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화려한 행사에 초 친 광주 것들의 추한 마각

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-09 07:42 조회6,532회 댓글0건
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       화려한 행사에 초 친 광주 것들의 추한 마각


28() 5.18국회공청회는 대성황을 이루었습니다. 의원회관 대회의실이 생긴 이래 최대의 인파였다고 합니다. 김진태의원이 울산 부산 지역에서 환영 영상을 보냈고, 이종명 의원의 내공 있는 환영사가 답답한 마음들을 시원하게 뚫어주었습니다 김순례 의원의 적극적인 자세와 언변이 놀라웠고, 백승주, 이완영 의원이 축사를 해주었습니다. 이종명 의원실에서 준비한 대형 현수막이 분위기를 압도하였습니다. 김순례 의원은 초록색 5.18소책자’(그것은 게릴라전이었다만 얼른 읽어봐도 5.18의 진실을 알 수 있다고 했습니다.


국회측 이야기로는 최소한 1,500명이 오셨다고 합니다만, 광주 것들이 소란을 피우고 몸싸움을 거는 바람에 수백 명의 애국국민이 보안검색대를 열어주지 않아 안타까운 심정으로 돌아가셨다 합니다. 지만원 체포조가 광주에서 올라온다는 첩보가 있었지만 이렇게 30명이 넘는 깡패족들이 와서 소란을 부릴 줄은 몰랐습니다. 이들은 발표가 시작될 즈음 소란을 부렸고, 630분 경 발표가 끝날 때까지 보안검색대 앞에서 지만원을 체포하기 위해 기다렸다고 합니다. 바로 이것이 5.18의 정체요 생리요 마각인 것입니다. 이런 행위와 민주화가 어떻게 어울릴 수 있는 것인지, 모든 분들이 혀를 찼습니다. 이제 5.18은 민주화가 아니라 빨갱이들의 밥줄이요 더러운 마패라는 사실을 만천하가 알게 된 것입니다.


정각 2시에 시작한 행사는 630분경에 마무리됐습니다. 장내에는 모든 복도 공간이 가득 찼고, 장외 공간에서도 많은 분들이 모니터를 통해 장시간 서서 경청해 주셨습니다. 5월 것들이 소란을 부리자 누가 애국국민이고 누가 광주 것들인지 알 수 없는 검색대 요원들이 안전을 위해 더 이상의 인파를 입장시키지 않았다 합니다.


어제의 공청회는 이러한 부분 말고는 대 성공이었다는 것이 주위 분들의 평가입니다. 몇 개의 영상들과 발표내용을 접하면 누구나 다 5.18이 북한의 소행이라는 사실을 믿게 된다는 것이 중론이었습니다. 실로 많은 국민들이 지만원을 믿어주시고 격려해주시고 계시다는 사실을 실감했습니다. 이렇게만 나가면 우리는 반드시 이길 것입니다. 어제 오셔서 4시간 반 동안 자리를 지키면서 경청하신 모든 분들, 5월 것들의 행패의 유탄을 맞아 검색 대 밖에서 애타는 심정으로 되돌아가신 모든 분들께 깊은 감사를 드립니다.


광주 것들의 추태 영상




Demon‘s Ugly Legs of Gwangju Things Who Sprayed Vinegar(spoiled) on Brilliant Event


The National Assembly Hearing on the May 18th on February 8 was a great success. They say that it was the biggest crowd since the opening of the big conference hall in the Assembly Members Office Building. Assembly Member Kim Jin-Tae thankfully sent a welcoming video from Ulsan and Busan district where he was visiting, and another Assembly Member Jee Jong-Myong‘s welcoming speech overflowing with his inner-energy cut through the people’s suffocating oppression briskly. A female Assembly Member Kim Soon-Rye‘s aggressive attitude and oratorical power was surprising, and the other two Assembly Members Baik Seung-Joo and Lee Wan-Yong delivered short congratulatory address each. The big placard, which the Assembly Member Lee Jong-Myong’s office prepared and put up on the stage, dominated the atmosphere of the hall. Assembly Member Kim Soon-Rye emphasized that anyone would be able to catch the truth of the May 18th easily by just reading fast “the green booklet on the May 18th (That was a Guerilla Warfare)”.


The National Assembly‘s side said that at least 1,500 persons had come to attend it, but because the authority had to close the security checkstand as a consequent of the disturbance and scuffles raised by Gwangju things, hundreds of people were made to go back feeling heartbroken sorry. Though I’ve got an intelligence that Jee Man-Won arrest team would be coming from Gwangju, I’ve never thought that over 30 racketeers would come and make disturbance like this. They are said to have made disturbance around the beginning of presentation, and kept waiting at the security checkstand until the closing of the presentation around 6:30 P.M in order to arrest Jee Man-Won. This is the very true character of the May 18th, its physiology and (finally revealed) demon‘s leg. How can these acts go well with democratization, -- all the audience clicked their tongues. Now all the world became aware that the May 18th was not anything of democratization but the Red’s means of livelihood and dirty prestige horse medal of old dynasty.


The event started at 2 P.M sharp and ended around 6:30 P.M. All the aisles in the hall were full with attendant, and out in the corridor were also filled with many people watching it on the monitor standing for hours. The security officers, who were not able to discriminate which is patriotic people and which is Gwangju things when the May 18th wretches from Gwangju raised disturbance, are said to have stopped the remaining crowd from entering the building for safety.


 Gentlemen around me evaluated in common that yesterday‘s hearing was a great success except this part. It was public opinion that whoever come to see certain images on the screen and hear the presentation, become to believe as a matter of course that the May 18th was perpetrated by North Korea. I felt actually that many people believe and encourage me Jee Man-Won in my effort. If we move forward like this, I am sure we will win. I would thank you all the people who came yesterday and kept seats to listen to me for four and half hours and also all of them who had to go back from the security checkstand with heartbroken sorry by being hit by the stray bullet caused by outrageous misbehavior of the May 18th wretches.

2019.2.9. 지만원



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