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‘북한군개입’ 부정하면 역적(시)

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-31 18:30 조회9,162회 댓글0건


북한군개입부정하면 역적


북한군개입인정하는 데에는

과학 있고 팩트 있다

부정하는 데에는

과학 없고 팩트 없다

북한군 개입 여부에 대해

조사할 수 있는

실무적 주무부처는 오로지 국방부

그런 국방부가 2019212일 밝혔다


북한군 개입 여부에 대해서는

조사한 바도 없고

그래서 확인한 바도 없다

그것은 앞으로 5.18진상규명 위원회가

밝혀야 할 사안이다


1997년 대법원이 밝혔다고

주장들 하지만

대법원은 밝힌바 없다

그땐 북한군 개념 자체가 없었다

북한군개입 사실은 국방부가 밝히는 것이지

법원이 밝힐 성질의 것이 아니다

당시 대법원은 전두환의 내란죄만 판단했다

내란죄와 북한군 사이에는 인과관계가 없다


진상규명 과정이

여러 번 있었는데

그때마다 북한군개입 사실

없었던 걸로 밝혀졌다 주장들 한다



여러 번 했다

1988에는 국회가 광주특위를 구성해

공청회 열었다

진상규명 범위는 오로지 3

발포명령 헬기사격 암매장이었다

하지만 국회는 요란만 떨었지

아무 진실도 밝히지 못했다


2005에는 국방부에 진상규명위원회가 설치됐다

목포 빨갱이 이해동 목사가 주도했지만

여기에서도 진상규명 범위는 위 3개뿐이었다

3개 사안에 대해 아무 것도 밝히지 못했다


2017에도 국방부에 특조위가 구성됐다

이때의 진상규명 범위는

헬기사격과 무장전투기 투입여부였다

위처럼 5.18진상규명 과정은

여러 번 있었지만

그 어디에도 북한군 개입이

규명범위에 들어가 본 적 없다


진상규명과정이 여러 번 있었는데도

북한군 개입 없었던 걸로

밝혀졌다 주장하는 건 사기다

북한군 개입이

규명범위에 들어간 것은

2018228일에 통과된


역사상 처음이다


이 나라에서 북한군개입 사실을 밝힌 것은

전두환도 아니었고

법원도 아니었고

국방부도 아니었다

오로지 지만원이었다

문헌들만 가지고 12년 연구하여

2014년에 처음으로 밝혔다


1980부터 1997까지

5.18은 김대중의 내란역사로 통했다

1997부터 2019까지

5.18은 전두환의 내란역사로 뒤집혔다

지만원의 연구결과는

누구의 내란도 아니었다

북한과 광주가 결탁하여 일으킨

국가전복 게릴라전이었다


서울재판을 무단으로

광주에 끌어간 광주법관들

5.18은 이미 역사적 평가가 끝났다는

해괴하고 비과학적인 이유로

북한군 개입 표현을

범죄로 판단했다


방심위는 광주판사

대법원 판사의 판결문을 내걸고

북한군 개입 관련 게시물들을

무조건 지운다

이건 폭력이고

분서갱유적 독재다


광주법원 판사들

대법원의 전라도 판사들

방심위의 붉은 양아치들

어째서 하늘은 이들에



5.18이 민주화로 인정되면

광주가 천사되고

한국군 악마되고


5.18이 통치하는 5.18공화국 된다


북한소행이라 인정돼야

대한민국 살고

이승만 박정희가 애국자 된다


은근슬쩍 5.18이 민주화라며

대한민국 죽이려는


조갑제 정규재 김진과

그 나부랭이들

어째서 우익들은

이들에 무심할까


Whoever denies the fact of ‘NK Special Troops’ Intervention” is a traitor


There are science and fact to acknowledge the fact ofNorth Korean Special Troops’ Intervention’

But there is neither science nor fact to deny it

The Ministry of Defense that is the only government agency empowered to investigate whether the NK special troops participated in the Gwangju Riot in 1980 or not announced on February 12, 2019 that they had not only conducted any investigation on the NK special troops’ participation issue but also given confirmation on the issue.

