황교안, 5.18과 4.3, 어느 편 설래? > 최근글

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황교안, 5.18과 4.3, 어느 편 설래?

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-03 17:48 조회5,849회 댓글0건
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        황교안, 5.184.3, 어느 편 설래?


       황교안, 송호성 후예인지 지켜보자


4.3역사, 5.18역사는 이미 북한역사로 왜곡돼 있다. 4월과 5, 황교안이 어느 역사에 서는지 지켜보자. 내달이면 43일이 오고, 그 다음 달이면 5.18이 온다. 4.3에 황교안이 제주도 가면 그는 우익의 적이 될 것이고, 5.18에 광주에 가면 그는 루비콘 강을 건너버린 제2송호성이 된다.


             송호성은 누구인가?


“19489월부터 육군 정보국 내에 특별 수사과를 설치하여 19497월말까지 4,749 명에 대하여 총살, 유기형, 파면을 단행했다. 폭동에 가담했던 좌익 군인들이 산 속으로 도망했고, 일부 공산주의자들은 19495, 2개 대대 규모를 만들어 월북까지 했다. 반란군을 토벌할 임무를 받았던 토벌사령관 송호성6.25가 발생하자 서울에서 인민군으로 전신하여 인민군 소장이 되었다.”


      이번 5.18에는 서울 현충원 가득 채워야


작년 518일에는 비가 많이 오고 발이 물에 잠겨 질척거렸는데도 3만 이상 오셨습니다. 멀리 미국, 캐나다, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 일본에서도 오시고 전국각지에서 버스를 대절해 오셨습니다. 이번에는 전쟁입니다. 3.1절 행사에는 많은 국민들이 오셨는데 집회의 주최들은 대목한번 보자는 식으로 각기 갈라져 있었습니다. 오시는 분들은 애국자들이었지만 주최자들은 대목 챙기는 사람들이었다고 평가합니다. 이들 모든 주최자들은 5.18을 멀리 했습니다. 북한군 주장을 망언이라며, 문재인 편에 합류했습니다. 그리고 입으로는 문재인 끌어내리자 너스레를 쳤습니다. 행사 이전과 이후에 달라진 것이 있는가요? 오히려 문재인은 이런 분열과 나약함과 비열함을 바라보면서 더 많은 자신감을 얻었을 것입니다.


518, 오후 2, 모두 모두 서울 현충원으로 오십시오. 3.1절 대목도 무위로 사라졌습니다. 이제 문재인과 싸울 수 있는 대목일은 518일밖에 없습니다. 그날 저는 성금함을 내놓지 않습니다. 드릴 것들만 내놓겠습니다. 지금부터 그날을 비워놓으십시오. 지금부터 버스 대절을 준비해 주십시오.


Hwang Kyo-Ahn, Facing the May 18th and the April 3rd, Which Side Are You Going to Stand For?


Let‘s Keep Watching Hwang Kyo-Ahn If He Is A Descendant of Song Ho-Sung


The history of the April 3rd and of the May 18th has already been distorted to North Korean history. Let‘s keep watching Hwang Kyo-Ahn which history he is going to stand for. Next month comes the day of April 3rd, and the next month comes the May 18th. If Hwang Kyo-Ahn go to Jeju province(island) on April 3rd, he will be an enemy to the rightist, and if he go to Gwangju on May 18th, he will become 2nd Song Ho-Sung who had crossed the Rubicon River.


Who is Song Ho-Sung


Army command set up special investigation Dept. in the Army Intelligence Agency from September 1948, and carried out execution by shooting, fixed-term imprisonment and discharge on 4,749 soldiers by the end of July, 1949. The leftist soldiers who took part in the riot ran away into the mountain, and some communists got together to form the size of two battalions and went to North Korea in May, 1949. The punitive force commander Song Ho-Sung was in charge of suppressing the rebellion. When the June 25th War broke out, he transformed himself into (North Korean) People‘s Army when he was in Seoul, and became a Major General of the Army.


On May 18th This Year, We Must Fill HyonChoongWon( Seoul National Cemetary) to the Full


On May 18 last year, more than 30 thousands people came there even though it was rainy and our feet were sinking in the wet and soft ground. Some people came the long way even from America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, and many people came from all across the nation by chartering buses. This time it will be like a war. Though many people came for the March 1st ceremony at that time, host organizations of the rallies were split into their own ways in the manner of making the most of this fair of the fete day. My estimation is that those who came there were patriotic people, but the hosts were such people who were interested in gaining profits from the fair of the fete day. All these hosts stayed far away from the May 18th matter. They joined Moon Jae-In‘s side, saying that the contention of North Korean troops was an absurd remark. And they made sly jests with their lips that they want to drag Moon Jae-In down. Has there been anything changed significantly after the rallies? On the contrary, Moon Jae-In might have gained more self-confidence looking at this split, weakness and meanness.


Please everybody and all of you, come to HyonChoongWon (Seoul National Cemetery) at 2P.M on May 18. The big fair of the fete day March 1st has disappeared with nothing ever done. Now the big fair of the last fete day left for us to fight with Moon Jae-In is only May 18. That day I will not put out a contribution box. I‘ll put out only what I will give you. Please spare the day in advance from now. Also please get ready to charter the bus from now.

2019.3.3. 지만원




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