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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-17 19:21 조회4,694회 댓글0건
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일시: 2019218일 오후 2

장소: 서울중앙지방검찰청과 서울중앙지방법원 사이의 공간


1. 설훈, 민병두, 최경환에 대한 무고혐의: 2019114, 3인은 ‘5.18유공자자격으로 지만원과 이종명, 김진태, 김순례 의원을 명예훼손 및 모욕혐의로 고소를 했다. 지만원은‘5·18은 북한군이 주도한 게릴라전’‘5·18은 폭동’, ‘북한군 개입은 이미 증명된 사실’등 허위사실을 적시했고, 3명의 의원들은 이를 국회에서 발표하도록 공청회를 열어주고 동일한 취지의 발언들을 했다는 것이다. 하지만 1) 지만원의 위 표현은 모두 팩트에 근거해 증명한 연구결과이고, 2) 북한군 개입 결론은 광주의 불명예를 명예롭게 세탁해 주는 역할을 하는 것이고 3) 5.18유공자가 5,769명인 지금 유독 그들만의 명예가 훼손됐다 할 수 없으며 4) 유공자 공적조서를 제출하지 않으면 피해자 적격에 해당할 수 없다. 18년 동안 연구한 결론을 허위사실이라 뒤집어 씌워 고소한 행위는 무고이자 학문에 대한 테러행위다.


2. 김병준에 대한 명예훼손 혐의: 김병준은 2019.2.12. 이런 발언을 했다. 지만원의 발제내용은 일반적으로 역사해석에서 있을 수 있는 견해차이 수준을 넘어서 이미 입증된 사실에 대한 허위 주장임이 명백하다” “특히 공당의 국회의원이 이런 주장에 판을 깔아주는 주장도 용인돼서는 안 된다. 5.18과 관련된 우리당의 공식입장은 대한민국의 자유민주주의발전에 크게 기여한 민주화운동이었다는 것이다 


북한군 개입이 없었다고 입증 된 적 없다. 다만 지만원만 빼고 모두가 모르고 있었을 뿐이다. 따라서 김병준의 입증된 사실은 없다. 지만원은 발제문에서 이를 이미 밝혀놓았다. 그런데도 북한군개입 주장이 명백한 허위라고 선포한 것은 매우 잔인한 명예훼손행위다. 김병준은 또 개인의 영달을 위해 민주주의 근간인 공론의 장을 폐쇄했고, 직권을 남용하여 ‘5.18진상규명법36항의 실행을 방해하였다.


   지만원은 광주의 불명예를 씻어준 사람, 광주명예 훼손한 적 없어


저들은 지만원이 5.18의 명예를 훼손했다고 주장하지만 이는 논리와 팩트를 무시한 근거 없는 신앙이다. 지금의 5.18민주화운동은 광주를 ''으로 계엄군을 ''으로 정의하고 있다. 하지만 계엄군도 국민의 아들이다. 광주의 자식은 천사가 낳은 자식이고, 계엄군은 악귀가 낳은 자식이라는 광주의 주장은 4.3에서 제주도민은 이고 국가를 으로 몰아가는 것과 궤를 같이 한다. 남한의 역사를 북한의 역사로 바꾸는 유일한 잣대는 대한민국을 으로 정의하는 것이다. 5.18에는 광주인들의 불명예들이 가득 차 있다. 광주 사망자 154명 중 80% 이상이 계엄군 없는 곳들에서 사망했고, 총상 사망자(116)75%(85)가 무기고에서 탈취한 카빈총 등에 사망했다. 300명의 날랜 장정들이 국군의 이동정보를 알아가지고 매복해 있다가 행군중인 정규사단을 습격하여 사단장용 지프차를 포함해 14대의 지프차를 탈취한 행위, 방위산업 업체인 아시아자동차공장에 장정 600명이 쳐들어가 장갑차 4대와 군용트럭 374대를 탈취한 행위, 불과 4시간 만에 전남의 17개 시-군에 숨어있는 44개 무기고를 털어 5,403정의 총기를 탈취, 계엄군에 총질한 행위, TNT2,100발의 폭탄을 조립해놓고 광주시를 제2의 히로시마로 날리려 했던 행위, 교도소를 5회 공격한 행위 등 시위대가 저지른 행위들은 광주의 영원한 불명예들이다. 지만원은 이런 행위를 북한이 저질렀다고 했다. 그러면 지만원은 광주의 불명예를 씻어준 사람 아닌가? 광주도 계엄군도 다 같이 북한군의 피해자가 되는 것 아닌가? ‘북한군 개입주장은 광주와 계엄군 모두의 명예를 회복시켜주는 명약이 아닐 수 없다. 광주인들은 어째서 광주의 피해가 반드시 계엄군에 의해 발생했다고 해야 좋아하고, 북한에 의해 발생했다고 하면 사납게 공격하는 것인가? 선전포고 없이 자행한 북한의 침략행위를 밝히는 지만원의 노력이 어째서 광주의 불명예가 된다는 것인지 불가사의 하다. 지만원의 연구결과는 광주로부터 소송을 당할 성격의 것이 아니다. 단지 대한민국의 모든 역사를 북한역사로 바꾸기 위해 무조건 국가를 으로 규정해야만 하는 이적행위의 일환일 뿐이다.

