기생오라비마네킹 황교안과 그에 홀딱 빠진 신혜식 영감 > 최근글

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기생오라비마네킹 황교안과 그에 홀딱 빠진 신혜식 영감

페이지 정보

작성자 지만원 작성일19-03-08 01:10 조회8,633회 댓글0건
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   기생오라비마네킹 황교안과 그에 홀딱 빠진 신혜식 영감


                    황교안은 밝혀라 


지만원은 18년에 걸쳐 5.18역사 책 9권을 냈다. 그 중에 팩트가 아닌 내용은 단 1개도 없고, 그 팩트들은 100% 다 정부문서에 있다. 황교안은 사람들로부터 여러 말들을 들었을 것이다. 득문한 내용들로부터 발생한 의문들은 내 저서들을 읽고 해소하거나, 아니면 지난 28일 이종명 등이 마련해준 공청회에 나와서 강의를 듣고 해소했어야 했다. 아니면 발제문. 


황교안, 이 멍청한 인간아, 자네는 진실을 밝히는 것을 업으로 국록을 처먹고 출세한 인간 아니던가? 이제까지 국가대사를 다루고 법정에서 진실을 추구하여 억울한 국민이 발생하지 않도록 노력했어야 할 인간의 전형이 바로 자네가 아니던가? 그런데 이제 자네 하는 걸 보니, 네 출세를 위해 억울한 국민 참으로 많이도 양산해낸 것 같다. 진실을 추구하려는 노력은 하지 않고, 다른 사람들이 전해주는 말만 믿고, 세도가 명령하면 억울한 사람도 개처럼 물어뜯고, 참으로 더러운 자식이 바로 너 황교안이다.


네 놈은 국록의 직책만 높았지 아는 게 별로 없다. 많이 배운 나로부터 욕 좀 처먹어야 한다. 내가 좋은 말, 우아한 글 쓰려고 여러 번 자제하려고 노력했지만 네 놈 쌍판만 떠오르면 나도 모르게 욕설부터 나온다. 이것이 하늘의 섭리인 걸 낸들 어찌 극복하겠는가?


2013, 정홍원과 황교안, 네 두 놈이 북한군 주장하면 감옥에 처넣겠다고 망언질 했지?


네 놈들, 무슨 근거로 그런 망언을했더냐? “5.18에 북한군이오지 않았다는 게 정부의 판단이다? “정부의 판단과 다른 판단하면 반사회적 범죄로 엄중 처벌하겠다? 물어보자, 해당정부기관은 국방부다. 그런데 국방부가 “5.18에 북한군이 절대 오지 않았다고 했더냐?” 네놈들은 국방부의 진실을 파악하고 엄포를 놓은 것이 아니었다. 국방부 발표를 일부러 왜곡한 빨갱이 언론들의 발표를 그대로 믿고 이런 망언질 한거야, 네놈들은 언론들의 발표를 그대로 믿느냐, 언제나? 참으로 병신자식들 같으니라구.


    황교안 똑똑히 확인해, 2019.2.12. 발표내용을


국방부가 2019.2.12. 해명했다. 지금이나 2013년이나 국방부는 똑 같이 발표했다고 하더구나. 2019.2.12.자 보도내용들 많이 있으니 검색해 봐라. “이전에는 북한군 개입에 대해 논의도 없었고, 그래서 국방부가 든 확인(컨펌)한 바가 없다고 했다.


내가 친절하게 가르쳐 주마, 이인간아 시건방 떨지 말고 얌전히 들어. 네가 높은 게 아냐, 내가 더 높아, 이에 불복하려면 하나 하나 아는 것, 배운 것 꺼내 봐, 자네는 학습능력도 없고, 자세도 안 돼 있어. 내가 조금 힌트 좀 주지, 1995~1997 재판 과정에서 북한군에 대한 개념은 검찰에 전혀 없었어. 검찰에게 없었으니 전두환 변호인들에게도 북한군에 대해 변호할 이유가 없었고, 판사도 북한군에 대해 판단할 이유가 없었지. 이제 좀 이해가 가는가? 일생동안 검사질만 한 인간이 그런 것도 짐작하지 못했능가? 자네들은 출세에만 정신 있고, 사회정의, 국가안보에 대한 문제의식이 없었던 거야. 이제 좀 정신이 들어가는가? 한 마디로 징그럽고 느끼한 기생오래비야~~ 나경원과 아주 잘 어울려. 


