북한이 만든 기록영화 475명의 수수께끼 > 최근글

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북한이 만든 기록영화 475명의 수수께끼

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-02-05 10:29 조회5,528회 댓글0건
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    북한이 만든 기록영화 475명의 수수께끼


한 조선기록영화 촬영소가 작성한 광주인민항쟁1980.6.5. 일본 정평위가 배포한 찢어진 깃폭에는 도청지하에서 475명이 단 하루에 떼죽음(무리죽음)을 당했다는 말이 나온다. 전에는 그냥 모략을 위한 허풍의 숫자이겠거니 생각하고 넘겼다. 그런데 왜 그 많은 숫자 중에 하필이면 475명이 나올까? 부상자가 15,000여명, 학살당한 자가 2,000여명, 이런 주장은 그냥 모략을 위해 지어낸 허풍의 숫자다. 그건데 도청 지하실에서 단 하루 만에 학살당한 숫자가 그 많은 숫자 중에 하필이면 475일까? 도청 지하실” “475” “단 하루 만에


20151013, 나는 보신각에 무대를 차려놓고 5.18관련 집회를 했다. 그때 북한 여성 2명이 나와서 매우 귀한 증언을 했다. 초등생이었을 때 등교할 때마다 매일같이 학교에서 확성기를 통해 들려주던 노래라며 그 노래를 들려준 것이다. 키워드는 광주’ ‘무등산’ ‘억세게 싸우다가 무리죽음 당한 그들’ ‘하나로 잇자등일 것이다.



광주라 무등산에 겨울을 이겨내고

연분홍 진달래가 곱게 피어나네

동강난 조국땅을 하나로 다시 잇자

억세게 싸우다가 무리죽음 당한 그들

사랑하는 부모형제 죽어서도 못 잊어

죽은 넋이 꽃이 되어 무등산에 피어나네



광주라 무등산에 봄철을 부르면서

새빨간 진달래가 붉게 피어나네

찢어진 민족혈맥 하나로 다시 잇자

억세게 싸우다가 무리죽음 당한 그들

사랑하는 부모형제 죽어서도 못 잊어

젊은 넋이 꽃이 되어 무등산에 피어나네



       북한특수군 사살자 475


청주유골이 430구다. 부산 국제신문 이양우 기자가 2명의 이삭을 발견했고, 도청에 있던 하얀 찔레꽃이 얹혀있던 관들이 사진에 찍혀 있다. 이들은 청주로도 가지 못하고 야산으로도 가지 못한 채, 도청에 그냥 남겨두어져 있었다. 그것이 신원이 확인되지 않는 12구였을 것이다. 청주로 간 430구는 522일 새벽 이전에 청주로 옮겨졌다. 이들 12구는 그때까지 죽지 않고 환자상태에 있다가 524일 이전에 죽었을 것이다. 이렇게 하면 카운트가 된 북한군 살해 숫자는 444명이다. 475와는 31의 차이가 난다.


이양우 기자는 522일 아침, 시체 2구가 야산으로 운반돼 가는 것을 보았지만 그들이 미처 보지 못한 숫자가 더러 있을 지 모른다. 만일 이양우 기자팀이 본 것이 전부라고 가정하면 이들 31명은 소생할 수 있을 것이라는 생각에 모두 데려갔을 것이다. 환자를 차량으로 운반하고, 목포 항구들에 대기하고 있는 선박으로 운반하려면 광주인 인부들이 필요했을 것이다. 북한군 31명 환자 중에는 운반 도중에도 일부 사망한 자도 있을 것이고, 북한 땅에 도착해서 사망한 자들도 있을 것이다.


그리고 광주에는 행방불명자들이 60여명 있었다고 했다. 그 숫자도 부풀려져 지금은 242명으로 늘어났다. 여튼 행방불명자들 중에는 두 가지 종류가 있을 수 있다. 북한군 환자를 선박에까지 운반해주고 사살당한 사람들이 있을 것이고, 멋모르는 부나비들이 철수하는 북한군을 따라가다가 중간에서 사살당했을 수도 있다. 비밀을 지키기 위해서는 이들 부역자들이 100% 사살당할 수밖에 없었을 것이다.


444475는 오차범위내의 숫자다. 사살당한 북한특수군 숫자를 북한의 주장 그대로 475명으로 보는 것이 타당할 것이다. 어떻게 양성한 귀중한 맥가이버들이었는데~ 그래서 무리죽음(떼죽음) 당한 그들의 넋을 기리며 광주여, 무등산 진달래여, 하고 흐느끼는 것이다. 북한이 어째서 5.18영화를 만들어 해마다 틀어주는 것이며, 북한 최고의 것에는 ‘5.18’ 숫자를 영예의 상징으로 하사하는 것이며, 해마다 5월이 되면 북한의 모든 시-군에서 광주를 잊지 말자’, ‘통일이여 어서 오라울부짖으며 추모하는 것인가? 연합뉴스가 보도했듯이 광주 게릴라 전쟁은 김일성의 작품이 틀림 없다.  