A Press Conference Report


Time: 2 P.M. February 18, 2019


Place: The Place Between Seoul Central Prosecution Office and Seoul Central Court


False accusation charge against Sol Hoon, Min Byong-Doo

and Choi Kyong-Hwan: On February 14, 2019, these three individuals brought a lawsuit against Jee Man-Won and the Assembly Members Lee Jong-Myong, Kim Jin-Tae and Kim Soon-Rye on charges of defamation and contempt in their capacity of ‘the May 18th men of merit’. They insist that Jee Man-Won purposely disclosed false facts such as ‘the May 18th was a guerilla war led by North Korean troops’, ‘the May 18th was a riot’, ‘North Korean troops intervention is a fact already proved’, and that the three Assembly Members helped to hold the public hearing so that Jee Man-Won could make presentation in the National Assembly, and that they gave speeches to the same purport. I would say, however, that 1) what Jee Man-Won expressed above are the research results which were all proved on the basis of facts, 2) the conclusion of North Korean troops intervention is doing the role of laundering Gwangju’s disgrace into their honor, 3) now that the number of May 18th men of merit has reached 5,769, it is unreasonable to say that only their honors were uniquely defamed, 4) they are not suitable to the capacity of victims unless they present records of meritorious deed of men of merit. Their action of bringing it into lawsuit by putting falsehood on the conclusion, which has been reached after 18 years of research, is a false accusation and terror to scientific learning.


Defamation charge against Kim Byong-Joon; On February 12,

2019, Kim Byong-Joon made this utterance. The contents of Jee Man-Won’s presentation went beyond the level of opinion difference which are generally acceptable in the interpretation of history, and is clearly a false allegation about the facts which have already been proved”. “Especially it is not allowed for Assembly Members of public Party to advocate for paving the way for such allegation. Our Party’s official position on the May 18th is that it was a pro-democracy movement which has greatly contributed to the development of liberal democracy in South Korea.”


There has been not a time when ‘North Korean troops intervention’ was proved as never had happened. It is only that no one has ever been aware of it except the only man Jee Man-Won. Therefore, there is no such thing as “the facts which have already been proved” that Kim Byong-Joon uttered. Jee Man-Won has already clarified it in the presentation. In spite of this, Kim declared that the contention of North Korean troops intervention is definitely falsehood, and it is a very cruel defamation. Furthermore, Kim Byong-Joon, for his personal advancement, closed ‘public opinion arena’ which is the basis of democracy, and abused his official authority to disturb enforcement of the clause 6 article 3 of the ‘May 18th truth-finding law,.


Jee Man-Won Is A Man Who Blotted Out Disgrace of Gwangju, but Has Never Defamed Gwangju


Though they insist that Jee Man-Won defamed the May 18th honor, it is a groundless religion in which they disregard logic and fact. Now the May 18th pro-democracy movement power define Gwangju as ‘the good’ and the martial law troops as ‘the evil’. The martial law troops, however, were also sons of the nation. Gwangju’s contention that sons of Gwangju were sons of angels and the martial law troops were sons of devils has the same way of driving away that Jeju province people were ‘the good’ and the State were ‘the evil’ in the 4*3(April 3rd, 1948) incident in Jeju. The only criterion to change South Korean history into North Korean history is to define the history of South Korea as ‘the evil’. The May 18th incident were full of disgraces of Gwangju such as, -- 1) among the 154 Gwangju citizen who were killed, more than 80 percent were killed in the places where martial law troops were not there, and 75 percent(85 persons) of those died of bullet wound (116 persons) were shot dead by Carbine rifles which were taken from ordnance stores, -- 2) the acts of 300 speedy men having taken 14 Jeeps including Division commander’s after getting information on our Army’s movement, lying in ambush and raiding regular Division in the movement, -- 3) the acts of 600 men having invaded defense industries of ‘Asia Motor Co.’ factory and taken 4 APCs and 374 military trucks out from there, -- 4) the acts of having raided 44 ordnance stores hidden in 17 cities and counties in Junnam province in just four hours and opened fire to martial law troops, -- 5) the acts of having assembled 2,100 round of TNT explosives and tried to blow off Gwangju city like 2nd Hiroshima, -- 6) the acts of having attacked Gwangju prison five times, -- all these acts, which were perpetrated by demonstrators, are eternal disgraces to Gwangju. Jee Man-Won contended that all these acts were perpetrated by North Korean troops. Isn’t Jee Man-Won a man who blotted out the disgraces of Gwangju, is he? Aren’t Gwangju and martial law troops altogether turning to victims of North Korean troops, are they? The contention of ‘North Korean troops intervention’ can not but be the best medicine that retrieves honor of both Gwangju and martial law troops. Why do Gwangju people like others to say that the damages of Gwangju were incurred only by martial law troops and why do they attack those who say the damages were incurred by North Korean troops? It is a mystery why Jee Man-Won’s effort to disclose North Korea’s act of invasion, which they perpetrated without declaration of war, becomes disgrace to Gwangju. Jee Man-Won’s research result is not of the character to get lawfully sued by Gwangju people. It is only a part of their acts of benefiting the enemy that they have to define South Korea unconditionally as ‘an evil’ in order to change all South Korean history into North Korean history.

2019.2.17. 지만원




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