 황교안, 이 문제의식 없는 기생오라비야, 여성들에 둘러쌓여 악기나 다루게, 자네 별명 지어줄까? “오라비마네킹


이를 보강 증명해주는 사실 두 개 들어줄까? 첫째, 자네는 악기를 5개나 다룰 줄 안다며? 이는 무얼 말해주는 것인 줄 아는가? 젊었을 때 악기를 5개나 배우려면 자네에게 무슨 사회적 공공적 문제의식이 싹텄겠나? 자네는 오로지 즐거움을 추구하고 신변잡기에나 세월을 보내는 기생오라비를 꿈 꿨다는 거야, 지금도 눈 먼 여성들 많이 좋아한다더군. 그러니까 얼굴이 징그러운 정도로 매끈할 수밖에. 이런 존재가 바로 기생오라비라는 거야. ‘오라비마네킹’, 오늘 이후 자네 별명은 오라비마네킹일세.


그런데~ 자네 혹시 가발 쓰고 다니능가? 에이! 그런 소문 파다하던데~ 그게 바로 기생오라비가 자네의 꿈이라는 이야기가 되는 거야. 자네의 그 매끈한 얼굴보다 더 아름다운 얼굴이 무슨 얼굴인지 아는가? 가발 안 한 얼굴, 고생해서 주름살 생긴 자연스런 얼굴, 웃으면 주름지는 얼굴, 근데 자네, 얼굴에 에나멜 발랐는가? 웃기는 하는데 참으로 희한하게도 주름살 하나 없는 얼굴이 자네 얼굴일쎄.그게 징그럽다는 것이야, 위선의 얼굴이라는 거지. 파리 많이 잡아 먹는 카멜레온. 


      황교안과 신혜식의 앙상블, 매우 잘 어울려 


그 다음 자네가 찾아간 유튜버 방송, 어딘지 아능겨? 신의한수, 신혜식이라는 사람이 주인이지라. 유튜버 방송인들 중 박사들도 많고 석사들도 많아, 정규재는 고려대 철학과 출신의 무신 석사고, 고성국이는 정치학 박사래, 이봉규도 정치학 박사, 황장수는 학산지 석산지 몰라. 논리와 추리력이 좀 뛰어난 편이지, 손상윤은 인공지능 석사에 애국심 하나 뛰어나지. 아, 박성현도 있었지. 그 사람은 가끔 바른 진단을 하지. 올곧은 이상로, 그리고 이화영 목사, 박훈탁박사, .데이너김. 이춘근박사, 김정민, 안정권 . .  .일일히 열거못해 미안해서 어쩌지?  겁나 많다는 거야, 그란데 어쩌면 자네 황교안은 그 많은 기라성 같은 사람들 중에서 하필이면 가방끈이 가장 짦은 신혜식이라는 거야? 그러니까 결론적으로 말하지믄 황교안, 자네에게는 고졸이 딱이란 거네~    


조갑제 역시 고졸 출신이야, 신혜식은 한때 그의 식객이고 도제였었지. 아니 지금도 그런가봐. 신혜식, 지금은 전문대 나왔다는 이야기들이 있는데, 글쎄 그럴까? 정확히 2002년이었네. 그는 나에게 고졸이라고 말해주었네, 그가 안티DJ라는 클럽을 만들었을 때 그는 가끔 거리 연설을 했지. 아마 그의 거리연설에 함께 나가 찬조연설을 최초로 해 준 사람이 나 지만원이었을 걸쎄.


