A Grave Lesson We, Koreans Should not Forget > (구)자유게시판(2012~2014)

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(구)자유게시판(2012~2014) 목록

A Grave Lesson We, Koreans Should not Forget

페이지 정보

작성자 stallon 작성일13-07-03 11:23 조회2,608회 댓글5건


Following article is a translated one from Korean into English. While I was surfing internet articles, I was able to find the following lengthy article posted in Korean. As the content of the article was so touched and impressed that I decided to translate. I hope this be widely read by our heroic warriors. Thanks.

Jae-sung Chung

General W. H. Walker (Commander, 8th USArmy in Korea, 1950)
On December 23, 1950, Walker was killed in a traffic accident
near Uijeongbu
when his command jeep
collided with a
civilian truck at high speed as he inspected positions north
of Seoul.

A Grave Lesson We, Koreans Should not Forget

"The US 24th Infantry Division was in retreat, struggling with the Chinese Army's human wave attacks. my father, LT. Gen. walton H. Walker, was headed to the division's base to encourage the unit and to award the US Silver Star medal to me for a successful operation we made during that retreat."

However, my father died because his jeep collided with a ROK military truck in the retreat at Uijeong-bu, north of Seoul. In the bitter winter conditions in which US forces had to struggle with massive attacks, the general was believed to have been extremely excited by the news that the 24th division had a triumph while retreating and that the recipient of the Silver Star decoration was his son.

It was two days before Christmas, 1951. I knew later that General MacArthur had recommended that my father be promoted to four-star general rank. so, very sadly, the first meeting between my father and I would never occur, on the Korean peninsula where we were both serving our country.

Unlike his father, General walton H. Walker (who was posthumously promoted to general), a picture of toughness with the nickname "Bulldog", the son, General Sam Walker, was braced at attention 30 years later, at Arlington National Cemetery, and saluted the grave site of his father. the son was being interviewed by TBC-TV of Korea to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Korean war. while a man of great strength, a strength honed by his lifelong military service, General Sam Walker could not fight back the tears as he saluted his father.

After his father died in Korea, the then-Captain Walker was summoned by General MacArthur, the Commander of the United Nations Supreme Command in Tokyo. The legendary leader told Captain walker "I express my deepest condolences over your father's death. His death is a great loss to our country."

Gen. McArthur told the young Captain that he had to accompany his father's remains to the United States for burial at Arlington National Cemetery. surprisingly the young Captain told the General that he had a more important mission in the war that was raging in Korea.

"You Excellency, sir, it is impossible sir, I am now performing my job of an infantry company commander on the front lines," the young officer told General MacArthur.

"What's more, my unit is now in retreat sir. I am sure, your excellency knows better than most how hard the retreat operation is. At this very moment, my soldiers are risking their lives in combat while struggling with other unbearable difficulties like the weather.

"Please have this matter handled by the office of protocol," Captain Walker said. "That office is under your control sir. I have to return to the front line sir."

General MacArthur looked over his shoulder as walked towards the door. "This is an order" the General said and left the room. There was no alternative, he had to follow orders and escorted his father's remains to aAlington and placed him to his final resting place.

Later, while assigned to Army headquarters in washington D.C., the son suddenly realized why General McArthur has issued his order, how the army legend's wisdom was applied. "It was because he didn't want to lose his beloved friend and General Commander, and his son, on the same battlefield.

While he understood the order, had to follow it, General Sam Walker always regretted leaving his combat post, his troops, on the Korean battlefield. He would be further haunted by his being short listed on the promotion list and forcibly retired by the Army. This happened even though he was a young, promising candidated for the Army's upper ranks.

We Koreans are well aware of another slap across the face -- this time Maj. General John K. Singlaub who was forced to retire by President Jimmy Carter. Gen. Singlaub had strongly opposed the reduction plan of US troops stationed in Korea.

There is another chapter to the late General Walton H. Walker's fatal traffic accident in 1951, one the Korean people don't know. General Walker's accident took place not far from where two young female students, Miseon and Hyosoon, died when a US armored vehicle ran them over during a military exercise several years ago.

