4. 백악관민원-노무현제거됐다. 김대중이 노벨상지키려 262명 제거했다. > (구)자유게시판(2012이전)

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4. 백악관민원-노무현제거됐다. 김대중이 노벨상지키려 262명 제거했다.

페이지 정보

작성자 진실7777 작성일11-06-30 11:49 조회2,062회 댓글0건


North Korea deep spy South Korea Former President Kim dae jung send money N.K Kim jung il. more people murder.

Please announce outcome of investigation.
   ECHELON Super Computer => NSA
White House civil complaint Kim dae jung Barbarity.

A. South Korea President Kim dae jung was Barbarity. Muder 262 people in2001-2002.  Please Kim dae jung strip Nobel Peace Prize in 2000.

B. Doctor was murder 1,000 people in Kim Dae-jung Government 2001-2008.
    S.Korea Chung-ju city. http://www.kuh.co.kr/

C. Former S.Korea President No-mu-heon murder true.

D. S.Korea Lee mung pack is N.K Communist Party member.

1. North Korea deep spy South Korea Former President Kim dae jung.
(= Kim dae jung was North korea guerrilla in 1950 Korea War.)
Kim dae jung was N.K Communist Party center member.Kim dae jung was North Korea deep spy. and He was die.
But, He was South Korea President and do much democratization.
Kim Dae Jung is a Nobel prize winner in 2000.


2. North Korea deep spy South Korea Former President
Kim dae jung send money North Korean Kim jung il.
Mysterious deaths 2001-06. 50 more people die.
North Korea deep spy South Korea Former President Kim dae jung send money N.K Kim jung il. more people murder.


Change of Korean language.  View!  Detail story.
http://usinsideworld.com/article/view.php?&ss=1&bbs_id=community&page=9&doc_num=28315      add story 2010.12.24
namber 15. Kim dae Jung was barbarity in 1951-1953 Korea War reading!.

KCIA file 2003.04 file

3. North Korea soldier rpg attcck S.K 530GP in 2005.

4. South Korea A dog,
Recommendation to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in East Timor 2000.
South Korea's military has dispatched East Timor in 2000.
Duke won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000.

5. Former South Korea President Kim dae jung
was hijacking Sin-dong-ah Life Grub Ltd.

6. North Korea deep spy South Korea Former President
Kim dae jung get money North Korea Kim il sung for 30 Years. and
Another, Kim dae jung get North Korea 3 people spy.

7. KCIA staff launch off 581 people.  Intelligence agencies to neutralize
Kim dae Jung was Communist Party of North Korea Central Committee mamber.

8. Kim dae Jung was barbarity in 1951-1953 Korea War.
Wor-ak Mountain Barbarity.
Former South Korea President Kim-dae-jung killed farmers in 1951-1952 KOREA WAR. (He was guerrilla or murder)


9. FBI Survey Kim Dae Jung slush Money  $ 360,000,000  on New York.
South Korea People collect gold Money in 1998-2000.(South Korea of IMF)

10. Embezzlement! money. Mun-su-ryong dead.
Kim dae jung extortion money Mun-su-ryong dead.(= He job was vote of people.)

11. Another, Lim Dong-won KCIA Director was North Korea Deep spy.
Former KCIA staff Kim-ki-sam proof.

12. Kim dae jung fetch from North Korea Soldier in 1980.5.18 South Korea Kang-ju.
South Korea Kang-ju killed more people in 1980.
Kim dae jung with North Korea Soldier was Barbarity.

13. Former South Korea President Roh Moo-hyun murder rumour story.
Emergency medical report.    

14. KCIA 4 member people Declaration!
Former Hyun-dai group Chairman Jeong-mong-heon murder.

15. Kim dae Jung was barbarity in 1951-1953 Korea War.
Wor-ak Mountain area Barbarity.
2000 Year, Nobel Peace Prize Complaints against more people mystery death.
Kim dae jung catch farmers people and entrain North Korea.

16. Public of North Korea Kim Jong Il. Kim dae jung was barbarity.
Kim dae jung sell South Korea Dok-do. Kim dae jung slush Money.

17. Murderers Kim ade jung in 1946 KCIA file.

18. Kim dae jung b.u.ying experience. He was best friend Kim jin ha of US CIC.

19. Kim dae jung Illegitimate daughter on SBS TV view.

20. Kim dae jung Government disappear 69,000,000,000,000 South Korea won

21. South Korea Dae-ku subway barbarity.

http://www.systemclub.co.kr/board/bbs/board.php?bo_table=board02&wr_id=35657     add file

22. South Korea Lie!


노무현은 김대중.이명박.김대중 둘째아들이 제거했다.-전 세계가 다 들었다.백악관민원도 사기치는 이명박  

kim   조회: 1334 ㅣ 2011.04.28 13:57  

A. Please announce outcome of investigation.
   ECHELON Super Computer => NSA

Change of Korean Language View! detail story. Murder 262 people.

South Korea President Kim dae jung was Barbarity.
Kim dae jung was North Korea deep spy.
Kim dae jung send money N.Korea Kim jung il. Murder people 12.
Recommendation to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in East Timor 2000.
South Korea's military has dispatched East Timor in 2000.
Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000.

all send -> send or sent     ...   change!

Former S.Korea President No-mu-heon murder true.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

(구)자유게시판(2012이전) 목록

Total 18,634건 206 페이지
(구)자유게시판(2012이전) 목록
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