       신혜식-김성광-서정갑-이명박 유착의 역사


나도 김대중과 싸우고 신혜식도 김대중과 싸우고, 확실한 동지였지. 물론 아들 벌되는 나이였지만. 그때 나의 가족들은 홍천으로 다 이사를 했지. 나도 곧 이사를 하려고 준비하다가 좀 미루어지는 바람에 신혜식을 내 집으로 데려다 여러 날 함께 생활을 했지. 용돈도 조금씩 주었고. 내 집에서 며칠 기거할 때 자기는 고졸이라고 솔직하게 말하더군. 그가 나를 많이 따랐지. 내가 광주로 연행돼 갈 때 신혜식은 나의 충신이었어. 내가 가장 믿던 젊은이였지

황교안, 자네는 아직 교도소 구경 못했지? 장담하지 말게, 자네의 상전 박근혜도 거기에 가 있지 않나? 자네 참 아리송한 인간이더군. 이해타산만 있고 의리는 전혀 없더군. 그게 인간쓰레기라는 거야. 어쩌면 그렇게 신혜식과 영혼을 똑 같이 나누어 보유하고 있는가? 그 때 내 변호인을 해주셨던 분들이 정기승과 임광규 등 5명이 있었지.


           신혜식의 인간적 배신


출소 후 며칠 안돼서 임광규 변호사가 내게 부탁했지. “우익진영의 인터넷 신문을 만들고 싶다. 내가 돈을 댈 테니 사람을 뽑아주세요나는 당시 내 홈페이지를 만들어 주었던 조 모 청년과 신혜식을 엮어 추천했지. 두 사람은 임광규의 자금 지원으로 사무실을 얻고 생활비를 받으면서 독립신문이라는 걸 만들었지. 서대문 고려병원 근방에 어엿한 사무실 여러 개를 운영했지. 임광규 변호사가 많은 지원을 해주었고, 나는 한 동안 겨우 독립신문의 호스팅 비용을 감당해 주었지.


2004년이면 신혜식이, 임광규 변호사의 은혜를 입은 지 얼마 안 됐던 시기였어. 그때 서정갑은 돈에 눈이 멀어 임광규와 정기승 대법관 안영모 유기남 등 고상한 상류층을 향해 양아치 운운했지. 이런 언어들은 당시 한겨레신문에 기록돼 있어. 이때 서정갑 단체인 국민행동본부에는 다른 통장으로 가야 할 막대한 돈이 쌓여 있었지. 나와 임광규, 안응모, 유기남, 정기승 등 어른들이 서정갑을 훈계했지. 차마 소송은 우익분열이라는 딱지가 무서워 주저하고 있었네. 서정갑은 이런 약점을 이용한거야.


바로 이 내부 다툼의 순간 신혜식이 임광규 변호사와 이 지만원을 배신했지. 이는 사실이야. 증거들이 다 있고말고. 다행이 나에게는 홈페이지가 있었거든. 거기에 다 기록돼 있지. 소문에 의하면 신혜식이 서정갑을 수양아버지로 삼았다 하더군, 나는 실제 그가 서정갑을 만나 아버님이렇게 부르는 장면을 보지는 못했네. 그러나 항간에는 그런 소문 파다했지. 이후 김성광 목사의 후원으로 강남교회 건물에 기거하면서 이명박을 빨았었지. 그 후 서정갑과 나와의 법정 싸움에 신혜식이 언론인 자격으로 서정갑을 무조건 감쌌었지. 괘씸한 마음에 고소를 하려 충동은 느꼈지만 치사해서 안 했네.


    황교안과 신혜식은 참으로 어울리는 한쌍 ~


황교안, 이 사람아, 내가 자네를 인간 이하로 이렇게 함부로 대하는 데에는 상당한 이유가 있네. 자네는 한국당 당수로 당선돼서 하필이면 자네에게 떨리는 몸과 떨리는 음성으로 어릿광대처럼 아부하는 한 어린아이를 연출의 도구로 사용했는가? 이는 도리가 아닐세, 자네 참 저질이구먼. 그래도 자네는 총리까지 했고 한국당 당수가 아닌가? 그 정도 되면 패러다임의 구도정도는 생각할 줄 알아야지, 겨우 그 귀하다는 시간에 그런 애송이와잡담이나 하고 장끼자랑이나 하고 그리고 마지막에는 인터뷰가 이렇게 재미 있는 건지 몰랐다”? 

