Deep water is always silent > (구)자유게시판(2012~2014)

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Deep water is always silent

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작성자 stallon 작성일13-08-19 16:26 조회3,105회 댓글0건



Deep water is always silent


A valley that emits a beautiful sound

Rushed to it and approached near

Found the valley that embraces none


Those whose hearts are yet filled and feel thirst

Are apt to easily pick out a site that emits even a tiny sound

Many days later

The beautiful water was found as the water that

only runs on rainy days


Because of the beautiful sound they hear only on rainy days

Today, the thirsty deer are becoming tiger moths

There are people making sounds only on rainy days

There are people rushing to the spot the sound is heard

A lot of them are still seen here and there


Disregarding the people's coming or going

There is deep water that proudly keeps running

It never slops against winds and goes dry under drought

But no tiger moths visit there as it emits no sound


Instead of sound

The deep water proudly shows off invisible meditations and dreams

Thus, it always looks for those who have bright eyes and deep and quiet souls

The deep water never lures

That is why it is still tranquil


Written by   : Dr. Jee Man-won

Translated by: Chung, Jae-sung



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(구)자유게시판(2012~2014) 목록

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