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송영무,정경두 고발장 영문번역(이윤수)

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작성자 지만원 작성일18-09-15 12:18 조회4,232회 댓글0건
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     송영무,정경두 고발장 영문번역(이윤수)


     아래 영문을 미국 요로에 뿌려 전달해 주십시오


     Summary of Accusation against Heads of Defense


Today, we gathered here for this interview, to announce that we are filing an accusation against Defense Minister Young-Moo Song and Joint Chief of Staff Kyung-Doo Jung for their military crimes weakening combat capabilities of Korean Armed Forces and destroying Military Defense Structures in the frontline. This two important men in Defense Ministry are violating Criminal Act 96 and 97, which states that anyone who destroys or makes unusable military facilities for enemy shall be punished to death or life imprisonment.


This is what they have been doing to help enemy.


1. Destroying and Removing Anti-Tank Barriers in our Southern region firstly in secret and not open to public.


In the main approach and infiltration routes usable by the enemy, there are many Anti-Tank Barriers constructed by patriotic soldiers decades ago. It cost huge budget, and the number altogether over around160. In case of invasion, our troops are to destroy the structure to make obstacles, and accordingly defend the area by stopping enemy tanks and firing at them. Our troops can earn more time to get better organized. Once the Barriers are removed, however, enemy tanks and APC(Armored Personnel Carrier) can easily pass the line without any resistance. This Destruction and Removal is no other than merely helping the Northern Enemy to call inside. There can never be any justification about this, and no excuse at any event. It obviously is the exact violation of Criminal Act 96.

2. Withdrawing tens of GP(Guard Post) troops from DMZ (Demilitarized Zone).


GP is to stay alert, give an early alarm and delay initial attack of enemy. But the Accused are abusing their power to withdraw the GP, not giving any explanation to the public. Once the GPs are withdrawn and alarm functions are eliminated, it inevitably result in opening free access to the enemy, disabling us to stop or delay their attack speed, thereby helping to get our Divisions in the line besieged by enemy forces. It is obvious and evil tactics greatly helping the enemy-enough to an endless wailing of all the nation. For now, the Accused are firm and determined to withdraw the GPs within themselves in secret. What a miserable tragedy we Koreans are now in in this stunning reality.


3. Removing Barbed Wire Fence in Kimpo and Koyang region, the estuary of Han river.


A report says that guard soldiers along the 8.4KM long Barbed Wire Fence are scheduled to be withdrawn, and the Fence will also be removed. A certain section has already been removed. This region is where many North spies used as a major infiltration route in the past 1960s and 1970s. The Fence was put in there to stop them, and large budget were put into this structure at that time. Defense Authority, however, is now removing the Wire Fence without setting up any countermeasure, while the North is hostile to invade us as ever. It surely is a treason to the nation, helping the enemy,-unthinkable to nobody and unlikely to happen to any world!

4. Obstructing and Doing Harm to soldiers barrack life, which is essential to military discipline.


Defense Ministry is starting weekday Evening Leave in the Armed Forces. Bur this Leaves are distorting and harmful to disciplines, only getting them disorderly and weakening combat capabilities. It also encourages Soldiers on leave to leak secrets/informations by phone. While US Army is in fight-tonight readiness, Korean soldiers could only be making undisciplined mobs in disorder. It obviously is military leaders' enemy helping tactics. The Head and the General should take the responsibility and get punished.


5. Heads of Defense - Collaborated with pro-north political group for personal interests.


 1) President Moon confessed openly to the Nation and the World at the Reception for Winter Olympic Games last February that he admires Young-Bok Shin the most for his great and revered thought, who was a notorious spy for North Korea, - revealing his true identity of communist.


 2) Moon also showed extreme loyalties to Ee-Sang Yoon, a musician and the most vicious and notorious spy who worked for North Korea in Berlin in 20th century, - also unmasking his identity of pro-North Korea communist.


 3) The Accused Heads of Defense stand, not by the side of the Nation, but the pro-North politicians of current regime for their personal interests, thereby destroying/removing the most important defense structures/barriers, also obstructing/doing harm to military disciplines. President Moon's regime is not a legitimate government. He has been insisting 'withdrawal of US Army'. 'Abolition of National Security Law' and ' Unification thru Confederation'. Lately two citizens, who openly cited Moon a communist and charged with disgracing Moon's honor last year, were sentenced Not Guilty, making Moon lose the law suits. Now his deceptive practices are made open to all the public, and anyone in the world don't have to hesitate to call him a communist.


It is an ultimate and solemn duty of the Accused that they should defend/protect our Fatherland from the communist enemies. But they are destroying the country and committing national suicide by collaborating with inner enemies/pro-North Communists now in power. This sorts of cursed betrayal to the Nation is not what the Heads and Generals in Defense Ministry should take. No one in the Country will ever forgive them their treason of helping enemy.




1. Do Not Destroy/ Remove Anti-Tank Barriers in the Frontline

2. Do Not Withdraw GP from DMZ

3. Do Not Remove Barbed Wire Fence in the estuary of Han River

4. Do Not Obstruct/ Do Harm to Soldiers Barrack life


The Accused two, (Defense Minister Mr.Song and Joint Chief of staff Mr. Jung) are doing violation of above, and are accordingly committing crimes against Criminal Act 96 and 97. Therefore, we request the court to get them punished accordingly.


Attachment : 12 sets of evidence


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