광주 부장판사 이창한의 도둑재판 판결문 요약
페이지 정보
작성자 지만원 작성일18-12-25 23:00 조회4,000회 댓글0건관련링크
사기소송 공동한 광주 법관들의 판결 행진
이후 사법부 명예를 훼손하면서 도둑재판-사기재판을 감행한 광주판사들의 판결 내용들을 요약정리 할 것이다. 내가 이를 기획한 것은 곧 발행될 “5.18재판의 역사”(가제)를 쓰기 위해서다. 5.18에 대한 역사책은 투-트랙으로 엮어진다.
하나는 5.18의 진실을 담은 역사책들이다. 이 역사책은 이미 내가 총 9권으로 발간했다. 좀 아쉬운 것은 2008.10.에 총 4권으로 발간한 “수사기록으로 본 12.12와 5.18”이 총 2,000부 발행으로 절판되었다는 사실이다. 그 책을 보유하신 분들은 그야말로 가보를 확보하신 것이다. 너무 방대하다는 여론들이 있어서 이것을 다시 상-하권으로 압축하여 발간했고, 이는 최근 다시 정교한 독서력을 가진 한 회원에 의해 그야말로 오탈자 없이, 숫자의 오류 없이 완벽하게 교정되어 3주 전에 재 발간돼 있다. 그런데 아무래도 시간이 지나면서 4권을 2권으로 축소하는 과정에서 버린 내용들이 매우 귀중한 역사자료라는 생각이 든다.
다른 하나는5.18의 진실을 담은 역사책 못지않게 중요한 것은 5.18세력들, 광주 세력들, 광주판사들, 대법원 대법관들이 연합하여 5.18의 진실을 밝히려는 나를 향해 얼마나 반민주적인 폭행과 탄압을 가했는지, 판사들과 대법관들이 얼마나 빨갛게 물들고 타락했는지, 판사들의 판결역사를 기록하는 것이다.
5월단체, 광주시장, 광주신부들, 광주판사, 전라도 판사, 광주검사, 광주경찰, 광주-전라도 사기꾼들이 연동하여 나에게 가한 폭행과 탄압들은 그 자체로 5.18의 주역들이 빨갱이이고, 북한이고, 폭력이고, 반민주주의이고, 깡패인지를 가장 효과적으로 웅변해 줄 것이다. 따라서 지만원 한 사람에게 가한 온갖 종류의 폭력과 린치와 사기재판을 획책한 인간쓰레기들의 만행을 역사책으로 기록하는 것이 5.18진실을 밝히는 것 못지않게 중요한 것이다.
가처분: 사건 2015카합636 발행 및 배포금지 가처분
재판장 이창한 (권노을 유정훈 판사)
1. 5.18기념재단(차명석)
2. 5,18민주유공자유족회(정수만)
3. 5.18구속부상자회(김후식)
4. 5.18민주화운동부상자회(양희승)
5. 박남선
6. 심복례
1. 뉴스타운
2. 지만원
결정일: 2015.9,25
신청서 접수일: 2015.9.23.
주문:뉴스타운 호외지 발행 및 배포를 중지하라
채무자들은 뉴스타운 호외지 제1,2,3호의 내용과 같은 내용을 추가발행하거나 배포하거나 같은 취지를 담은 내용을 인터넷에 기시하여서는 안 된다. 이를 위반하면 1건단 2,000,000원의 금원을 지급하라
1. 채무자들의 위법행위(아래 1~5항은 모두 허위다)
1) 뉴스타운은 1980년 광주에서 촬영된 현장사진 속 인물들이 북한 고위 권력층 인물이라고 보도했다. 이 중에는 박남선을 환장엽으로, 심복례를 리을설로 지목한 내용이 포함돼 있다.
2) 기사에는 지만원의 인터뷰 기사가 있다. 그 내용에는 5.18을 북한과 광주가 내통하여 일으킨 폭동이라고 했다.
3) 뉴스타운은 2015.5.18. 5.18제35주념 기념행사에서 김대중-김정일 캐릭터가 시가행진에 등장했다고 보도했으니 이는 순전히 뉴스타운이 조작한 것이다. (이후의 재판부에서 이는 사실인 것으로 증명됨)
4) 뉴스타운은 청주에서 발견된 40구의 무연고 유골이 광주교도소를 공격하다가 사살당한 북한군 유골이라는 내용의 기사를 게재했다.
5) 뉴스타운은 광주대교구 정평위 신부들이 잔인하게 난자된 15구의 시체얼굴을 “오원 그날이 다시 오면”이라는 화보집에 게재해 게엄군을 모략하였는데 이 사진들의 원전은 북한이라 했다.
6) 이 화보는 광주시에까지 배포됐고, 지만원은 같은 내용을 그가 운영하는 홈페이지 시스템클럽에 게시했다.