In the accident in 1951, ROK's first president Seung-man Rhee ordered the two ROK soldiers involved in General Walker's accident be executed. President Rhee was, however, persuaded by the US military advisory officers not to execute the two Korean soldiers ,and the two soldiers' punishment was reduced instead of execution.

However, in the contrary to this case, we Koreans need to ask ourselves questions how we Koreans did in turn over the obvious fact that there are quite a lot Koreans who have never tolerated the US armored vehicle operator who just mistakenly ran two middle school girls over while performing military exercise.

But in the case in which two middle school girls were killed by a US armored vehicle several years ago, some people thought there was hypocrisy -- no outcry, no action recommended, for the soldiers responsible for the deaths.

Although the accident was judged to be involuntary manslaughter, many Koreans, with intense hate and anger, held candlelight vigils for months in the heart of Seoul. The demonstrators shouted "Americans, get out of Korea" while some of them broke into a US military camp and tore down the American flag.

Were those same demonstrators aware of, have a memory of, Maj. General william Dean, 24th infantry division commander?

Were they aware of his nearly impossible mission to defend the city of Taejon with the enemy bearing down on his soldier's position?

In that action, General Dean picked up a 3.5" rocket launcher and destroyed an enemy T-34 soviet tank. After that action, General Dean was reported missing. unknown to the allies, and Gen. Dean was wandering in the mountains for more than a month.

General Dean was spotted by a Korean informer and taken to a POW camp in north Korea. When released, he was recommended for the medal of honor but he refused, saying "what I did as a division commander on the Korean battlefield in no way deserves even a wooden medal...destroying an enemy tank could have been done by any NCOs."

As an example of Gen. Dean's sense of honor, he recommended that the Korean government reduce the punishment of the Korean villager who turned him in. The general simply said that the villager, also torn by the war raging around him and his family, was simply trying to make a way to keep his family alive.

Such a giving act probably can't be comprehended by many Koreans -- imagine, one of our division commanders deployed overseas, caught as a POW during combat because a local villager turned him in for his own favor.

Dearest mom,

This letter is sent to the dedicated wife of a solider. I hope no tears will make this letter wet, mom. I volunteered to get combat flying training and I will soon pilot a B-26 bomber. Because I am the pilot, a bomb dropper sits in front, a navigator sits beside me and a machine-gunner behind us. Father is now fighting on the Korean battlefield to preserve the right by which everyone can live without horror.

At last, a chance that I can give my help to father has reached me. Dear mom, please do not pray for your son, but for my crews who are summoned by uncle same to meet the difficult challenges. some crews who have lovely wives or girl friends who will cross their fingers for the crew's safe return. I will do my best. This is always my duty.

Goodbye for now.

Your son Jim

The above letter was written by US Air Force 1st lieutenant James A. Van Fleet, Jr., the only son of US General James A. Van Fleet, Commander in Chief of the US 8th Army in Korea. This letter was the last one. On april 2, 1952, lieutenant Van Fleet was performing a night bombing mission over Soonchen near the yalu river. His bomber disappeared from radar at Kimpo air field at 03:00 hours. A search operation was launched.

On april 4, 1952, Commander Van Fleet was informed that his son, crew and aircraft were missing in action and that a search operation was being conducted. The general listened to this wrenching report in silence, then issued this order:

"Stop all searching operations for 1st LT. James A. Van Fleet Jr. it is extremely imprudent to conduct a search operation in the enemy's area." thus, the father had ordered to stop searching for his only son. This order was verified by the former ROKF-Vietnam Commander, retired LTG. Chae, Myung-shin, who was at that time a ROK unit commander in the northern area of Korea.

A few days later, on Easter, the US 8th Army commander sent a letter to the families of those missing in action: "I am sure every parent will share the same feeling with me. our sons are doing their best by fulfilling their given missions and service to their country. as Christ said, there are no greater men than those who sacrifice themselves for their friends." here, the General called Korea his friend for whom he had to bear pains by sacrificing his only son.

To this man of integrity came a surprising request. in December, 1952 , US President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, the architect of allied victory in world war II in Europe, visited Korea to inspect the front and visited the 8th Army headquarters of General Van Fleet. The soon-to-be Commander-in-Chief was briefed on the military situation by US and ROK officers.