The ministry revealed that it is a matter that has to be uncovered by the May 18thFactFindingCommissionfromnowon

Although people keep insisting that the Supreme Court made a decision on the issue in 1997, there has been no evidence that the Supreme Court had decided so

They had even no single concept of North Korean participation itself at that time

The matter pertaining to the North Korean special troops’ participation should be determined by the Ministry of Defense not by the court.

The Supreme Court in 1997 ruled only on Chun Doo-hwan’s rebellion charge

There was no cause-and-effect relationship between the Chun Doo-hwan’s rebellion charge and the North Korean special troops’ participation

People insist that the fact finding processes were held several times,and arrived each time at a conclusion that there was no NK troops’ intervention

Yes, it is correct

The fact finding processes were held many times

In 1988 the National Assembly formed so-called ‘Gwangju Special Committee and held a public hearing

The range of the special fact finding committee’s topic was limited to that of who gave the word to fire, helicopter gunship and secret burial of the casualties

Nonetheless, the committee failed to uncover any truth at the Gwangju special committee

In 2005 another fact finding committee was set up within the Ministry of Defense as well

The committee was led by the Mokpo based leftist preacher, Lee Hae-dong who dealt with the same three topics again

Without exception they failed again to confirm the three topics

Again in 2017 another fact finding committee was established in the Ministry of Defense to focus on the issue of the chopper gunship and jet fighter involvement

As explained above, even though the fact finding committees were held several times, the important issue of if the North Korean special troops had participated in the May 18thGwangjuRiotwasnotincludedinthefactfindingtopiclist

Despite the fact that the fact finding committees were held several times, such insistence as saying there was no NK special troops’ participation is not only a bizarre argument but a complete lie

It is an ever first time in history that the wording of whether the NK troops had participated in the May 18thGwangjuRiotornotwasincludedinthefactfindingtopicrangethatwasstipulatedinthebillpassedbytheNationalAssemblyonFebruary28,2018

The person in South Korea who has unearthed the unequivocal fact that the NK’s secret commands’ participation in the May 18thGwanguRiotisneitherChunDoo-hwannorcourtnortheMinistryofDefense

But Jee, Man-won has exclusively lifted the dark veil about the distorted history

Concentrating whole efforts in research works relying on the various evidential documents for 12 years, I was finally able to release a report of truth for the first time in 2014

From 1980 to 1997, the 5.18 issue was acknowledged as Kim Dae-jung’s rebellion history, and the duration between 1997 and 2019 the 5.18 issue was totally overturned to Chun Doo-hwan’s rebellion history

However, Jee Man-won’s research result clearly indicates that it was a rebellion history of none.

But it was purely a guerrilla operation conducted by Gwangju in collusion with North Korea in an attempt to subvert the South Korean government

The Gwangju judges who took the Seoul cases illegally down to the Gwangju district court ruled the expressions of NK special troops’ intervention as a felony based on the bizarre and unscientific reasons by insisting that the analysis on the history of the 5.18 issue had already been completed

The Korea Communications Standards Commission is, under the pretext of the rulings made by Gwangju judges and the Supreme Court, deleting all the internet postings written in connection with the NK special troop’s participation in the May 18thGwangjuRiot.

This is a dictatorship that is not better than the ancient Chinese chaos of ‘burning books on the Chinese classics and burying Confucian scholars alive’

How come, the Almighty is indifferent to the Gwangju judges, biased judges in the Supreme Court and the bullies of the Korea Communications Standards Commission

If the 5.18 were acknowledged as a democratization movement

Gwangju would become an angel

Vise versa, the martial law troops would become an evil

Our country founder, Seng-man Rhee and the late president Park Chung-hee will be highly revered as the real patriotic heroes when the May 18thGwangjuRiotisacknowledgedasitwascausedbytheNorthKorea’sconspiracy

At the same time the Republic of Korea can stand tall too

The pseudo conservatives such as Cho Gap-jei, Jung Gyu-jei and Kim jin who are tend to stealthily admit that the 5.18 was a democratization movement

What in the world, why the conservatives are so indifferent to these brazen-faced fellows


March 31, 2019-

Jee, Man-won


2019.3.31. 지만원



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