2. 5.18민주화운동의 성격
1) 전두환은 5.17계엄확대선포로 헌법기관인 대통령, 국무위원들을 강압하였다. 이에 광주시민들이 헌법을 수호하기 위해 시위를 했고, 이에 전두환 등은 광주시민을 사살 구타하는 방법으로 시위를 무력진압 하였다. 5.18민주화운동은 헌법파괴세력에 맞서 항거한 헌법수호 운동으로 받아들여지고 있다. 이와 같은 인식에 기초하여 국가는 민주화운동 관련자에 대한 예우, 보상을 위한 법률이 제정되었고, 5.18특별법이 제정되었다. 뿐만 아니라 1997.4.17. 선고96도3376 전원합의체 판결에 의해 광주시위를 뭉력으로 진압한 전두환 세력에 대한 처벌이 이루어졌다.
2) “위 법률 및 판결의 취지에 의하면 5.18민주화운동은 대한민국 민주주의 발전과 숭고한 애국-애족의 정신의 귀감으로서 항구적으로 존중돼야 할 대상으로서, 국가나 지방자치단체는 5.18민주화운동의 민주-정의 실현의 이념을 기리고 이를 계승하고 발전시키기 위한 시책을 마련할 의무를 지며, 5.18민주화운동과 관련하여 사망하거나 행방불명된 자 또는 상이를 입은 자와 그 유좋ㄱ에 대하여는 국가가 그 명예를 회복시켜주고 관련자와 그 유족에게 실질적인 보상을 할 의무가 있다. 이에 따라 현재까지 5.18민주화운동관련자 및 그 유족들 5,700여명이 국가유공자로 지정되었고, 그들에 대한 정부차원의 보상이 이루어져 오고 있으며, 1997.5.9.부터는 매년 5.18이 5.18민주화운동 기념일로 지정됨으로써 국가1보훈처주관으로 해마다 5.18민주화운동행사가 개최되고 있다. 이에 더해 5.18민주화운동기록들이 유네스코 세계기록유산으로 등재되기도 하였다.”
3. 판단
그런데도 불구하고 채무자들은 5.18이 민주화운동임을 정면 부인하고 이를 북한특수군 배후조종에 의해 발생한 남북한 내통의 폭동행위로 단정하면서 일반적으로 받아들여지는 역사적 사실을 왜곡하였다. 채무자들은 이 주장을 뒷받침하는 자료는 5.18현장사진들의 얼굴과 비슷하게 생긴 북한간부들의 사진을 나란히 제시한 것 말고는 별다른 근거를 제시하지 않고 있다. 이는 허위사실의 적시이며 채권자들의 인격권을 침해한 중대한 범죄다. 채무자들의 주장을 그대로 인용한다.
Summary of Judgement of Theft Trial by Chief Judge Lee Chang-Han in Gwangju Court
The Judgements March by Gwangju Judges Who Collaborated on Fraudulent Lawsuits
I will summarize and put in order the judgements by Gwangju judges who dared to commit theft trials and fraudulent trials, disgracing the honor of the Judiciary. The motive I planned to do it with is because I would like to write a book “History of the May 18th judicial trial” (a tentative title), which will be issued soon. This history book on the May 18th will be compiled in two tracks
One track has history books that contain the truth of the May 18th. I have already issued these books in total nine volumes. What makes me feel something wanting is the fact that the book “December 12th and May 18th seen through investigation records”, which were issued in total four volumes in October, 2018, had been gone out of print with the issuance of total 2,000 sets. Those who possess this books happened to have secured family treasure indeed. As there were opinions that it was too extensive, so I summarized it to issue in two books of first and second volume. Recently it was perfectly proofread to have no errors in words or numbers by a member of exquisite reading ability, and was issued again three weeks ago. But as time goes on, it lingers in my mind that the contents I deleted and discarded in the process of reducing the four volumes into two were very precious historical material.
The other track is not less important than the history books that contain the truth of the May 18th. It is to record the history of the judges’ judgement as to how the May 18th power groups, Gwangju influential groups, Gwangju judges and the Supreme Court judges collaborated together to inflict anti-democratic violence and suppression on me who was trying to disclose the truth of the May 18th, and also as to how the judges and the Supreme Court judges were dyed red(communized) and have become depraved.
All those of the May 18th organizations, Gwangju Catholic priests, Gwangju judges, Jeolla province judges, Gwangju prosecutors, Gwangju police officers and Gwang-Jeolla province frauds have united to inflict violence and suppression on me, and it will speak in itself the most eloquently and effectively that the leaders of the May 18th were the Reds, North Koreans and hooligans, and how much violent and anti-democratic they were. In this regard, it is not less important than disclosing the truth of the May 18th to write in history books the acts of brutality committed by the human trash who inflicted all kinds of violence and lynch to a single man of Jee Man-Won and plotted the scheme of fraudulent trials.