에이구 이 사람 참, 알고 보니 너무 저질이군. 이보게나 황교안, 위치로 보아 자네는 우익 진영의 유튜브 세계 전체에 대한 분석을 한 후 이들을 어떻게 키워주어야 하는가에 대해 연구를 해야 마땅한 거야, 기타나 치고 톱이나 켜는 이 기생오라비 자식아, 어디 그렇게 가볍게도 기생 같이 노는 어린애 한테 붙어 '기생의 기생질'이나 하는 것인가? 기생한테 기생하는 저질이 바로 자네 황교안일쎄. 에이, 상종조차 하기 징그러은 잡놈 자식~~~


Geisha’s Brother Manikin Hwang Kyo-Ahn and the Old Man Shin Hye-Sik Who Is Infatuated with Him


Hwang Kyo-Ahn, Make Yourself Clear


Jee Man-Won wrote nine books on the history of the May 18th. In the books, there is not a single content which is not backed up by fact, and all the facts are 100% from governmental documents. Hwang Kyo-Ahn might have heard many things from people around him. For the questions he came to have from what he heard, he should have solved them by reading my books or by coming out to the public hearing on last February 8 which Lee Jong-Myong arranged to hold and listening to my lecture or reading the collections of explication.


Hwang Kyo-Ahn, you stupid human wretch, you are the human wretch who rose in the world living on government salary by taking ‘disclosing the truth’ as your occupation, aren’t you? It is nobody other than you, a typical example of a man, who should have exerted to prevent any occurrence of mistreated people by pursuing the truth in the court, isn’t it? But judging from what you do now, you might have produced too many mistreated people for your success in life. You never make efforts to pursue the truth, only believes what others convey to you, bites off even falsely accused people like dog when you get order from men of power, -- it is just you Hwang Kyo-Ahn who is the dirtiest bastard.


You bastard are merely in a high position in the State, but you know not much about anything. You ought to tuck in lots of abuses from me who have learned so much. I tried hard several times to control myself to write elegant phrases in good words, but I don’t know why I’ve come to start with abusive language whenever your wicked face struck me. As this is the wise providence of Heaven, how can I overcome it?


In the Year 2013, Jong Hong-Won and Hwang Kyo-Ahn, You Two Bastards Had Uttered Absurd Remark That You’ll Put in Jail Anyone Who Make Contention on North Korean Troops, Hadn’t You?


You bastards, on what grounds had you uttered such absurd remark? -- “It is governmental judgement that North Korean troops had not come down”? “If anyone make judgement different than that of government, it will put severe punishment on him for anti-social crime”? Let me ask you. The government authorities concerned is Defense Ministry. Then, had the Ministry ever said that, “North Korean troops had never come down to the May 18th”? It was not that you bastards uttered empty threats after grasping the truth of Defense Ministry. You did the act of uttering absurd remark believing the announcement of Red journalism as true which distorted Defense Ministry’s announcement on purpose. Do you bastards believe announcement of mass media as true, always? What big fools you really are!


Hwang Kyo-Ahn, Be Smart and Confirm the Content of What Was Announced on February 12, 2019.


Defense Ministry made clarification on February 12, 2019. I heard that the Ministry made the same announcement now and also in the year 2013. There are many reports on it around dated on February 12, 2019, so you search for them. They said that, “Because there had been no discussion on the matter of North Korean troops’ intervention, so Defense Ministry had never made any confirmation of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ yet”.


Let me kindly teach you. Hey, you human wretch, stop being saucy and pert, and behave nicely to listen to me, You are not higher than me. I am higher than you. If you disagree to it, take out what you have learned and show me. You have no ability to learn, and are not ready to learn. Let me give you a hint. In the process of trial in the year 1995~1997, the Prosecution had not a slightest conception on North Korean troops. As the Prosecution had none of it, Jon Doo-Hwan’s lawyers also had no reason to speak in defense of North Korean troops, and the judges also had no reason to judge on North Korean troops. Now can you begin to understand? Couldn’t you have estimated such thing yet, you who had been doing the act of a prosecutor all your life? You were interested only in successful life, but had no sense on the problems of social justice and national security. Can you collect your mind a little now? You creepy and greasy Geisha foppery in a word, ~~ you look to be going pretty well with Nah Kyong-Won.


