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5.18전선, 전황브리핑

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-03 16:52 조회5,656회 댓글0건
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             5.18전선, 전황브리핑  


        북한군개입” 5글자의 의미와 파괴력  


1) ‘5.18’북한군공론의 장에 올랐다. 이전까지 ‘5.18’북한군은 금지된 언어였다. 이제는 국민 모두가 이 두 개 단어를 매우 자연스럽게 말할 수 있게 되었다. 그 원인은 모든 언론이 나서서 북한군개입망언으로 규정하며 지만원망언자로 집단공격 했기 때문이다. 지만원이 북한군이라는 막대기로 벌집을 건드렸는데 그 벌집의 여왕벌이 바로 문재인이었던 것이다. 문재인을 끌어내리는 데 이처럼 막강한 무기가 어디 또 있겠는가?  


2) 붉은 여왕벌 문재인이 직접 나선 이유. 문재인이 직접 5.18전선 최일선에 나섰다. 그 이유가 무엇일까? ‘북한군이라는 단어가 문재인의 목을 직접 겨누고 있기 때문이다. 대통령 자리는 사회적 논란에 대해 철저하게 중립을 지키고, 객관적 입장에서 관리해야 하는 자리다. “5.18진상규명법의 시행결과를 지켜봐야 하는 자리인 것이다. 그런데 그가 체신과 의무를 저 버리고 북한군개입에 대한 연구를 가로 막겠다고 선포하고 나섰다. ‘5.18진상규명법36항의 시행을 가로막겠다는 람보질이 아닐 수 없다. 그는 더 이상 대통령이 아니다. 그는 오로지 북한의 전사일 뿐이다.  


“5·18민주화운동이라는 위대한 역사를 왜곡하고 폄훼하는 일부 망언이 계속된 데 대해 저 또한 분노를 느낀다. 5·18진상규명은 끝까지 이뤄져야 한다는 약속과 함께 5·18 역사 폄훼 시도에 대해서는 저도 맞서겠다 


문 대통령 “5·18 망언에 분노폄훼시도에 함께 맞설 것 



3. ‘북한군을 거론하면 7년 징역에 처한다는 법안 발의: 여야 4당이 5.18의 정신을 훼손하는 발언을 하는 모든 국민을 징역 7년에 처하겠다는 법안을 공동으로 발의해 놓고 있다. 이를 지켜 본 많은 국민들이 경악했다. 5.18에 대한 의심은 더욱 깊어지고 더욱 넓게 확산됐다. 5.18이 냄새나는 붉은 물건이라는 여론이 폭발하고 있는 것이다.  


"5·18 왜곡시 징역 7"...여야4'5·18 방지법' 발의 




              결 론  


이 순간 대부분의 국민들 사이에는 “5.18은 폭동” “5.18은 북한소행이라는 소문이 퍼지고 있다. 애국국민이라면 한 사람도 빠짐없이 어렵게 이룩된 이 전과를 확대해야 한다. 그런데 매우 놀랍게도 이를 방해하는 인간들이 있다.  


북한군개입사실은 북한의 범죄사실을 밝히고, 북한을 국제재판에 회부하는 길이다. 그런데 어째서 조갑제-정규제- 서정갑 같은 인간들이 5.18에 대해 아는 것도 없고 증거도 없으면서 이리도 집요하게 가로 막고 훼방을 노는 것인가? 이들이 바로 내부의 적인 것이다. 온갖 교언영색으로 우익의 주머니를 털어다가, 북한정권을 옹호하는 반역의 세작들이 아닌가? 마지막으로 물어보자, 이 세 인간들, 수사기록 18만 쪽 연구한 적 있는가? 때려도 때려도 시원치 않을 붉은 반역자들!


The May 18th Battle Front and War Situation Briefing


“North Korean Troops Had Intervened”, The Meaning of This Five Letters and Its Destructive Power


1) “The May 18th” and “North Korean Troops” have come up on the arena of public opinion. Up to now, the words of ’the May 18th’ and ‘North Korean troops’ were prohibited ones, but now all the people can speak this two words unaffectedly. That’s because all the journalism came out to define North Korean troops’ intervention as ‘absurd remark’ and attacked Jee Man-Won as an absurd remark teller as a group. Jee Man-Won stirred up a hornet’s nest with a stick, and it was found out that the queen bee of the nest was Moon Jae-In. Where else could we find so mighty weapon like this for dragging Moon Jae-In down?


2) The reason why the Reds queen bee Moon Jae-In directly came out, -- Moon Jae-In came out to the forefront of the May 18th. What is the reason? It's because the words ‘North Korean troops’ are directly aiming at the neck of Moon Jae-In. The post of President ought to stand neutral toward social discussion and administer it in objective position. Accordingly it is a post to keep observing the progress and result of the ‘May 18th Truth-Finding Law’. But he came out to declare that he will obstruct the research on ‘North Korean troops intervention’ betraying his dignity and duty. This is not other than doing the act of Rambo (self-righteous stubborness) intending to obstruct the enforcement of clause 6 article 3 of ‘the May 18th Truth Finding Law’. He is not a President any longer. He is only a North Korean warrior.


Moon recently announced that,

“I also feel angry about the fact that some people have been repeating absurd remarks which distort and defame great history of the May 18th pro-democracy movement. With my promise that the May 18th truth-finding efforts shall have to be made to the last, I pledge that I will also stand against any attempt to disparage the May 18th history.”


Present Moon said that he “got angry against absurd remarks, -- will stand up to any attempt to defame it” (related articles attached for reference)”


3) They initiated a bill aiming to put anyone in 7-year prison term who mention ‘North Korean troops’: Four Parties of the ruling and opposition Party have jointly initiated a bill that aims to put all the people in 7-year prison term who utter anything to disparage the May 18th spirit. Many people who kept watching its development were stunned. People’s suspicion on the May 18th has become deeper and spread more widely. Public opinion is exploding out there that the May 18th is a stinking Red matter.


“Four Parties of ruling and opposition party initiated ‘anti-May 18th Disparaging Law’, -- 7-year imprisonment to anyone distorting the May 18th” (related articles attached for reference)




Even in this moment, rumors that “the May 18th was a riot” or “the May 18th was perpetrated by North Korean troops” are spreading among most of the people. All the patriotic people with no exception ought to expand this war result which we attained so hard. But to my great surprise, there are some people who are interrupting it.


Pursuing the fact of ‘North Korean troops intervention’ is to officially uncover the criminal fact perpetrated by North Korea, and to transmit them to international justice court. But why such human wretches as Cho Gab-Je, Suh Jong-Gab and Lee Hee-Bum keep persistently obstructing and interrupting it even they don’t have any evidence for the May 18th and don’t know much about it. They are the very enemy inside us. Aren’t they North agents and traitors who were picking rightists pockets with all kinds of flattery and fair words, and now protect North Korean regime? Let me ask you one last question, you three wretches. Have you ever done any research on the 180 thousand pages of investigation document? You red traitors, only deserve to be beaten again and again out of the shit.

2019.3.3. 지만원  




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