5.18퀴즈, 광주교도소는 누가 공격했나? > 최근글

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5.18퀴즈, 광주교도소는 누가 공격했나?

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-03 14:36 조회4,485회 댓글0건
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      5.18퀴즈, 광주교도소는 누가 공격했나?


퀴즈1.2017418, 남재준이 문제를 제기했다. “좌익사범 많이 들어 있는 교도소를 공격한 게 무슨 민주화냐?” 이에 대해 419, 당시 광주시장 윤장현이 발끈했다. “광주시민은 광주교도소 공격 절대 안했다. 법적 조치하겠다.” 그런데 1997.4.17.의 대법원 판결문에는 "광주시위대가 당시 3공수여단이 방어하고 있는 광주교도소롤 5회 공격하여 여러 명이 사살됐다"는 문장이 있다. 그렇다면 광주교도소는 누가 공격했는가? 북한군인가, 한국군인가? 광주시위대인가?


퀴즈2. 1980521, 12시부터 16시까지 불과 4시간 만에 전남 17개 시-군에서 44개 무기고가 털렸다. 총기 5,403. 북한군이 이를 시민들에 나누어주었다. 그런데 개념 없는 어린이들 말고는 일반 광주시민들이 받으려 하지 않고 오히려 총기 배급자들을 의심했다. 계엄군은 광주시로부터 떠나 있었고, 다시 광주로 쳐들어오리라는 것은 명약관화했다.쳐들어 올 계엄군을 상대로 광주시민들이  싸워주지 않으면 폭동의 불씨가 꺼질 판이었다. 다급해진 북한은 수많은 간첩통신망을 이용해 폭동의 동력을 얻으려면 광주교도소를 공격하라는 지령을 내렸다. 교도소에 있는 170명의 간첩수를 포함해 2,700명의 수용자들을 폭동의 동력으로 삼으라는 지령이었다. 이를 감청한 계엄군은 긴급히 3공수여단을 교도소 방어에 투입했다. 계엄군이 방어준비를 하고 있을 때 대규모 시위대 들의 파상공격이 이어졌다. 그렇다면 교도소를 공격한 이 부대는 광수시위대인가, 북한집단인가?


무전을 통해 북한으로부터 교도소 공격명령을 받고, 그 명령을 수행하는 집단이라면 광주집단일까, 북한집단일까? 광주의 양아치들이 북한으로부터 명령을 받고 그 명령을 수행한다?


The May 18th Quiz, Who Attacked Gwangju Prison?


Quiz 1.

On April 18, 2017, Nam Jae-Joon(former Director of Korean CIA) asked a question. “How can it be called democratization at all having attacked the prison in which lots of leftist convicts were confined?” On April 19, then Gwangju mayor Yoon Jang-Hyon flew into a rage at this. “Gwangju citizen had never attacked Gwangju prison. We will take legal action”. But in the Supreme Court judgement made on April 17, 1997 is the line that says, “Gwangju demonstrators attacked Gwangju prison five times which the 3rd Airborne Brigade were defending, and many demonstrators were shot dead”. In this case, who was it that attacked the Gwangju prison? Was it North Korean troops,or South Korean troops, or Gwangju demonstrators?


Quiz 2.

On May 21, 1980, 44 ordnance stores in 17 cities and counties of Junnam province were raided and robbed in just four hours from 12 Hours to 16 Hours daytime. A total of 5,403 fire arms, -- North Korean troops gave them to citizen. But ordinary Gwangju citizen, except some children who have no conception, would not receive the guns, and they were rather suspicious of the identities of the gun distributors. Martial law troops were out from Gwangju city, and it was quite obvious that they would be raiding into Gwangju again. If Gwangju citizen would not fight against the martial law troops who would be raiding to come, the kindling of the riot would be on the verge of dying out. Pressed for time, North Korea issued an order through the communication network of their agents to attack Gwangju prison in order to secure motivating power for the riot. The order was instructing them to utilize them, the 2,700 inmates including 170 agent-inmates, as motivating power for the riot. Martial law army intercepted their communication, and dispatched the 3rd Airborne Brigade to the prison immediately. When the martial law troops were making preparations for the defense, demonstrators in large-scale made a series of attacks. In this case, were this troops who attacked the prison Gwangju demonstrators or North Korean troops?


The group who received order to attack the prison from North Korea through wireless communication and carried out the order(mission), -- were they Gwangju group or North Korean group? Can Gwangju delinquents and ragmen be rightfully assumed to have received order from North Korea and carried out the order(mission)?


2019.2.3. 지만원




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