After the briefing was concluded, Eisenhower asked a stunning question of Gen. Van Fleet: "General, where is my son, Major john Eisenhower?" the question seemed highly inappropriate to Gen, Van Fleet, who had earlier lost his son in combat. It was a question that heightened tension in the briefing room.

General Van Fleet responded that Maj. Eisenhower was assigned to the 3rd US Infantry Division's G-2 section. To this, the president-elect asked the commander for a private favor, one that further astonished everyone in attendance, which was quoted as saying " General, pull him out from the present position, and reassign to a unit in the rear area."

The "favor" stunned everyone present, especially General Van Fleet. And eisenhower explained: "if my son is killed in action, I will be very sad of course. but I will regard my son's death as a great honor of the entire eisenhower family. but , in the worst case, if he is captured as a POW, the enemy will definitely want to bargain with the United States, while holding the president's son as leverage. In no way will I tolerate such a situation.:

Eisenhower further explained that the son of a sitting United States President, held in an enemy POW camp would be a strong bargaining chip for the north Koreans and Chinese...that is what he most wanted to avoid. And from an icy stare to a face of understanding, General Van Fleet and the other high-ranking officers immediately understood Eisenhower's logic.

The atmosphere changed in seconds. "I will take action right away sir," General Van Fleet told Eisenhower. That story was confirmed in the book "This Kind of War" written by retired LTC T. R. Fehrenboch, a former tank battalion commander with the US 2nd Infantry Division.

There were other undeniable signs of sacrifice during the Korean War by even the highest ranks. Capt. Clark, son of the last top commander of the United Nations Forces, Gen. Mark W. Clark, was wounded three times while fighting as a company commander at "Sniper's Ridge" at Keumhwa in Korea. He later died from the wounds.

The final tally speaks loudly, clearly. Out of a total of 142 sons of US General officers who served during the Korean War, 35 of them were killed in action. the total number of dead on the Korean battlefield; 54,000; wounded, more than 100,000.

The most admirable country, the United States of America, dedicated its treasure -- the nation's young men and women -- to a cause of freedom when Korea called, in its darkest hour of desperate need. From general to private, sacrifices were not uncommon during the Korean War. This fact stands in conflict with what modern-day Koreans have seen -- high-ranking officials with their riches, corruption, the celebrities, social figures, popular entertainers and sports figures -- all avoiding military service.

We must ask ourselves some questions.

Which country's fathers are more respectful?

Which country's people are more patriotic?

Which country is more honorable?

Which country deserves thanks?

What do benevolence, integrity and patriotism mean?

Are we patriotic now?

Dear countrymen and women, it is time for us, as a united nation, to deeply rethink our positions on these issues. We will soon observe the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. But it is somewhat sad to realize that fewer and fewer can sing the Korean war song.

Can our President himself, or cabinet members, sing that song?

Do our proud troops, while fulfilling their duty to our nation, know that song?

We cannot simply blame the teenagers and kids for not knowing the Korean war song because they have not been taught it, the deep meaning of it, because parents, teachers, soldiers and even the President of Korea have all shoved the song out of their memories.

That is one major reason our younger generations don't recognize even our most contemporary history, the tale of how we bravely, and with the assistance of our friends who sacrificed much, fought back an invasion force and saved the freedom of this beloved land. If the young don't know the history of our time, then how can they distinguish between savior and foe?

Will our past -- with all of the lessons there for us to see -- be erased? Will the slogan -- Korea being the forgotten war -- become reality?

One truth is self evident -- that we as a people have absent-mindedly tossed from our memories what we should have never forgotten, how our enemies wanted to make us -- our country, our culture -- disappear from the earth. we must never dismiss history. we should not warm a snake in our bosom.


