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작성자 지만원 작성일19-04-15 12:59 조회5,152회 댓글0건
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         평양 퇴물기생으로 전락한 문재인


    트럼프와 김정은 사이에서 안절부절 못하는 퇴물기생 신세


문재인은 심각한 초조증에 걸려 똥마련 강아지처럼 안절부절 못한다. 북한을 위해 개상공단과 금강산 사업을 열어주려는 안달이 나 트럼프에 달려갔다가 퇴물기생 취급받고 곧장 비행기에 올라 밤 10시 서울공항에  야반귀국 했다. 환영식도 환영인파도 없었다. 개성공단과 금강산 사업을 속히 열어달라고 그가 트럼프에 조르러 간 것이 그 스스로의 결정이었는지 아니면 김정은으로부터 받은 압력 때문인지는 알 수 없는 일이다. 이래도 문제, 저래도 문제이기 때문에 알 필요조차 없는 것이다. 단지 중요한 것은 사실은 그가 이중플레이어 신세가 돼 있다는 사실이다. 사랑하지 않는 부자 남편과 사랑하는 남자 김정은 사이에서 추잡한 퇴물기생 역할을 하고 있다는 사실이다.


     트럼프 앞에서 9.19군사합의서 갈기갈기 찢어버린 문재인


트럼프는 문재인을 앞에 앉혀놓고 김정은에게 보여주었다. 문재인이 김정은 때릴 무기 왕창 구매하기로 했다. 고맙다. 그런데 김정은에는 돈 한 푼 주어서는 안 된다이 모습을 바라보는 김정은이 얼마나 화가 났겠는가? 더구나 문재인은 2018919일 평양 능라도 연설에서 김정은에 항복선언을 했고, 이 선언을 구체화하기 위해 9.19군사합의서를 썼다. “앞으로 무기를 살 때와 훈련을 할 때에는 반드시 김정은 각하의 허락을 받겠다고 제11항에 공식화한 것이다. 그런 문재인이 트럼프 앞에 서자 김정은 따위는 안중에도 없다는 듯 그 군사합의서를 갈기갈기 찢어버린 것이다. “정은이 각하, 저 어쩔 수 없네요


    화가 난 김정은, “, 문재인 너 내 편으로 안 돌아올래?”


이에 김정은이 화가 나서 바로 그날 받아쳤다. , 이 미친 X, 너 내 편에 안 설 거야?노골적인 협박을 했다. 김정은 편에 서지 않으면 김정은이 비밀자료를 공개해 문재인을 OUT 시킬 것이고, 트럼프 편에 서지 않으면 즉시 OUT 당할 것이다. 환장할 지경에 직면한 문재인, 드디어 허우적거리기 시작했다. 초조해진 문재인, 김정은에 하루라도 빨리 특사를 보내려고 안간힘을 쓴다. 하지만 김정은, 확실하게 김정은 편에 서겠다는 서약을 받기 전에는 영양가 없는 특사에게 놀아나지 않으려 할 것이다. 문재인은 곧 정신병에 걸려 흉측한 최후를 열게 될 모양이다. 아마도 트럼프는 여기에 촉매를 칠 것이다. 미국 관리들을 과거보다 더 잦게 청와대에 보낼 것 같다. 감시를 더욱 철저하게 실행할 것이다. 김정은 환장하고 문재인 환장하라고. 여기까지 신경을 쓴다면 트럼프는 진짜 천재일 것이다




My View on the April 11th Summit between the US President Donald Trump and Moon Jae-in


Kim Jong-un was pressured to surrender at the summit held on February 27, 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. It was rather an ultimatum than a negotiation. The United States immediately jump-started a naval blockade thereafter. It is a state that a lot of detection equipment and strategic assets to cover these surveillance assets at all times have been deployed, which will certainly enable the US to launch an attack at any time without giving early warning time on North Korea side. Seeing a series of actions taken by the US President Donald Trump, I dare to say, he is a great strategist.


In forty days of the inconclusive summit held in Hanoi, a face-to- face meeting between US President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in was held on April 11, 2019 in Washington. The meeting was scheduled to be implemented for two hours including a lunch. Many were clearly focused at the 2-hour-summit.


The 2-hour-meeting was appeared to have been wrapped up with no fruitful result that President Moon Jae-in was just ridiculed and compelled to return right away empty-handed.


