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홍준표와 안철수, 대선무효소송 왜 안 나서나?

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-01 15:39 조회4,979회 댓글0건
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     홍준표와 안철수, 대선무효소송 왜 안 나서나?


21, 동아일보는 김경수에 대한 1심 판결문(1.31.)을 소개했다. 그 요지는 아래와 같다.


1. 김경수는 기계적인 방법으로 온라인 여론조작을 하도록 드루킹(김동원)을 사주했다.


2. 이를 통해 2017년 대선에서 문재인이 상당한 이익을 얻었다.


이런 판결 결과를 본 홍준표와 안철수의 조건반사적 반응은 어떻게 나타나야 하는가? 즉각적인 대선무효소송을 제기하는 것이다. 그런데 홍준표는 내가 가장 큰 피해자라는 말만 했다. 물론 제2심과 3심이 남아 있다. 그러나 제2심과 3심이 조작되지 못하게 하려면 지금 대선무효소송을 제기해야 한다. 이것이 정치게임을 할 줄 아는 사람의 작전일 것이다. 법만 아는 꽁생원들은 대선무효소송23심이 결정 난 이후에 결심할 문제라고 생각하겠지만, 작전을 아는 사람은 지금 곧바로 무효소송을 낼 것이다.


지금 보도매체들은 사건의 본질을 호도하고 있다. “문재인이 알았겠느냐 몰랐겠느냐?” 김경수가 문재인 선거에 제갈량 역할을 한 사실, 김정숙이 경인선(경공모의 개명)을 가자 한 사실, 드루킹이 1심 최후진술에서 문재인과 김경수에 배신당했다고 한 발언만 보아도 문재인이 몰랐다고 인정해 줄 국민 없을 것이다. 그러나 문재인이 조작의 범죄사실을 알았느냐, 몰랐느냐는 사안의 본질이 아니다. 문재인이 알았다면 감옥에 가야 할 죄를 저지른 것이고, 몰랐다 해도 대선은 무효인 것이다.


실질적으로 문재인을 끌어내리려면 홍준표나 안철수가 또는 모두가 대선무효소송을 제기해야 한다. 두 사람이 이를 회피한다면 더 이상 애국을 입에 담지 말아야 할 것이다.


형량에도 문제가 있다. 원세훈은 댓글이 모두 41만개, 그 중 선거관련 댓글이 겨우 180개라 한다. 그런데도 원세훈은 4년형을 받았다. 그런데 김경수는 드루킹을 시켜 8,840만 개, 1억 개에 육박하는 댓글을 제조-유포했는데도 겨우 징역 2년형이다.


Hong Joon-Pyo and Ahn Chul-Soo, Why Don‘t They Start The Nullity Suit of Presidential Election?


On February 1st, Dong-A Newspaper introduced the judgement of the first court on the accused Kim Kyong-Soo. The gist is as below.


1. Kim Kyong-Soo instigated Druking(Kim Dong-Won) to do online opinion fabrication in a mechanical method.


2. Because of it, Moon Jae-In made a large profit in the Presidential election in 2017.


What should be the rightful reaction of conditional reflex of Hong Joon-Pyo and Ahn Chul-Soo(former Presidential candidates) after they had seen this judgement? That is, they raise ‘the nullity suit of President election’ right away. But Hong Joon-Pyo only said the word, “I am the biggest victim”. Of course 2nd trial and final court still remain to go through. But they have to raise ‘the nullity suit of Presidential election’ now in order to prevent the 2nd and final trial from being fabricated. This will be an effective operation of a man who knows how to do political games. Narrow-minded man who is familiar with only law would be thinking that it is a matter to make decision after 2nd and final judgements on ‘the nullity suit of Presidential election’ are made, but those who know how to do operation would be raising the nullity suit right now.


News organizations are now glossing over the nature of this case. -- “Could Moon Jae-In have known it, or couldn‘t?” -- When considering only the fact that Kim Kyong-Soo played the role of Jegal-Ryang(best staff) in the Presidential election(for Moon Jae-In), the fact that first lady Kim Jong-Sook said she wanted to go to KyongInSun(changed name of ’the society of mutual advancement for economic success‘), Druking’s testimony in his final statement in the 1st trial that he was betrayed by Moon Jae-In and Kim Kyong-Soo, there will be no people who will recognize that Moon Jae-In might not have known it. But it is not substantial matter whether Moon Jae-In recognized the criminal fact or not. If Moon Jae-In recognized it, it means he had committed a crime to be put in jail. In case he didn‘t, then still the Presidential election is null and void.


To drag down Moon Jae-In substantially, Hong Joon-Pyo or Ahn Chul-Soo or both of them should raise “the nullity suit of Presidential election‘. If this two persons evade it, they ought not to utter any patriotic words with their lips.


Prison sentences are also problematic. It is said that for Won Se-Hoon‘s (former director of Korean CIA) case, all the comments were 410 thousands, and among them the comments relevant to elections were only 180. In spite of it, Won Se-Hoon was sentenced to four year prison term. But Kim Kyong-Soo was given only two year prison term despite he had Druking write and diffuse 88.4 million comments-reaching almost 100 million.

2019.2.1 지만원




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