전야113님의 댓글

전야113 작성일

우리말로 소개 합니다

해리스 월턴 워커
(Harris Walton Walker, 1889년 12월 3일 ~ 1950년 12월 23일(61세))는
미국의 육군 군인이다.
1889년 12월 3일 텍사스 주 벨턴에서 태어났다. 1912년 웨스트 포인트를 졸업한 뒤, 프레드릭 펀스턴 준장 아래에서 베라크루스에 원정을, 그리고 미국 맥시코 간의 국경을 순찰하였다. 미국이 제1차 세계대전에 참전하게 되자, 5 보병 사단 기관총대대 중대장으로 참전하였으며, 은성 훈장을 수여받았다. 종전 이후, 중국과 지휘 및 참모 학교, 웨스트 포인트과 기타, 그리고 1930년에는 조지 마셜이 이끄는 보병 여단에서 집행 장교로서 근무하였다.

제2차 세계 대전
제2차 세계대전이 발발하자, 월턴 워커 소장은 3 기갑 사단장으로서 유럽 전선에 참전하였다.

조지 패튼 장군 휘하에서 20 군단장으로 임명되어 진격하였다. 워커 장군은 당시 북아프리카 전투에서 독일 제3제국 국방군의 롬멜부대와 맞서 공훈을 세우고 중장으로 승진하였다.

종전 후, 5 군 사령관직을 거쳐 1948년 8 군 사령관으로 임명되었다.

한국 전쟁
1950년 6월 25일 조선민주주의인민공화국에 의해 한국 전쟁이 발발하자, 월턴 워커 중장은 7월 13일 한반도로 파견되었다.

“ “우리는 더 이상 물러설 수 없고, 더 이상 물러설 곳도 없다. 무슨 일이 있어도 결코 후퇴란 있을 수 없다.” ”
  — 《낙동강 방어선을 사수하라고 부하들에게게 명령하면서》
“ “내가 여기서 죽더라도 끝까지 한국을 지키겠다.” ”
  — 《낙동강 전선 시찰 도중 차출된 국군들과 함께》

“ "여기서 더 후퇴하면 내가 장례식을 치뤄주지 !!" 《1950년 7월 29일 낙동강 전선 시찰 후》 ”

대한민국에 부임 당시 미숙했던 장병들만으로 극도로 불리했던 낙동강 전선을 사수하면서 그는 낙동강 방어선에서 죽는 한이 있어도 무조건 방어하라고 부하들에게 명령했다. 이에 한 부하가 반론을 제기하자, 옆에 있던 더글라스 맥아더가 "군대에는 민주주의가 없다."라는 말로 워커 중장의 지휘명령을 옹호해줬다. 이후 한반도에 상륙한 타흐신 야즈즈가 이끄는 터키 지원군의 지원을 받아, 낙동강 방어선을 방어해냈다.

1950년 12월 23일, 훗날 육군 대장이 되는 아들인 샘 S. 워커 대위의 은성 무공 훈장 수상을 축하해주기 위해 가던 중 의정부(현재 서울특별시 도봉구 도봉동 자리)에서 교통 사고로 죽었다. 그가 타고 있던 지휘관 지프는 빠른 속도로 움직이는 민간인 차량을 피하다가 굴러떨어졌으며, 시신은 아들에 의해 수습되어 미국 본토로 보내졌다. 이듬해 1951년 1월 2일, 알린턴 국립 묘지에서 화장되었으며, 대장으로 추서되었다.

월튼 워커 중장의 죽음으로 공석이 된 8 군 사령관 직은 매슈 리지웨이 중장이 후임으로 취임하면서 메꾸어졌다.

그의 외아들 샘 S. 워커 대위는 한국전쟁 당시 맨 앞에서 진두지휘하며 전투에 참여했다. 이후, 샘 워커 대위는 미국의 군사 역사상 최연소 대장으로 진급하게 된다. 이로 인하여 미군 역사상 유일하게 아버지와 아들이 나란히 대장에 진급되는 영광을 누리게 된다.

stallon님의 댓글

stallon 작성일

전야님 감사합니다. 실은 특별한 용도 때문에 지만원 박사께서 영문 번역분을 요청하셔서 국문내용을 생략한 것입니다.오해들 없으시기 바랍니다.

