트럼프 본인, 안보 실장 마이크 플린(예정).
사위 쿠슈너는 핵심인물로서 비공식 보좌관, 향후 백악관 비서실장 정도 고위직 추정.
-양국간 대담 내용은 -
아베는 자신들 입장을 설명하고 전달 한 것으로 보이며, 골프 채를 선물했다.
트럼프는 우리의 우정의 출발이다라고 말했고,
아베는 신뢰 구축을 확신한다라고 전했다.
맨하탄 트럼프 타워에서, 사위 쿠슈너와 대담 중인 아베.
안보와 경제등, 트럼프 정부의 주요 분야를 맡을 것으로 예상되는
Job offer: Retired Lt General Michael Flynn spoke to the media as he arrived at Trump Tower on Thursday. He has been offered the job of National Security Adviser by the Trump team
Visitor: Ron Dermer, Israeli Ambassador to the United States, arrived in the early afternoon to meet with Trump. He later said that Israel considers both Trump and VP-elect Mike Pence to be 'true friends of Israel.' He was one of many visitors Thursday
Senator: US Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama returned to Trump Tower on Thursday, after spending time in the building on Wednesday
On the team: US Representative Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) talked to Donald Trump about financial reform and told him he was 'on his team,' but did not say whether he was interviewed for his rumored position of Treasury Secretary
Hawk: Retired US Army Gen. Jack Keane was spotted on Thursday. He's rumored to be a potential Defense Secretary. A hawk, he advised Hillary Clinton but disliked Barack Obama's distaste for Guantanamo Bay and desire to withdraw troops
Helping: Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge told media that she wants to help 'the administration to curb back regulations that are hurting American workers across the country'
Meeting: Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani arrived at the Trump Tower for meetings on Thursday morning. He left a little over an hour later, telling reporters: 'I'm going to get some rest'
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