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[일·베] 어느 회원이 영어로 외국싸이트 댓글로 마구 싣는 것 같습니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 碧波郞 작성일14-05-16 22:33 조회1,779회 댓글1건


[세월호 역모]Sewol disaster is not an ACCIDENT but a MASSACRE ! 자백했다!

나 혼자 외국 사이트에 올리니 금방 금방 지운다!

[세월호 역모]라고 자백하고 있다!

일게이들도 퍼 날라라!

수 많은 일게이들이 수많은 사이트에 시도때도 없이  올리면 절대 다 못 지운다!


The crews announced "STAY in cabin ! Don't MOVE ! cabin is safer place ! "
The crews ONLY announced "Stay IN CABIN ! Don't MOVE !"
Why ? because they, the JULADIAN!, planed to MUDER as MANY as possible on board for victory of NPAD(the JULADIAN's political party) over election !         
Why all Korean repoters didn't report it ?
Because they are also JULADIAN !

The Korean Ferry 'Sewol' disaster is not an accident But a MASSACRE by JULADIAN!

The evidence,
1. The Captain (He is a JULADIAN, JULA is south-western province of Korea peninsula) rejected
    a relief offer from fishing boats nearby when the ferry capsized.
     The Captain(a JULADIAN) REJECT the RELIEF OFFER !
2. The Captain(JULADIAN) didn't touch the emergency button ,which is automatically transmit an emergency signal
    once touched, when the Ferry capsized.
 3. The Captain(JULADIAN) didn't announce to passenger to escape the Ferry BUT
   HE and ALL  CREWS, except one woman crew  she was a arbeit crew and kept her position for
   saving LIFE the last minute and one man crew he was an officer of the ferry , take a first chance to escape the      
   Ferry as replacing  their crew uniforms with citizen's clothes.    
   The Captain and ALL CREWS (except two) escape REPLACE their CREW UNIFORMS !
4. On April 16th morning 9:00 AM PST, the time is 2:00 AM 17th April Korean local time only after 17 hours
    the capsizing,  Koreans (JULADIANs), set up a MOURN ALTAR at Korean Federation Building in Los Angeles.
   How they knew the MASSACRE only after 17 hours the Ferry capsizing ?
5. All media in Korea report the capsizing 24 hours/ 7 days simultaneuosly as if they were waiting the capsize.
    How ? because It's not incorrect that all reporters of all Korea media are the JULADIAN !
6. A man, who is also JULADIAN and he said elected(?) the representative of victim's family group,
    condems the President  Mrs PARK for the capsizing  but the MAN were neither the victim's
    family nor relatives of the victims.
   The Man(He) is only the pre-candidate of local governer election of NPAD(Face chage of Unified 
   Democratic PARTY, JULADIANs policitical party) .
   After disclosed his identity he runaway.  
JULADIAN means JULA-DO(province)'s tribe.
The JULADIAN  shapes Korean, speakes Korean language but NEVER the KOREAN !
North Korea's rulling group members also the JULADIAN that's the reason why the JULADIAN so strongly
tie the North Korea's an ANTI-MANKIND  CRIMINAL GROUP !

외국싸이트 댓글에 올려도 내용으로 손색이 없을 지 궁금합니다.
세월호는 분명 누군가의 지령에 의해 저지른 소리없는 테러요 학살극이라 보고 있습니다.


inf247661님의 댓글

inf247661 작성일


(구)자유게시판(2012~2014) 목록

Total 25,367건 165 페이지
(구)자유게시판(2012~2014) 목록
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