 어디서 나왔나? -망언의 본질-

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-28 08:28 조회6,478회 댓글0건
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  북한군 600명 어디서 나왔나?


지만원을 공격하는 사람들은 크게 2가지로 공격하는 모양이다. 하나는 북한군 600명에 대한 것이고 다른 하나는 9살짜리 광수다. 9살짜리 광수는 장진성을 말하는 것이고, 이는 세 가지로 해명되었다. 하나는 평면 얼굴 분석이고. 다른 하나는 3D얼굴 분석이다. 또 다른 하나는 게릴라부대 편제에는 반드시 어린이들과 부녀자 노인들이 절대적 요소라는 사실이다. 6.25때에 우리 한국군도 7, 8세 어린이들을 특수군 게릴라로 양성하여 북파한 기록들이 있다. 


여기에서는 600명의 기록에 대해 나열하고자 한다.


1. 1985.5. 안기부가 작정한 광주사태 상황일지 및 피해현황문서에는 51814:25.에 관측된 기록이 있다. “유동3거리 학생 300, 광주공원 학생 300명 시위전개”(40)


2. 같은 문서 제41쪽에는 15.50. “시위학생 600명이 도청으로 이동하여 시위를 전개했다는 기록이 있다.


3. 같은 문서 55쪽에는 2109시에 아시아자동차에서 군용차 305, 장갑차 5, 일반버스 100, 고속버스 5대 탈취하는 기록이 있다.


4. 서울지검과 군검찰부가 공동으로 작성한 1995.7.18.“5.18관련사건수사결과문서의 제93쪽 상단에 600명이 아시아 자동차 공장에 난입하여 장갑차 4, 군용트록 356대를 탈취했다는 기록이 있다.


5. 동아일보 김영택 기자가 검찰에 진술한 진술조서에 외지인 500명이 폭동을 선동하고 다녔고, 이들의 행동이 매우 수상했다고 진술했다.


6. 전옥주가 연고대생 600명이 광주를 도우러 오고 있다는 방송을 했다. 이는 광주시가 공식확인해준 것이다.


7. 5.18기념재단 홈페이지

522, 15:08분 상황이 기록되어 있습니다. “서울서 대학생 5백여명이 광주도착, 환영식 거행” 


        <조작했다가 비난이 빗발치자 원상 복구>


서울서 대학생 5백여명에 대한 이미지 검색결과


8. 북한 문헌 주체의 기치따라 나아가는 남조선인민들의 투쟁”(1982) 595쪽에 600명이 끝까지 싸우자 주장했다는 기록이  있다  


9. 북한문헌 광주의 분노:(1985) 35”600명으로 무어진 폭동군중의 한 집단은 괴뢰군 제199지원단 무기고를 들이치고 . .“ 


                결 론


뛰는 놈 위에 나는 놈 있다. 도저히 뚫을 수 없도록 장애물을 설치한 안방이 뚫려 강도를 당했다. 강도는 분명히 안방에 들어왔다. 이처럼 외지인 600명도 광주에 들어왔다. 어떤 사람들은 말한다. “어떻게 강도가 저런 장애물을 뚫고 안방에 들어 올 수 있는가? 강도가 들어왔다는 것은 믿을 수가 없다, 망언이다또 사람들은 말한다. “어떻게 외지인이 600명씩이나 물샐 틈 없이 봉인된 휴전선과 해안을 뚫고 600명씩이나 들어 올 수 있는가? 광주의 600명을 믿을 수가 없다. 망언이다


북한이 600명이 광주에 모인 것은 소규모로 분산돼 침투한 것이지, ‘보무당당하게 총을 들고 호로라기 불면서 온 것이 아니다. 특수군 단위 2개 대대 규모가 한 날 한 시에 넘어왔다고 생각하는 사람은 망령 든 사람이다. 북한군 600명이 총을 들고 60만 대군 속에 들어와 광주에서 드러내놓고 계엄군을 상대로 총격전을 벌였을 것이라고 생각하는 사람은 바보천치다.


강도가 어느 경로로 들어왔는지를 밝히지 못하면 강도가 들어오지 않은 것이다? 600명은 광주라는 안방에서 관측되고 기록된 숫자다. 600은 지어낸 것이 아니라 위와 같이 9개의 남북한 문서들과 기록들에 들어 있는 숫자다. 그런데 나 말고는 아무도 그런 기록들을 찾지 않았다. 기록을 찾지 않은 사람들이 기록을 찾아낸 사람을 망언자라 이지매를 가하고 있다. 이것이 미쳐가는 대한민국의 자화상이다.


