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작성자 지만원 작성일19-04-22 01:57 조회4,142회 댓글0건
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  인생과 명상


스님이나 꺼낼 수 있는 이 단어

명상이란 무엇인가

명상하는 스님은 무얼 명상할까


나도 명상을 했다

수학문제가 안 풀릴 때

몰두를 했고

허술한 국방문제를 풀 때

몰두해서 문제를 풀었다 

나의 이 골돌한 생각이

혹시 명상 아닐까

내가 골돌해서 수학문제 풀고

내가 골돌해서 국가문제를 풀 때

스님들은 명상해서

무슨 문제 풀었을까

자신이 잘못한 점에 대해

각고하는 명상했을까

아님 사회문제 풀기위해

명상 했을까


명상했다는 사람 만나봤다

고급 저택에 명상실 만들어 놓았단다

명상 많이 했다 한다

근데 그 명상이

생산한 공공의 선이 무엇인가



거지가 명상하면

더 거지 되고

부자가 명상하면

더 부자 된다


나에게도 명상 있다

버스에서 하고

산책길에서 한다

명상실이 없다


나는 하루에도 여러 개 글 쓴다

명상의 결과가 아니다

오줌통에 물이 차듯이

생각이 차면 쓴다

명상은 따로 하는 게 아니라


절간에 앉아 하면 명상이고

버스에 앉아 하면

명상 아니라는 것이

이 나라 부자 상식이다


호랑이가 명상하면

먹이가 잘 보이고

종교인이 명상하면

고급 외제차가 보인다


김대중도 무소유 선언했다

저는무재산 가족이 되겠습니다

전라도 출신 법정도 말했다

내 호주머니에는 먼지뿐일세

이 아름다운 말들은

천하 빨갱이 놈들의 사기용 구호였다

이에 속는 국민들이 있기에

사기는 오늘도 내일도 번창하는 것이다


Life and Meditation


A word ‘meditation’ is deemed to be said by few people like Buddhist monks.

What does the meditation actually mean?

What does a Buddhist monk pray while he is lost in meditation?


I did meditate too

Lost in meditation when faced with difficult math problem

And dealing with complicated national defense matters

The state of being lost in thought is deemed to be called ‘meditation’ as well

When I am lost in thought to solve hard math problems and national defense problems


I wonder what kind of problems did the Buddhist monks solve through their meditations?

Did they seek Buddha’s pardon for wrong deeds while in meditation or pray for solving of social problems?

Met a person who had meditated

The person was proud of having a special space of meditation in his high quality residence

And kept saying he has done a lot of meditation

What his meditation has so far contributed to the common good?

Unfortunately, none has been found yet.


If a beggar meditates the beggar’s situation becomes worse

In case of the wealthy people, the more meditation,

the more the rich will become richer

I do my meditations

In a bus

And while following a trail

Without having a particular space for meditation

I write several articles per day

The articles are not resulted in my meditations

As a bladder is filled with urine

When filled with thoughts I write

No particular meditation is needed


It has become a common sense of the haves in this country that

The Buddhist monks’ praying done sitting in the temple means a meditation

But the ordinary persons’ deeds done in the bus are not

If a tiger does meditation, the predator will have a clear view of a prey

And in case of a religious man, he will have a clear view of a deluxe foreign made automotive


Kim Dae-jung did also declare so-called ‘ non-possession’

I will be one of the have-nots families

A well-known Buddhist monk, Beopjung from Jeolla Province said earlier that his pockets were empty but filled with dust only

These beautiful sayings were only the chanting slogans of the cunning communists

Because there are a lot of people who are easily deceived by these tricks, such fraud will continue to happen today and tomorrow


Jee Man-won

April 22, 2019



2019.4.22. 지만원



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