Hwang Kyo-Ahn, You Geisha’s Brother Who Lacks Sense of Problem, Merely Play Musical Instruments Surrounded by Women. Shall I Give you a Nickname? How About “Geisha’s Brother Manikin” Oh!


Shall I take two facts that reinforces to prove the connotation? Firstly, Didn’t I hear that you can play as much as five musical instrument? Do you know what it means? When you were trying to learn as much as five instruments, what kind of sense on public problems could have sprouted up from within you? This means that you pursued pleasure only and dreamed for Geisha’s brother who is spending time only on petty sport and enjoyment. I heard that blind women still like you a lot now. That’s why your face has to be so slick even to feel next to creepy. This human being is the very so-called Geisha’s brother. ‘Brother Manikin’. From today I nickname you ‘Brother Manikin’.


By the way, I am curious if you go around wearing a wig? Come on! It is widely rumored that you are doing so~ That makes the story true that Geisha’s brother is what you are dreaming for. Do you happen to know which face is more good looking than the slick face of yours? It is a face wearing no wig, a natural face wrinkled with hard life, a face wrinkling up when you laugh. By the way, have you rubbed enamel on your face? I noticed you did really laugh, but miraculously the face which didn’t make any wrinkle on it, -- is your face. I mean that is so creepy. It is called a hypocrite’s face, that of Chameleon which catches and eats lots of flies.


An Ensemble of Hwang Kyo-Ahn and Shin Hye-Sik, Going Pretty Well with Each Other


Do you know which Youtube TV broadcast you visited soon after then? It was ‘God’s One Stroke’. Probably a man named Shin Hye-Sik is said to be the owner. There are not a little Doctors and Masters among Youtube broadcasters. Jong Kyu-Jae is a Master in unknown field, a graduate from Philosophy Dept. of Koryo University, Ko Sung-Guk is said to be a Doctor in Political Science, Lee Bong-Kyu is also a Doctor in Political science, I am not sure Hwang Jang-Soo is a Doctor of Master, he relatively excels in logic and reasoning. Son Sang-Yoon is a Master in Artificial Intelligence, and he is outstanding in patriotism. Oh, there is Park Sung-Hyon, too. He often makes correct diagnosis. Upright man Lee Sang-Ro, and minister Lee Hwa-Yong, Doctor Park Hoon-Tak, Dainer Kim, Doctor Lee Choon-Kun, Doctor Kim Jong-Min, Ahn Jong-Kwon,... I am sorry I can not enumerate them all, what can I do? I mean there are so many. By the way Hwang Kyo-Ahn, how come you got along with this particular man Shin Hye-Sik who has the shortest book bag strap (low school career) among the galaxy of many Youtubers? So to speak in conclusion, high school graduate is found to be perfectly suitable to you, Hwang Kyo-Ahn ~~


Cho Gab-Je is also a high school graduate. Shin Hye-Sik once was a dependent on him and an apprentice to him. Or rather the same seems true even now. Shin Hye-Sik, there are sayings that he graduated from a junior college. Oh will, is it true? Exactly in the year 2002, he said to me that he was a high school graduate. When he made the anti-DJ club, he made street speeches sometimes. Perhaps I Jee Man-Won might have been the first man who ever came out to his street speech and gave a supporting speech for him.


History of Close Relationship between Shin Hye-Sik, Kim Sung-Kwang, Suh Jong-Gab and Lee Myong-Bak


I was fighting with Kim Dae-Joong, Shin Hye-Sik was also fighting with Kim Dae-Joong. We were trustful comrades, though he was only in the age of my son, of course. At the time, all my family have already moved to HongChon. I was also preparing to move to them, but because it was somewhat delayed, I brought Shin Hye-Sik in my home and lived together with him for several days. I gave him some pocket money little by little. When he was spending days in my house, he told me frankly that he was a high school graduate. He followed me a lot. When I was being taken to Gwangju, Shin Hye-Sik was a loyal subject to me. He was a young man I trusted most.