번역: 이윤수


From Where Was The 600 North Korean Troops Found Out? -- True Nature of Absurd Remark


Those who attack Jee Man-Won looks to be doing it in two major ways. One is about 600 North Korean troops and the other one is nine-year-old Gwangsoo. This nine-year-old Gwangsoo means Jang Jin-Sung and it is elucidated in three ways. One is plane facial analysis and the other one is 3D facial analysis. And the another one is the fact that children, women and old men are absolutely necessary element in the composition of guerilla unit. South Korea Army also has the record to have raised 7~8 year-old children as special guerilla and infiltrated them into the North in the War of June 25th, 1950.


I’d like to list hereunder various records on 600 persons.


1. In the document of “Daily Circumstances and Present State of Damage of Gwangju Incident” made out by National Security Agency in May, 1985, there are records of what was observed at 14:25 Hours on May 18, -- “300 students in YooDong junction of three roads, and another 300 students at Gwangju Park developed demonstration (in 40th page).


2. In 41st page of the same document, it was recorded, “600 students demonstrators moved to provincial building and developed their demonstration there”.


3. In the 55th page of the same document is the record that, “At 09:00 Hours on 21st day, 305 military vehicles, 5 APCs, 100 general buses and 5 highway buses were taken away.


4. At the upper part of 93rd page of the document “Investigation Result on the Incident Concerning the May 18th” jointly made by Seoul Prosecution Office and Military Prosecution Department, is the record that 600 persons broke into Asia Motors Co. and took away 4 APCs and 365 military trucks.


5. In the record in which a reporter Kim Yong-Taek from Dong-A Ilbo(daily newspaper) gave statement to the Prosecution, he stated that 500 strangers were going around instigating people to raise riot, and he felt their behavior so suspicious.


6. Jon Ok-Joo broadcasted that, “600 students from Yonsei University and Koryo University are now coming here to help Gwangju”. This was officially confirmed by Gwangju city.


7. Homepage of The May 18th Memorial Foundation


The situation at 15:08 Hours on May 22nd is recorded, -- “About 500 students arrived at Gwangju from Seoul, welcoming ceremony was held”

15:08 Hours, May 22nd Thursday, clear sky

About 500 students arrived at Gwangju from Seoul, welcoming ceremony was held

Captured in June, 2013




15:08 Hours, May 22nd Thursday, clear sky

800 citizen and students were released and arrived at provincial building, who were previously taken into custody during demonstration

Captured in August, 2013


<They fabricated it, but restored it to original state after being hit by a rain of criticism>


8. In the 595th page of North Korean book “South Korean People’s Struggle Proceeding Forward Following the Banner of Self-Sovereignty”(1982) is recorded the fact that 600 persons had insisted to keep fighting to the last moment.


9. In the 35th page of North Korean book “Wrath of Gwangju” (1985), is recorded -- “A group of 500 people in riot raided into the ordnance stores of the 199th support unit of the South puppet forces...”




There is a flying man over a running man. There occurred a robbery because a living room was penetrated into, which had so heavy barriers around impossible to penetrate into at any event. Just like this, 600 strangers penetrated into Gwangju. Some people say, “How could robbers have been possible to come into the living room penetrating the heavy barriers? I can not believe that robbers had come in. It is only an absurd remark”. Some others say, “How could the strangers as many as 600 have been possible to come in penetrating through the cease-fire line and coastal lines which were completely sealed without any hole of leakage? I can not believe the 600 persons of Gwangju. It is only an absurd remark”.


600 North Korean troops were possible to get together in Gwangju because they succeeded penetrating into there after being splitted into small units, but it was not that they came down there carrying rifles with them in great march blowing whistles. Anyone who think that two battalion magnitude of North Korean special troops had come over at the same time at the same day is a dotard. Anyone who think that 600 North Korean troops might have come into the huge forces of 600 thousand soldiers carrying their rifles and fight a gun battle with our martial law army openly in Gwangju is a fool and idiot.


If you are unable to account for in which way the robbers were successful to penetrate in, then it is that the robbers had not come in. The 600 persons is the number which were observed and recorded in a living room called Gwangju. This number 600 is not anything made up, but is a number which is contained in each of the nine of the South and the North documents and records. No one, however, had ever sought for the record except me. Those who had never sought for the records are now making fool of the one who found out the number as an absurd remarker. This is the portrait of South Korea which is going mad everyday.


2019.3.28. 지만원 



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