What I Look further ahead is:

1.  President Trump’s scheme to make Moon Jae-in scared stiff


It is believed that President Trump intended to make Moon Jae-in perplexed from the beginning by having his hard-liner staff members such as Michael Pompeo, John Bolton and Vice President Pence meet Moon Jae-in respectively. It was probably president Trump’s intention to have Moon Jae-in scared stiff through the separate meetings with his hawkish staff members who might have delivered candid and stern message one after another. It is my personal assumption that the following issues must have been asked and argued by the President Trump’s advisers:


1)  Coal smuggling from North Korea


2)  Crude oil delivery to North Korea


3)  South Korea shall meet the secondary boycott if she continues backdoor deal with North Korea, which will lead to the end of Moon’s administration.


4)  Which do you select, the secondary boycott or a purchase of a huge amount of weapons?


2. The nullified 9.19 South-North Military Agreement



President Moon’s consent to purchase of a huge amount of weapons means a nullification of the military agreement signed on September 19, 2018 between the South and the North.


Such arms purchase was supposed to be determined by going MOD’s due formalities. However, the purchase was a forced purchase by these three US hard-liners. In the section 1 of the Article 1 of the 9.19 South-North military agreement, it is stipulated that South Korea shall go through a due discussion procedure in the South-North Military Commission when South Korea needs to purchase arms.


This means South Korea shall obtain Kim Jong-un’s approval prior to arms purchase. Nonetheless, Moon Jae-in infringed the agreement by himself. A huge purchase of the US made weapons also mean that South Korea will use the arms against Kim Jong-un’s regime as directed by the US President Donald Trump.


There will be no other case than this circumstance to clearly show Kim Jong-un that even the 9.19 Military Agreement shall be null and void at any time by the US President Donald Trump.


2.  President Trump’s intention to tie Moon Jae-in down during the meeting




President Trump in fact carried out no summit talks with Moon Jae-in. Although media reported there was 2-3-minute summit, no such short summit exists in the world.


President Trump had no meaningful discussion with Moon Jae-in. The US President Trump left Moon Jae-in just like a robot in front of many people, and he displayed his strong message to Kim Jong-un and the world that South Korea is firmly in the US orbit. Saying “ The alliance between the United States and South Korea is firm and strong” means thatthe United States directly controls South Korea regardless of Moon’s acts of espionage with bias against the United States.


Saying “ President Moon decided to purchase a huge amount of weapons. Thanks so much” was to show Kim Jong-un a fact that regardless of Moon’s spy acts, Moon Jae-in has no choice but purchase US made arms at the command of the United States to deter North Korea’s continued hostility. Kim Jong-un must have been stunned when he acknowledged this fact. “ It is not right time for the Gaeseong Industrial Complex project and the Mt. Geumgang Tourism business” means a thorough economic sanction against North Korea will be in place and a stern warning that South Korea should refrain from providing any aids to the North behind the curtain.


This is also treated as a direct message to convey a fact to Kim Jong-un not to commit a blunder by taking advantage of Moon Jae-in who is found to be incapable and powerless.


The United States announced that it will no longer allow South Korea’s import exception of Iranian crude oil. The US President Donald Trump tied Moon Jae-in down in front of world people to prove that Moon Jae-in can no longer continue the acts of espionage.


4,Kim Jong-un’s path


It is my assumption that Kim Jong-un decided to capitulate to the United States by the end of this year. There are two ways that he can choose during the period. The first is to earn time until the domestic public sentiment that North Korea shall have to capitulate to the United States becomes rampant because Kim is deadly afraid of assassination that might be caused by his sudden surrender, and the second is to build up more armament capability by developing SLBM and ICBM during the period and threaten the US again.


The United States will in no way allow North Korea to launch even a missile. Should the United States catch any of hostile sign from North Korea, the regime will immediately be on the road to collapse.


5.Moon Jae-in’s path


     A weird person of Moon Jae-in who appears to be wholly lost in admiration of North Korea still says silly things that he is going to prepare for the 4th inter Korean summit without getting the hang of the significance of the present situation.


Whatever Moon Jae-in will try to do for the dialogue, I don’t think Kim Jong-un will accept the idea this time. Kim Jong-un must have dismissed Moon Jae-in as a useless weakling as soon as he found Moon Jae-in was sitting like a robot in front of many people in the oval office.


Moon Jae-in was completely dismissed and will be placed under strict surveillance of the United States. Moon Jae-in has become a target that can hardly avoid receiving stone-throwing from the public. Every righteous patriot is required to come out and eliminate pro-North Korean offenders prevailing in our country.


Jee Man-won


April 13, 2019


2019.4.15. 지만원



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