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'망언‘ 여부를 증명하는 책임 있는 자세

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작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-05 15:32 조회4,122회 댓글0건
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         '망언여부를 증명하는 책임 있는 자세


조경태 의원이 김진태를 반드시 처벌하라고 목청을 높였다. 전향한 줄 알았더니 그 역시 위장이다. 김진태를 처벌하려면 지만원이 발표한 “5.18국회공청회 발제집내용이 허위라는 것을 증명해야 한다. 이 발제자료는 북한군개입이 확실하다는 내용을 증거들에 의해 과학적으로 증명한 것이다. 그런데 최근 2019.2.12. 국방부는 ”'북한군 개입여부에 대해서는 국방부가 판단한 바 없으며, 이번 진상규명위가 밝혀야할 사안이라고 했다. 북한군 개입에 대해서는 국방부가 판단한 적이 없다고 했는데, 망언이라고 주장하는 사람들은 도대체 무슨 근거로 북한군개입이 전혀 없었다고 주장하는 것인가.


    책임 있는 공적존재들은 아래의 논리적 Flow Chart를 따라야


(1) 28일 지만원이 발제한 논문의 건전성을 판단할 것. 참고로 원고는 발제내용이 모두 허위라고 선포한 김병준(전 한국당 비대위위원장)을 상대로 '허위사실 적시에 의한 명예훼손 혐의'로 형사소를 제기하였으며, 검찰이 각하시킬 것에 대비해 곧 주소가 알려지는 대로 민사소를 제기하려 합니다.


(2) ‘5.18진상규명법3조제6항에 북한군개입여부항목을 반영한 국방분과위 일부 한국당 의원들의 행위가 위법인가를 검토할 것.


(3) 36항을 결정할 때 여야 만장일치로 합의한 사실을 확인할 것.


(4) 한국당이 발의해서 36항에 반영한 내용을 충실이 이행하기 위해, 한국당 일부 의원들이 ‘5.18에 대해 18년 동안 연구했다고 주장하는 지만원을 초청하여 그 주장의 건전성을 평가할 수 있도록공공의 장을 마련해 준 것이 한국당의 윤리를 위반했는지 검토할 것.


(5) 2019.2.12. 국방부 발표가 왜 허위인지 밝힐 것


 (6)1,2,3,4항에 대해 이종명, 김진태, 김순례가 한국당 윤리규정의 무엇을 어떻게 위반했는지 명백히 규명할 것.


조경태:  02-784-6380   6381 ,      788-2677      팩스 788-0361




A Responsible Attitude Fore Proving Yes or No to Absurd Remark


National Assembly Member Cho Kyong-Tae raised his voice asking to put a punishment on Kim Jin-Tae. I thought he has turned over to our side, but he is an another disguised one. To put punishment on Kim Jin-Tae, they must prove that the contents of “Collections of explication for National Assembly Public Hearing on the May 18th” which Jee Man-Won made presentation on, is false. This explicatory materials have the contents that North Korean troops’ intervention was a certain fact, which are well proven by scientific evidences there. On this matter, Defense Ministry made an announcement recently on February 12, 2019 that “its Ministry has never judged on whether North Korean troops had intervened or not, and it is a matter that needs to be clarified by truth-finding committee”. Despite Defense ministry’s announcement that they have not made any judgement on North Korean troops’ intervention, some people still keep insisting it as an absurd remark. -- On what ground are they insisting that there had never been North Korean troops’ intervention?


Responsible Public Beings, Ought to Follow the Logical Flow Chart Below


(1) Any being is required to judge on the wholesomeness of the articles explicated by Jee Man-Won. For your information, the plaintiff raised a criminal action against Kim Byong-Joon(former chairman of emergence measure committee in Liberty Korea Party) who proclaimed that all the contents in the collections of explication were false, on the charge of defamation by pointing out false facts, and is going to raise civil action as soon as his address is known to me to be prepared for the Prosecution’s dismissal of the case.


(2) Any being is required to review whether the actions by some Assembly Members of Liberty Korea Party in Defense Subcommittee who reflected the item of ‘whether North Korean troops intervened or not’ in clause 6 article 3 of ‘the May 18th Truth-Finding Law’ are illegal.


(3) Any being is required to confirm the fact that the ruling and opposition party agreed unanimously when they made decision on the clause 6 article 3.


(4) Any being is required to review whether the actions by some Assembly Members of Liberty Korea Party, -- to put the content into actual practice which Liberty Korea Party initiated and reflected in clause 6 article 3, -- inviting ‘Jee Man-Won who contends that he made 18 years of research on the May 18th’ and preparing for ‘public presentation arena’ in order to make evaluation on the wholesomeness of his contention, violated ethical principles of Liberty Korea Party.


(5) Any being is required to clarify why Defense Ministry’s announcement on February 12, 2019 is false.


(6) Concerning the above items of (1), (2), (3) and (4), any being is required to make clear definition on what and how the concerned Assembly Members Lee Jong-Myong, Kim Jin-Tae and Kim Soon Rye have violated the ethical principles of Liberty Korea Party.


Cho Kyong-Tae: 02-784-6380, 6381, 788-2677

Fax 788-0361



2019.3.5. 지만원



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