Provisional Disposition: Case No.2015 Kahap636 for Provisional Disposition to Ban Any Issuance and Distribution
Chief judge Lee Chang-Han
Associated judge kwon Noh-Eul, Yoo Jong-Hoon
1. May 18th Memorial Foundation (Cha Myong-Sok)
2. The Surviving Family Union of May 18th Man of Merit for Democratization (Jong Soo-Man)
3. The Arrested and the Injured Union of May 18th (Kim Hoo-Shik)
4. The Injured Union of May 18th pro-Democracy Movement (Yang Hee-Seong)
5. Park Nam-Son
6. Shim Bok-Rye
Jee Man-Won
Date of Decision: Sept. 25, 2015
Date of Application Receipt: Sept. 23, 2015
Gist of Decision: Stop Issuing and Distributing Newstown Extras
The obligors are prohibited from additionally publishing or distributing the same contents contained in the Newtown extra No. 1, 2 and 3, or from placing such contents of the same purport on Internet. The obligors shall pay 2,000,000 won per each of any violation.
1. Illegal Acts By Obligors (Below Item 1) ~ 5) Are All Fakes).
1) Newstown reported that the figures in the pictures taken at the scene of Gwangju in 1980 were men of political power in North Korea. Among them contained are the contents in which Park Nam-Sun was pointed to be Hwang Jang-Yob and Shin Bok-Rye was pointed out to be Ree Ul-Sol.
2) The report had an interview with Jee Man-Won in writing, which was saying that the May 18th was a riot which North Korea and Gwangju raised by communicating in secret.
3) Newstown reported that during the 35th memorial ceremony of the May 18th on May 18, 2015, two image characters of Kim Dae-Joong and Kim Jong-Il appeared on the street march, but it was total fabrication by Newtown. (*later in the trial, it was proved to be true)
4) Newstown reported an article which said that the 430 human remains of no relatives exhumed in Chongju region were those of North Korean troops who were shot dead when they were attacking Gwangju prison.
5) Newtown reported that the Right and Peace Association member priests of Gwangju Diocese printed cruelly smashed facial images of 15 bodies in a pictorial magazine of “Oh! May! When the Day Comes Again” to put the blame on our martial law troops, and the original pictures belong to North Korea.
6) This pictorial magazine was distributed even to Gwangju, and Jee Man-Won placed this content on his internet homepage of Systemclub.
2. The Character of the May 18th pro-Democracy Movement.
1) Jon Doo-Hwan oppressed President and Ministers of constitutional organizations by declaring the extension of the May 17th emergency martial law. Being faced with it, Gwangju citizen demonstrated to protect the constitution, and Jon Doo-Hwan suppressed the demonstration by military power lynching and shooting to kill Gwangju citizen. The May 18th pro-democracy movement has been accepted as a movement of protecting constitution which rose in revolt against the power group of destroying constitution. Based on this recognition, some laws including the May 18th special law were legislated which enable the State to treat the persons relevant to pro-democracy movement with respect, and pay compensation to them. Further to this, judicial punishment was put on Jon Doo-Hwan and his power group, who suppressed Gwangju demonstration with military power, by the decision of the whole consultation system of the Supreme Court
2) According to above laws and the decisions already made, the May 18th pro-democracy movement is an object to be esteemed permanently, as a paragon of the development of democracy in korea, and of the honorable spirit of patriotism and of loving our fellow countrymen, and the central and local government should take the responsibility to take measure to praise ever long the ideology of May 18th pro-democracy movement for the realization of democratization and rightfulness, and to succeed to and develop it, and for the persons who were killed, missing or injured relevant to the May 18th pro-democracy movement and for the bereaved families, the State should take the responsibility to restore their honor and pay substantial compensation to the relevant persons and bereaved families. According to this, 5,700 individuals relevant to the MAy 18th pro-democracy movement and the bereaved families have been designated as national men of honor, and compensation from central government have been paid, and as the day of May 18th every year is designated as a memorial day for the May 18th pro-democracy movement since May 9th, 1997, so the May 18th pro-democracy movement event is being held every year under auspices of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. In addition, the records of the May 18th pro-democracy movement had the opportunity to be registered in UNESCO as world record heritage.
3. Judgement
In spite of all above, the obligors distorted generally accepted historical fact by directly denying the May 18th to be a pro-democracy movement and by defining it as an armed riot raised by the South-North Koreans secretly communicating under the control of North Korean special troops at the back. For the materials to back up their contention, the obligors have not presented any further evidence other than that they presented North Korean leading members’ pictures side by side which look similar to the images in the pictures taken at the scene of the May 18th in Gwangju. This fits to disclosing fakes on others, and also is a serous crime which violates personal rights of the obligees. Therefore, the court decides to accept the claim of obligees as it is
2018.12.25. 지만원
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