Hey, Hwang Kyo-Ahn, you have not seen around the prison, have you? Don’t try to be assured. Isn’t your master Park Keun-Hye in there? You are really a man of equivocal attitude. You are interested only in profit and loss, and you have no sense of justice at all. That is what is called human trash. How come you share the same soul with Shin Hye-Sik by dividing it exactly into halves. At that time, there were five lawyers who defended me like Jong Ki-Seung, Im Gwang-kyu and others.


Shin Hye-Sik’s Betrayal of Humanity


In a few days from my release, lawyer Im Gwang-Kyu asked a favor of me. “I’d like to make an Internet newspaper for rightist camp. I’ll finance the money. Please select some talent for me”. I recommended the combination two of Shin Hye-Sik and a youngster named Cho who made a homepage for me at that time. This two man got an office financed by Im Gwang-Kyu, and made so-called ‘Independence Newspaper’ receiving livelihood expenses. They had come to operate several decent offices near Koryo Hospital in SuhDaeMoon area. Lawyer Im Gwang-Kyu offered a lot of support, and I managed to provide them with the hosting expense of the Independence Newspaper for a while.


It was in the year 2004 not long after from when Shin Hye-Sik received benefits from lawyer Im Gwang-Kyu. Then Suh Jong-Gab got blinded by the lure of money to criticize lofty upper-class people such as Im Gwang-Kyu, Supreme Court justice Jong Ki-Seung, Ahn Yong-Mo and Yoo Ki-Nam as cheaters or delinquents, etc.. These abusive languages are recorded on Hankyoreh Newspaper of the time. At that time, in the bank account of National Action Headquarters, which is Suh Jong-Gab’s organization, was stacked up tremendous amount of money which should have been remitted to other bank account. I and other elderly seniors such as Im Gwang-Kyu, Ahn Eung-Mo, Yoo Ki-Nam and Jong Ki-Seung admonished Suh Jong-Gab for his misconduct. We were hesitant to go that far to raise a lawsuit as we were afraid of being labeled as ‘broken up rightists’. Suh Jong-Gab took advantage of this sort of our weakness.


Right in the moment of this internal quarrel, Shin Hye-Sik betrayed lawyer Im Gwang-Kyu and me Jee Man-Won. This is a fact. Of course I have all the evidences. Luckily I had my homepage at that time. Everything is recorded there. Rumors has it that Shin Hye-Sik took Suh Jong-Gab as his foster father. I have never seen him meet Suh Jong-Gab and call him ‘my father’ in real scene. But the rumor was going around all over. After a while, he was sucking Lee Myong-Bak living in KangNam Church building with the support of the minister Kim Sung-Gwang. In the lawsuit struggle between Suh Jong-Gab and me that occurred a while later, Shin Hye-Sik was giving unconditional help to Suh Jong-Gab in the capacity of journalist. I had an impulse to sue him out of outrageousness, but I gave it up because it was humiliating.


Hwang Kyo-Ahn and Shin Hye-Sik, A Good Couple Matching Really Well with Each Other


Hwang Kyo-Ahn, my dear fellow, I have a good reason why I treat you so unduly as a poor wretch below average human. Now you are elected as Representative of Liberty Korea Party, and how come you used a child among all others as a tool for your performance, who were flattering you with trembling gesture and voice. That was not the right way. I found you are so low quality human. You been in the highest post of Prime Minister, and now you are the Representative of Liberty Korea Party, aren’t you? In that dignity, you should have known better than just outlining the ‘Structure of Paradigm’. All you were doing in so precious time, -- was it just having a chat with a greenhorn, and showing off your musical talent, -- and your closing remark at the end, “I’ve never known that having interview is so interesting like this”?


Alas, you my good fellow, I found you are so low quality. Hey, look there Hwang Kyo-Ahn. To suit your position, you ought to make analysis on the whole Youtube world of rightist camp firstly, and then do research on how to help them keep growing afterwards. You Geisha’s brother who are only playing the guitar and sawing the instruments, how come you do merely ‘acting Geisha for Geisha’ sticking to a greenhorn who is playing so frivolously like a Geisha? The lower-class wretch who is parasitic on Geisha is the very you Hwang Kyo-Ahn. Oh my goodness, a dissolute wretch too creepy and hateful to come across~~~

2019.3.8. 지만원



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