The Riddle of 475 Death Toll in Documentary Movie Made By North Korea


In ‘Gwangju People’s Uprising’ which was filmed by Chosun Documentary Film Production, and in ‘The Torn Banner’ which was issued on June 5, 1980 and distributed by Justice and Peace Committee in Japan, were contained the remarks uttered in the basement of the provincial building that 475 men were killed in group(in a crowd) just in one day. Previously I passed it over just thinking that it could be a bragging number to work out a plot. But why did it have to be the number of 475 among the numerous other numbers? More than 15,000 were wounded, more than 2,000 were massacred, -- this kind of allegations were only bragging numbers to work out a plot. But why did the number killed just in one day have to be 475 as uttered in the basement of the provincial building among so many other numbers? “In the Basement of Provincial Building”, “475”, In Just One Day“


On October 13, 2015, I set up a stage at BoShinGak and held a rally concerning the May 18th. At that time, two female defectors from North Korea came out and stated a very precious testimony. They said that there was a song which their elementary school let them hear every morning through loud speaker whenever they attended school. And they sang the song for the gathering. The keywords might be ‘Gwangju’, ‘MooDeung mountain’, ‘Those previous ones killed in all fighting undauntedly’, etc..


1st lyrics


Oh Gwangju and on MooDeung mountain

Are soft pink azeleas in beautiful bloom

Overcoming the severe season of winter

In aspiration to link broken fatherland into one

Precious are those killed in all fighting undauntedly

Never will forget beloved family even after deceased

The souls of flower are blooming on MooDeung mountain again


2nd lyrics


Oh Gwangju and on MooDeung mountain

Are crimson azeleas in beautiful red bloom

Calling the season of new spring again

In aspiration to link split national vein into one

Precious are those killed in all fighting undauntedly

Never will forget beloved family even after deceased

Young souls of flower are blooming on MooDeung mountain again


North Korean Special Troops, 475 Were Shot Dead


The number of Chongju human remains were 430. Reporter Lee Yang-Woo of Busan International Newspaper witnessed two corpses as gleanings, and other coffins with wild roses on it, which were brought in the provincial building, were taken picture of. These coffins were left in the provincial building as it was, with no way to be moved neither to Chongju nor to nearby hill. Probably they might have been the 12 corpses still unidentified. The 430 corpses, which were moved to Chongju, were actually transported to Chongju before the dawn of May 22. But this unidentified 12 might have been in patient state, not dead by then, and might have died just before May 24. If we count like this way, the death toll of North Korean troops is 444. There is a difference of 31 from 475.


Though reporter Lee Yang-Woo witnessed two corpses being carried to nearby hill in the morning of May 22, there might have been more numbers which they had not witnessed. If we assume that what the reporter team of Lee Yang-Woo saw were all of the gleanings, North Korean troops might have taken the 31 wounded along with them thinking they could live. In their effort to move the patients on vehicles, and to move them on the ship waiting in Mokpo harbor, they might have needed laborers of Gwangju people. Among the 31 patients of North Korean troops, some might have died during transportation, and the others might have died after arriving at North Korean territory.


And it was said that there were about 60 individuals of Gwangju people missing in the incident. The number has been inflated to an increased number of 242 now. In any case, there can be two kinds of the missing. There could be some people who might have been shot dead after moving patients to the ship, and the tiger moths, who had no conception at all, might have been shot dead on their way of following North Korean troops in retreat. Because North Korean troops had to keep their secret, so these collaborators might have been given no choice but had to be shot dead.


The numbers 444 and 475 are in acceptable error range. It would be about right to acknowledge the death toll of North Korean special troops who were shot dead as 475 by quoting North Korea’s contention as it is. What a precious MacGyvers they were whom North Korea trained with so great care, -- That’s why they are sobbing out ‘Oh Gwangju’ and ‘Oh the azeleas on MooDeung mountain’, giving praise to the souls of those who were killed in group(in a crowd). Why have North Korea been showing the May 18th movie every year on the day of May 18, why have they been granting the number of ‘5.18’ to the most valuable things in North Korea as a symbol of great honor, and why have all the cities and counties in North Korea been cherishing the memory in the month of May every year crying mounfully, ‘Don’t forget Gwangju’, ‘Oh, come quick the unification’? As was reported by Yonhap News, Gwangju guerilla war must have been a work of Kim Il-Sung.

2019.2.4. 지만원



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