전야113님의 댓글

전야113 댓글의 댓글 작성일

수 많은 희생으로 지켜온 나라인데
국내 종북세력들은, 
미국과 연합군의 한반도 군사개입으로
김일성의 통일전쟁을 실패로 끝나게 한 외세개입이라고 적대시 -
이제는 미군철수 한미연합사해체를 주장하고 있으니  말입니다 -

한반도 통일에 대한,
국내 좌파 빨갱이 종북새력들의 생각과
우리들의 생각의 차이는 정반대라고 봅니다 -

종북새력 척결 없이는 적화통일은 필연으로 봅니다 만 .....

inf247661님의 댓글

inf247661 댓글의 댓글 작성일

【전야】님! 번역해주오셔서 고맙읍니다! ^*^
'워커' 중장님이야말로 가장 큰 공로자로 봐야겠지요. ,,. '워커'중장님이 제군 군사령관으로써 낙동강 교두보 ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ 최후 방어선을 지탱해내지 못했었더라면 '맥아더'원수의 "인천 상륙 작전 우회 기동'도 성공치 못했었을 것이니깐요! ,,.
內線 作戰(내선 작전)의 잇점을 최대한 활용, 기동방어작전을 겸한 방어 지탱! ,,.
우리들은 '워커'중장님의 공로를 잊기 쉽죠. '맥아더'의 후광에 가려져,,.
북진작전 시에도 '워커'중장님은 '맥아더'와 '기동 계획면'에서 의견이 달랐지만,,. 애석하죠. '워커'의 機動計劃이 채택되어졌었다면 오늘날 우리 한반도는 크게 상황이 달라졌었을 터! ,,. 참 아까운! ,,. '맥아더'와 '워커'와는 별로 사이가 원만치 않.못했었다는 ,,. 중간에 간신뱅이{아첨꾼}들이 끼여있어서,,. 삼가 고인의 명복이나마 새삼 빕니다! ,,.

서울 구의동 뻐쓰터미널 직전, 漢江 강변 ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ 峨嵯山(아차산) 臥地線(와지선)에 구축된 '워커 힐{Waker Hill}도 '박'통 당시 '워커'중장님을 기념키 위한 일종의 추념 건물이라는 것도 내종에 알아쑈. ,,.. 우리들 너무 이런 배경 지식에 소홀했었읍니다. ,,. 부끄러운,,.
그런데, 제목을 보면; A Grave Lesson We, Koreans Should not Forget 로 되어 있는 바;
본문 제목도 꼭같이  A Grave Lesson We, Koreans Should not Forget 로 되어있군요. ^*^
혹시나라도 컴마 위치가 잘못된 건 아닌지,,.
A grave Lesson, We Koreans Should not Forget.
장엄{진지, 중대, 침통}한 교훈(과제), 우리 한국인들이 잊지 말아야만 할. 로 해석된다면,,. ^*^
餘 不備 禮, 悤悤.

돌石님의 댓글

돌石 댓글의 댓글 작성일

번역한게 아니고 위키페디아에서 소개한 워커장군에 대한 일반 안내 사항을 위의 원글과는 거의 관계없는 글을 붙였는데 정 선생님에게는 그것이 위의 글을 번역한 거 같이 보였군요.

(구)자유게시판(2012~2014) 목록

Total 25,367건 412 페이지
(구)자유게시판(2012~2014) 목록
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열람중 A Grave Lesson We, Koreans Sho… 댓글(5) stallon 2013-07-03 2609 11
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13018 세상 바로 잡기 빨갱이소탕 2013-07-03 3751 20
13017 국가원수를 희롱하는 죄를 저질러놓고도 중년신사 2013-07-03 4449 20
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13013 黨名 <새누리=빨갱이 새世上>을 뜻하나? 댓글(4) 면도칼 2013-07-03 3169 24
13012 민주당은 해산하라 댓글(2) 일석 2013-07-03 3517 26
13011 생명과 피로 지킨 NLL을 괴물이라니 블루투데이 2013-07-03 3963 16
13010 딴지일보 이것들 정말.... 차봄근 2013-07-03 4604 24
13009 박근혜가 잘못하면 가차없이 비판해야 하는 이유 댓글(11) 유람가세 2013-07-03 3257 18
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